Information for hiking the Zion Narrows year round. Outfitting essentials & info to help make your Narrows experience a life-changing one. Narrows Checklist:
Related Links
Zion Adventure Company - Narrows Outfitter, Shuttle Provider & Guided Canyoneering/Rock Climbing
USGS Hydrograph Station for the Virgin River in Zion
Zion Narrows Map
Zion Narrows Permits
Canyoneering Gear
Zion Cycles - Bike Rentals, Repair Service, Trail Info, Maps, Accessories & More! Located behind Zion Pizza Noodle Co.
Pizza Noodle Company - Great pizza & pasta
Novel House Inn - THE place to stay in Zion!
Angels Landing
General Information on Hiking The Narrows, Zion National Park
Hiking the Zion Narrows is possible most of the year, including the Winter. Monsoon season (mid-July through mid-September), and early Spring, when the snow melt runs off from the higher elevations, may render the Narrows un-hikable for short stretches of time. During the colder months (October-May) a dry suit is necessary, to prevent hypothermia. The end of September and June are considered ideal times for this hike.
The flow of the river is the determining factor for hikability. The flow is measured by Cubic Feet per Second, or CFS. The lower the CFS, the easier the hiking will be. Typically, the CFS will be very high (600-1000 CFS) during Spring run-off (March-May), and gradually lower, until it reaches roughly 120 CFS by the end of May/early June. By September, the flow may be as low as 25 CFS, which is a wonderful level for hiking. I have personally hiked the Narrows (from the bottom up) in early May of 2001, towards the end of Spring run-off, when the flow was measured at 286 CFS. It was quite challenging and a dry suit, (available for rent at the Zion Adventure Company) was necessary, as the water temperture was in the 40's. Special river hiking shoes and a walking stick is highly recommended and available at the Zion Adventure Company as well. A visit or phone call to the knowledgeble folks at this awesome place will prove indispensible to anyone preparing a hike through the Narrows. Information about their services and the Narrows hike can also be accessed from their website: The Zion Adventure Company. The specially designed footwear and walking stick will help to make your time spent in the Narrows much safer and pleasurable. The algea covering the rocks in the water will make it seem like you are hiking on 'greased bowling balls'. No exaggeration here. The Five Ten Canyoneer river shoe, with it's super sticky rubber sole and self-drainage holes, combined with the neoprene sock for warmth, is the ultimate in comfort and traction. Stop in and try on a pair for yourself! Rental packages range from $16 for warm water hiking (June-September) and $35 for cold water hiking (October-May). Overnight rentals (for the two-day overnight hike through the Narrows) are available, as well...$25 for warm water or $55 for cold water. Please inquire for more information (435) 772-1001.
3 ways to hike the Narrows:
1. The One Day Thru-HikeThe length of the Zion Narrows from the top is 16 miles. There is an additional 1 mile paved hike along the 'Riverside Walk' trail at the end, to access the Zion Canyon shuttle bus to the Visitor's Center, where you should have your car waiting for you. Hiking time usually averages 12 hours for most people. Tt is necessary to hire a private shuttle company (not the shuttle that is operated by Zion National Park) to access Chamberlain's Ranch, the upper trailhead for the Narrows hike. *Note: Please keep in mind that Chamberlain's Ranch is private property, so please respect the priveledge to access the Narrows from the top. The Zion Adventure Co. provides shuttles for $25 per person, in season. Call (435) 772-1001 in advance, for reservations. Hiking the entire length of the Narrows in one day will be quite an athletic endeavor for most people. It is enjoyable for some, and quite challenging for others. Most first time Narrows hikers opt for the 'bottom up' hike, or the 2 day overnight option, to allow enough time to experience the canyon in leisure, without being on such a tight time schedule. Make sure to bring a headlamp or flashlight with you, especially in Sept. and Oct., when darkness falls between 7-7:30PM. Instead of carrying all your water, you may want to consider using a water filter, as weight is a big factor on the 1 day thru-hike. Pack only the essentials, including an extra layer of dry clothing (synthetic fibers, such as Coolmax or Capilene...NOT cotton), plenty of food and a lightsource. Throw in your first aid kit also, if you have one. Everything must be secured in a dry bag, available for rent at The Zion Adventure Company, or line the inside of your pack with plastic bags. There is a chance that everything can get wet, otherwise. A walking stick is essential, and the 5.10 Canyoneer river hiking shoes, also available for rent at The Zion Adventure Company, will help to make your day in the Narrows a safe one.
See Tom's Canyoneering Guide for more information on hiking the Narrows Top-Down in one day.
2. Two-Day Overnight Hike
I finally had the priviledge to hike the entire length of Zion's Narrows in April of 2001. It was my first backpack trip. The conditions were unusual for this time of year, which enabled hiking the Narrows during Spring run-off. Due to the serious drought Utah and much of the West is experiencing, there was not enough snow melt on the upper levels of the plateau to produce high water in the Narrows. The flow of the river was roughly 75 CFS, considered a comfortable level for hiking. However, the first several miles of the hike had melting ice along the shoreline, which caused slippery mud conditions. I fell several times as a result, and found it safer to walk in the river instead. I rented the Zion Adventure Company's Cold Water Package, which included their Narrows Dry Suit and the Five Ten Canyoneer footwear that comes along with the package. Can't say enough about that store and their stuff, not to mention the wonderful staff! The shuttle operators in town were not yet providing service up to Chamberlain's Ranch, (too early in the season) so I had to enlist a friend to drive me up to the top. I started hiking around 9:00 AM and made it to my designated campsite #8 seven hours later. The first 2 miles of the hike were on a dirt road, and it was easy going. The next 2 miles or so were in ankle deep water, and was also relatively easy. From then on, I was in and out of different depths of water, none if I recall, over upper waist. Normally, there are 12 campsites in the Narrows, but as of this writing (10/13/02), one of the 12 was recently closed due to hikers' carelessness in waste removal...the human kind. Sad. To help allieviate this situation, the Park Service has been issuing special sanitary waste bags, which are lightweight and work great for packing out your waste. Obviously, not everyone shares the same concerns for our environment. VERY sad. Please help do your share, so that the Narrows will continue to provide people the opportunity for a potential life changing experience. It is entirely possible that future access to the Narrows from Chamberlain's Ranch will be denied to hikers if such careless disrespect is continued. In fact, it would not surprise me. I saw a large amount of litter along the hike, especially on Chamberlain's Ranch property. This could easily provide The Park Service, and/or Mr. Chaimberlain an excuse to block access. Please be considerate. More about the hike...I recommend a lower campsite, specifically #6-12. Campsite #8 is set aside for large groups, but the Park Service may grant a permit for smaller groups during non-peak months, when few hikers do the overnight hike. I would suggest requesting #8 when you apply for your permit because, in my opinion, it is AWESOME! A HUGE beautiful alcove, which shields against wind and/or rain. Otherwise, any site between #9-12 would be fine. There is nothing unsuitable with the upper sites, only that it is prefferable to break the 2 days up evenly.
See Tom's Canyoneering Guide for more information on hiking the Narrows Top-Down Overnight.
3. Bottom-Up Hike
This is my favorite way to do the Zion Narrows hike. No permit is necessary to hike from the bottom-up. Park your car at the Visitor's Center inside the park, and hop on the free Zion Canyon shuttle up canyon. Get off the shuttle at the last stop, which is the Temple of Sinawava. The shuttle ride will take aproximately 45 minutes, so plan accordingly. From there, hike the 1 mile Riverside Walk trail (paved) to the end, which should take about 20 minutes. When the pavement ends, begin hiking upstream in the river. Within fifteen minutes of hiking you will see Mystery Canyon Falls, a thin 120' waterfall spilling over on your right. From here, it just gets more magnificent with each step. No words can even come close to describing such beauty. Continue on upstream past Mystery Falls. About 1 mile from where you began hiking in the river, you will come upon the Narrows Alcove. This is a spectacular rock amphitheatre, surrounded by lush green vegetation. From the Alcove, it is only about 1/2 of a mile further to Orderville Canyon, a popular destination/turn-around point for many bottom-up hikers. I suggest continuing on upstream to Big Springs, roughly 4 miles from where you started in the river. It will take aproximately 4 hours to hike up to Big Springs, and about 3 hours to hike back downstream to the Temple of Sinawava. Plan on about 7 hours in the river...a full on day in the Narrows! Hiking up to Big Springs will enable you to see the most photographed section of the canyon, where the walls are only 22' wide and 1500' tall. Don't forget to bring your camera! On the way back, if you have the time/energy, check out Orderville Canyon. This canyon is very beautiful, as well. There are some obstacles such as small waterfalls, log jams and rock falls, that you will need to negotiate in order to progress up Orderville. It is much easier to climb up these obstacles, then it is to climb down, so keep that in mind! Eventually the going gets too difficult to continue without using ropes, and most folks turn back at that point. Experienced climbers with very good downclimbing ability can get pretty far up canyon. If you are familar with rappelling techniques, I suggest hiking Orderville Canyon from the top down. You will need a shuttle to the upper trailhead, about an hours' drive from the Visitor's Center. The Zion Adventure Company provides transportation to Orderville for $25.00 per person in season. Departure time is 6:00 AM, so don't forget to pick up an alarm clock at Zion Outdoor, located behind the Zion Pizza & Noodle Company & Zion Cycles.
See Tom's Canyoneering Guide for more information on hiking the Narrows Bottom-Up.
Useful Phone Numbers:
Narrows Specific:
Zion Adventure Company - Narrows Outfitter & Shuttle provider to Chamberlain's Ranch (435) 772-1001
Zion National Park Backcountry Desk – Narrows Permit Info (435) 772-0170
Zion Backcountry Desk Hours:
January 1 - April 18
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
April 19 - May 23
6:30 am - 6:00 pm
May 24 - September 7
6:30 am - 7:00 pm
September 8 - October 5
6:30 am - 6:00 pm
October 6 - Mid April, 2004
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Places to Eat in Springdale:
Zion Pizza Noodle Company – Gourmet pizza, pasta & salads at their finast. Beer garden out back.
Reasonably priced ($8.95-$12.95). No credit cards accepted, but thankfully, there is an ATM located 1/2 a block away (Zion's Bank).
Personally, I don't know what I would do without this place in Springdale...possibly move back to NY! (435) 772-3815
Bit & Spur - Mexican & American cuisine w/bar on premises.
In addition to dinner & alcohol, the 'Bit' offers occasional live music.
If you are fortunate enough to be in town on 'band night', check it won't be sorry!
For dessert, the Brownie Creme Brule is an absolute must have! (435) 772-3498
Flanigan's Spotted Dog Cafe – Upscale dining...wonderful fish, chicken, pork & steak.
Reservations accepted and may not be a bad idea on a Friday or Saturday night.
Breakfast served in season (435) 772-3244
Sol Foods – Gourmet sandwiches, salad bar & burgers. My recommendation for lunch.
Located next door to a very well stocked grocery store, in the Zion Canyon Giant Screen Imax Theatre,
just outside the park entrance (435) 772-0277
Mean Bean Coffee House– Coffee shop & local climber’s hangout. Open daily from 6:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Come Spring '04, the 'Bean' will be expanding its current location to accommodate all the loyal local & visiting java junkies.
Expanded hours & menu to follow as well. (435) 772-0654
Roberto's - Springdale's newest eatery, this very small & cozy place is sure to become a local hangout.
The menu is Mexican, and everything is FRESH! Decent sized portions, and moderately priced.
Open until 11:00 pm in season (435) 772-6901
Springdale Fruit Co. – – Fresh fruit grown on premises. This place has the absolute BEST turkey sandwich in town!
In addition, unbelievable specialty breads, brought in from Volkers' bakery located in Salt Lake.
Real fruit smoothies, to top it off. Love this place! (435) 772-3222
Zion Park Gift & Deli – Ice cream & sandwich shop. One of the few places in town to get a hand-dipped cone/cup.
Located next door to Zion Pizza Noodle Company & Zion Cycles (435) 772-3843
Majestic View Steakhouse - Steak, chicken & seafood, as well as elk, buffalo & ostrich, if that's your thing.
Open for lunch & dinner, year round. Breakfast served in season (May-?). Moderately priced (435) 772-0665
The Red Rock Grill at Zion Lodge – The only restaurant located inside the park. Open 365 days. Diner reservations suggested during season (435) 772-3213
Switchback Grille– Serves breakfast, lunch & dinner. Moderate to pricy. Has state-owned liquor store on premises, located at the rear of the gift shop.
Serves Ben & Jerry's hand-dipped ice cream (in season) (435) 772-3700
Tsunami Juice & Java - Sandwich wraps & smoothies. The 'Mother Lode Mocha' is a MUST have! Sandwiches are good, too (435) 772-3818
Pioneer Restaurant - The 'Pio' is the local favorite breakfast place. Decent food at moderate prices (435) 772-3009
Bumbleberry - Burgers, fries and other standard 'diner' fare in standard no frills 'diner' atmosphere (435) 772-3611
Thai Sapa - Authentic Thai Food, prepared by a local Vietnamese woman and her husband.
Thai Sapa is a much welcome addition to Springdale, and I HIGHLY recommend it.
Everything on the menu is AWESOME! Located in the Zion Canyon Giant Screen Imax Theatre complex
(435) 772-3678
Panda Garden - So So Chinese. Let me just say that Southern Utah is not exactly noted for its' Chinese Cuisine. You be the judge (435) 772-3535
Driftwood Restaurant - Not the official name...this new restaurant, located on the Driftwood Lodge premises, expects to be completed by Spring '04. Watch for opening.
Novel House Inn – Surely the cleanest places you will ever stay! Awesome breakfast and wonderful hospitality.
Located next door to Dolce Vita ('The Bistro') & directly behind Zion Cycles & the Zion Pizza Noodle Company in the center of Springdale.
Give a big hug to hosts' Norma & Ross (435) 772-3650
Under the Eaves - Located in the heart of Springdale. Surrounded by beautiful gardens and spectacular scenery,
Under the Eaves is a wonderful place to stay while visiting Zion.
The breakfast is fabulous, and the hospitality provided by
owners Steve & Deb will be more entertaining than a Broadway show! (435) 772-3457
Zion Lodge – Located inside the Zion National Park, the Zion Lodge has 40 cabins & 80 rooms.
During peak travel season, reservations may be difficult to get.
Book well in advance. Open all year (435) 772-3213
Cliffrose Lodge – Beautiful gardens, awesome swimming pool, hot tub & access to the Virgin River.
Great place to have your wedding. Open year round. 40 rooms (435) 772-3234 or Toll Free (1-800) 243-8824
Canyon Vista Bed & Breakfast - Canyon Vista's 1.2 acre property has river access, a garden hot tub, pioneer style porch and
patio areas to dine, stargaze or just relax. Each room has a kitchenette, dining table, TV for DVD and VHS movies,
private bath and private entrance (435) 772-3801
Best Western Zion Park Inn – 120 rooms, restaurant, swimming pool, gift shop (435) 772-3200 or Toll Free (1-800) 934-7275
Flanigan's Inn – Very nice place to stay; excellent upscale restaurant on premises. 39 rooms (435) 772-3244 or Toll Free (1-800) 765-7787
Pioneer Lodge – 40 rooms (2 apartments), swimming pool & restaurant on premises (435) 772-3233
Driftwood Lodge – 48 rooms, pool, restaurant, art & photo gallery (David Pettit) on premises (435) 772-3262 or Toll Free (1-888) 801-2211
Majestic View Lodge - As of Sept. 2003 the Majestic has 19 beautifully decorated rooms to match the 'Log House' decor, and will eventually have
a total of 70 (when construction is completed). Some Wisconsin employment lawyer friends had a small conference here recently and like it.
Restaurant on premises serves breakfast, lunch & dinner (435) 772-0665 or Toll Free (1-866) 772-0665
Zion Park Motel - Very nice motel with 21 rooms & a pool. Located right in the center of Springdale, across the street from the
Zion Pizza Noodle Company & Zion Cycles. (435) 772-3880
Desert Pearl - The 'Pearl' offers 61 elegantly decorated rooms for those NOT on a budget.
Probably the most expensive lodging in Springdale.
Located next door to the Springdale Post Office (435) 772-8888 or Toll Free (1-888) 828-0898
Canyon Ranch Motel - 21 rooms with a small pool & very nice hot tub. Clean & decent (435) 772-3357
Bumbleberry Motel - 48 rooms with a small pool on premises. Open all year. Next door to the Zion Park Market & across the street from Zion Cycles.
(435) 772-3224 or Toll Free (1-800) 828-1534
Camping info:
INSIDE the Park:
South Campground – 128 sites. Fire grates, picnic tables, restrooms - no showers. First come basis. $14 or $16 for hook-up
(435) 772-3256
Watchman Campground – 160 sites. Fire grates, picnic tables, restrooms - no showers. Reservations accepted. $14 or $16 for hook-up
(435) 772-3256 or (1-800) 365-2267 for reservations.
The Lava Point Primitive Campground - Free
Usually open from May to October. Six sites with fire grates, tables & toilets, but no water, and limited shade.
Turn right onto Kolob Rd, which is located 15 minutes outside Springdale, in the town of Virgin.(435) 772-3256
OUTSIDE the Park:
Zion Canyon Campground & RV Park – Commercial campground. $16 for tent, includes shower.
Showers also available for general public, $3 for 8 minutes.
Please call for additional information (435) 772-3237
Mosquito Cove – Free camping area with plenty of level sites, some shaded. No toilets, tables or fire grates, but, again…it’s free!
Please help keep this area clean, by leaving no trace…thanks!
Located off Highway 9 at mile marker 23- ½, aprox. 7.5 miles (10 minutes) outside of Springdale
Kolob Reservoir - Lots of free camping (roughly 15 sites), located along the beautiful Kolob Resevoir. Porto-Potties & shade, but no water.
Elevation is much higher than Zion, around 9000 ft, so this is a great place to escape the summer heat.
Turn right onto Kolob Rd, which is located 13 miles outside Springdale, in the town of Virgin. Continue straight for about 23 miles, 4 miles PAST the turn-off for Lava point. Can't miss the reservoir.
Zion Canyon Shuttle Information:
Free shuttles depart from the Visitor Center from March 28 to the end of October.
Cars are not allowed to drive thru park during shuttle operation months.
From late May thru late August shuttles run 5:45 am – 10:30 pm, and 6:55 am – 10:00 pm rest of the season.
Shuttles operate every 6 minutes during peak hours. Bicycles are permitted to ride along the Zion Canyon Scenic Drive. Each shuttle can accomodate 2 bicycles, for those that prefer to ride only part of the distance.
Call (435) 772-0312 for additional shuttle information
Public Showers:
Zion Canyon Campground & RV Park – This is the commercial RV Park, located directly across the street from the Zion Adventure Company. $3.00 for 8 minutes (435) 772-3237
Galleries & Theaters:
Fatali Gallery – Unbelivable images of Zion & the Southwest…MUST SEE! Located directly in front of Zion Cycles & next door to the Zion Pizza Noodle Company (435) 772-2422
David Pettit/Driftwood Gallery – The best Narrows images I have ever seen! (435) 772-3262
Worthington Gallery – Beautiful handcrafted pottery and sculptures (435) 772-3446
O.C. Tanner Amphitheater – Theater productions in season (435) 772-3675
Zion Canyon Giant Screen Theatre – ‘Treasure of the Gods’ shows hourly (45 min). The theatre also shows a current movie on the big screen, every evening at 8:00 PM. The scheduale changes every 2 weeks. Call to see what's playing (435) 772-2400
Bike Shops:
Zion Cycles – Zion Cycles offers bike rentals (Lemond road bikes, Trek full suspension,
front suspension, tandem, cross bikes, kid's bikes & trailers),
expert repair service, trail information, maps, accessories and more!
Friendly service & awesome atmosphere. You'll find Zion Cycles directly behind the Zion Pizza Noodle Company,
in the Outdoor Center at 868 Zion Park Blvd. (435) 772-0400
Bead & Gift Shops:
Regalo - Susan, the owner of this wonderful little bead & gift shop, is one of the nicest people you will ever meet.
Her shop is the perfect place to buy an original gift for yourself or a loved one (435) 772-0616
Climbing/Camping Shops:
Zion Outdoor – Gear store for everything you forgot to bring!
Camping stoves, fuel (white gas & propane/butane canisters), Camelbaks, footwear, clothing, Zion Narrows maps,
Zion stickers, climbing gear and much, much more. Patagonia, Gramicci, Prana, Sportif, Metolious, Petzl & Black Diamond are
just a few of the brands they carry. Very friendly staff available to answer all your questions related to area hikes,
where to eat, sleep, etc. Don't forget to stop by and say 'Hi'. Located next door to Zion Cycles (435) 772-0630
Guided Canyoneering & Rock Climbing:
The Zion Adventure Company - Guided canyoneering and rock climbing for all ages & abilities.
Trips of different lengths offered, from 1/2 day outings to week long schools.
Learn from the ABSOLUTE BEST! Two locations: 36 Lion Blvd (next to Flanigans) &
868 Zion Park Blvd (next door to Zion Cycles), directly behind Zion Pizza & Noodle Company (435) 772-1001
Climbing areas outside of Zion National Park:
Crawdad Canyon Climbing Park - Located in Veyo, 17 miles north of St. George. Open May 1st - Labor Day 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM seven days a week.
$4.00 per day fee. Photo ID is mandatory to gain access to this climbing area, so make sure you don't forget it.
18 & younger must have signed liability form by parent or guardian. No dogs or bouldering allowed.
Two drive-in campsites available for $20.00 per night or scattered walk-in sites throughout the canyon can be had for $10.00 each per night.
Half the canyon is shaded at all times (435) 574-2300 or (435) 574-2416
Snow Canyon State Park - Located in Santa Clara, 7 miles north of St. George. Park open year round. Park has 34 tent sites with water & showers available. $5.00 per day to climb, $12.00 to camp (435) 628-2255
Prophesy Wall - Located 20 miles north of St. George. This area offers the best moderate multi-pitch climbing outside of Snow Canyon State Park.
Open year-round, with temps usually ranging 10 degrees cooler than St. George, so summer mornings are bearable.
Winter mornings can be chilly, so the afternoon may be best. Spring and fall are good any time of day.
Contact the BLM St George Field Office for more info (435) 688-3200
Devils Lake Climbing is WAY outside Zion.
Nick Wilkes guided out of Zion for six years, and now operates out of Madison, Wisconsin. Midwesterners should check him out for adventures closer to home.
Contact for more information: (608)556-1135
Veterinary/Dog Boarding:
Doggy Dude Ranch – Will watch Rover while you hike! (435) 772-3105
Zion Veterinary Clinic – Located 21 miles outside Springdale, in Hurricane (435) 635-4033
Grocery Stores:
Sol Foods Market - Friendly market located in the center of Springdale. All the necessities under one roof. Groceries (including fresh produce), frozen food selection, cooking & camping supplies, hiking snacks & treats.
AWESOME selection of DVD/VHS rentals. Huge walk-in soft drink & beer coolers provide ice cold refreshment. Open all year.
Farmer’s Market – Located 18 miles away in LaVerkin, this is the closest full size supermarket to Springdale. Closed Sundays
Qi Massage is offered by Springdale resident, Catrin Zambella.
She has the most powerful healing hands & spirit of anyone that I have ever come in contact with. You will feel the same!
Catrin also offers private & group Qigong & Meditation instruction (435) 772-0853
Health Food Stores:
Pioneer Nutrition – Supplements, natural foods…& frozen yogurt! In Hurricane (435) 635-2113
Dixie Nutrition - Located 45 minutes from Springdale, in St. George (435) 673-3447
Hot Springs:
Pah Tempe Mineral Hot Springs – Daily rates. Located 25 minutes from Springdale, in LaVerkin. (435) 635-2879
***UPDATE*** Pah Tempe Hot Springs is currently closed (Sept. 2003) before going!
ATM Machines:
Zions Bank – Teller service, also (435) 772-3274
Zion Canyon Giant Screen Theater – ATM located in courtyard (435) 772-2400
Canyon Tire Center – This is the Shell Gas Station, just so you know (435) 772-3963
Happy Camper Market - (435) 772-3402
Water, Wind & Time – Books & Maps (435) 772-2445
Zion National Park Visitor Center – Large selection of books, maps & posters (1-888) 518-7070
Zion Outdoor – Good selection of climbing books, topo maps & magazines. Related area hiking guides, as well (435) 772-0630
Zion Canyon Campground & RV Park – Laundromat on premises (435) 772-3237
Coin Laundromat – Next to Zion Park Market & Motel (435) 772-3251
Public Library:
Springdale Library - The public library, located in the center of town, inside the Springdale Elementary School.
Small selection of books, but cozy place to hang out & relax, especially on a rare rainy afternoon.
Internet access is available for a small fee.
Open late (until 9:00pm) Tuesday & Thursday and till 6:00pm the rest of the week. Closed Sunday.(435) 772-3676
Gas Stations:
Shell (435) 772-3963
Springdale Chevron (435) 772-3677
Misc Information:
Zion Canyon Medical Clinic – Urgent care, X-ray, lab, limited pharmacy (435) 772-3226
Springdale Post Office (435) 772-3950
Washington County Travel Bureau – Zion National Park area travel information (1-800) 869-6635
Zion One-Hour Photo (435) 772-3030
Photo Credits: Regina Pagles and Nick Wilkes
Zion Cycles offers bicycle rentals for the entire family. From an easy cruise with the family on the Zion Canyon Scenic Drive, Located in the Zion Outdoor Center, behind the Zion Pizza Noodle Co.,
Please inquire about our 2005 LeMond Road Bike rentals!
Zion Cycles
Full Suspension, Front Suspension, Road bikes, Cross bikes, Kids Bikes & Tandems.
Trail-a-Bike, Trailer & Car Rack also available.
Top of the line Trek & Lemond bike rentals for the riders of all abilities.
Expert certified mechanic on duty.
Trail info, maps & advice provided by friendly staff.
Huge inventory of parts & accessories.
to the challenging slickrock & singletrack of Gooseberry Mesa,
Zion Cycles would like to help you enjoy your ride!
just 1 mile from the entrance of Zion National Park.
Open 9:00 am - 9:00 pm 7 days a week.
THE place for Narrows information!
Zion Adventure Company
Zion Adventure Co. also offers guided 1/2 day, full day or multi-day rock climbing & canyoneering trips for all levels
Learn from the absolute BEST!
36 Lion Blvd., next to Flanigan's.
(435) 772-1001