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My Friends


My friends mean alot to me... They are always there when i need them.. friendship is somethin that is very easy to initiate but extremely very difficult to maintain.

"Is so easy to say I LOVE YOU even easier 
to hurt the one you love. What is hard 
to do is saying I LOVE YOU to 
the one that always hurts you."
"Every life in this world is written by God's 
own dear hands. That's why I am
Thankful coz as he wrote my life,
He included you."
"Sometimes the truth is the best compliment and the 
truth is I wonder what I ever did that made 
God decide to put an angel like you in my life."
"Angels don't reside in heaven. Sometimes when 
things aren't going so well, you can find them 
beside you. I know this is for a fact coz I have you."
"Maybe we have met before in my first and 
maybe meet you in the afterlife. But I am 
glad I know you now coz I don't want to 
go back that far or wait that long to 
know someone as precious as you."
When you truly care for someone,
you don't look for faults, you don't look for
mistakes. Instead you fight the mistakes,
you accept the faults, and overlook excuses."
"Fall in love, it may hurt a lot, it may give you
Aches and pains but if you don't follow 
your heart in the end you will cry even 
more for not giving love a chance."
"When you truly care for someone,
you don't look for faults, you don't look for
mistakes. Instead you fight the mistakes,
you accept the faults, and overlook excuses."
"If you've got no one to count on, if all the
friends you thought would never leave you,
left you and all you think you've got is yourself,
I'm here, I've always been here waiting
to be needed by you."
"Each friend represents a world in us,
a world possibly not born until they arrive,
and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
"You can only walk beside me in one 
condition, you better hide your wings or 
everyone will know that you are my angel."
"When a friend's in trouble,
don't insult him by asking what you can do,
think for yourself and start doing it."
"Sometimes we tend to be in despair when
 the person we love leaves us
 but the truth is,
 its not our loss but theirs
 for they left the person who wouldn't give up on them."
"It's hard to say hello coz there might be a goodbye.
It's hard to say I'm ok coz sometimes I'm not.
But it's easy to say I'm here for you coz I know
that I will always be."
"Maybe you'll soon forget bout me, its okay, 
I may not be your ideal person but at least teach 
me to be one, then maybe you'll remember
me somehow as someone who tried
to be perfect for you."
You are the vanilla in my oreo, the chocolate in my m&ms,
the toy in my happy meal because you bring joy into my heart
the person in the mind, the angel in my dreams."
(hehehe......well Mc Donald's Mc Flurry & Happy Meal)
"I may not have given what is expected of a true
friend, I am human not perfect but inside 
this imperfection lies a heart that loves you
the best way it knows how."
"If I could dry your tears for you, I would.
If I could take the pain away, I would.
But all I have are eyes to cry with you, arms for
you to run to and a promise that you'll never
be alone coz I'm here for you!"
 If a star would fall each time I miss u  the sky would 
be empty by now.. so before there are no more stars left in the sky..
pick the brightest one and make a wish
coz the last time i did
i Met U!
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