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Sanzo's Party Grand Conclusion...


After 3 years of senseless and aimless construction, I have finally decided to close down Sanzo's Party.  My main reason is because we (the management team) is so busy with school that we are not able to spend time building this site.  I would like to thank everyone out there for your support for the last 3 years and especially the management team members themselves (ch0, glitter_sword and alanime) for their contribution even though this project turned out to be a failure. If you have made a bookmarked or linked Sanzo's Party, be sure to delete them.  And, before I go, Sanzo's Party may still exist not as a Saiyuki fan site but maybe as a personal site eg. blogs. Once again, I (We) thank you for your support for the last 3 years.  Farewell...

- retsu and on behalf of ch0, glitter_sword and alanime


Sanzo's Party Network
[] Main site: DEAD
[] Korosu Radio: Hiatus
[] Sanzo's Party Forum: DEAD
[] Sanzo's Party Scipt Test Site: DEAD
[] Sanzo's Party Gallery #1: DEAD
[] Korosu Mail: DEAD


xnu :: project (Retsu's blog)
MangAnime Lover (glitter_sword's site)
ASCENSION (ch0's blog)
Memoria (alanime's blog)

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