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Are The Reds Running downhill or is All the trading and firing for the best? The Reds were below .500 at the end of July, and the fingers were pointing at Bob Boone and Jim Bowden-But were they the problem-Yes. Jim Bowden has been with the Cincinnati Reds for 11 years, Bob Boone for just 1. Somehow in the past Jim Bowden has dodged the bullet, but many managers have come and gone. Every time the reds start losing, the manager is sacked. Then everything's gonna be okay because they have this new manager who ends up being the worst manager in major league history. Or they leave Cincinnati and do great in the next city(Mckeon). Maybe the problem has been the players and that is behind all the trading of key players-who knows? I do know that they have a hall of famer in the making- Ryan Wagner. The kid is Awesome.