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GIRLY GIRL - Clever Kitty
A GIRLY-GIRL. You dont have a lot of self-esteem
and people are always bringing you down for
being sad. What do they know, anyway? You feel
like youre too mature for your age and are
frustrated by the trend-followers who refuse to
accept you because youre not like them. Your virtues: Intelligence, understanding nature,
modesty. Your flaws: Lack of social life, inferiority
complex, timidity.

What kind of girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla AH-HHAHAHA!
Are you a Kingdom Hearts Fanatic?

brought to you by Quizilla U Kingdom Heart
Go u!!! u love kingdom hearts...just like me!!! ^^

Do u like Kingdom Hearts as much as me?
brought to you by Quizilla You are Rikku!!
You are Rikku!!

What Final Fantasy X Character Are You
brought to you by Quizilla *blows on kazoo* love Riku! Wow, what
a suprise -.-;; Oh well! He is hott! *hugglez a
cardboard cutout of him, but sees mob of rabid
fangirls glare* o.0 uh oh...ITS THE EVIL GLARE
OF PINK!!! *cough* most likely
hate Kairi and/or Sora, because their always
trying to hog up all the attention with their
goody-goodyness! DARKNESS ROCKS!!!

Do YOU love a Kingdom Hearts Character? Do ya? Do ya? (for girls)
brought to you by Quizilla Riku
You're in love with the intelligent, sexy, hott,
unbeatable bishie Riku. You would be a lucky,
lucky girl. If he wasn't mine. (insane

Do You Love Riku Or Sora From Kingdom Hearts? Choices, Choices. ;)
brought to you by Quizilla RIKU-sorry, gal, he's MINE.
Riku~hot, loyal, strong. he's MINE i tells ya
MINE!!! ya got that clear in yer head?? MINE!!!
NOT yours, NOT kairi's, MINE!!!!

Do You Love Sora or Riku From Kingdom Hearts?
brought to you by Quizilla WOW! U know alot about KH! But not as much as me!
E-mail me!

how much do u know about kingdom hearts? ( EXPERT! THIS QUIZ IS NOT 4 AMATEURS!
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x86ea828)
You're in love with the intelligent, sexy, hott,
unbeatable bishie Riku. You would be a lucky,
lucky girl. If he wasn't mine. (insane

Kingdom Hearts: Do you love Riku or Sora?
brought to you by Quizilla YOU GO GI-uh, PERSON! A true Seph fan, you know
your stuff. Isn't Seph such a bishounen? And
chibi pics? KAWAII! (Hey, you want to talk about Seph (or anything else
about FFVII? Drop me a message at

Are you obsessed with Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII?
brought to you by Quizilla Wanna bite
You love the awesome, sexy, perfect, cutie pie,
silver haired (Kuja look a-like), should be
keyblade master, RIKU!!!! Bishonen of the year!
^_^ Gawd, only if he were real, huh?

Kingdom Hearts: RIKU or SORA?
brought to you by Quizilla You are such an Islander! You will spend the rest
of your days lounging on a beach & staring at
Tidus and Wakka...

Locked in Kingdom Hearts(girls only)(Featuring Riku, Sora, Kairi, Tidus, Wakka, and lots of the other characters!)
brought to you by Quizilla!) Riku

What Kingdom Hearts character would be your boyfriend
brought to you by Quizilla Who else could you be but Sephiroth! You rule an
army, you have a wing on your back, you long to
be a demi-god...what's there not to be?!

Which Final Fantasy VII-IX Villain Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your Man is Squall! An unemotional slob! But damn,
is he hot! And that's all you care

Which Final Fantasy VIII Guy are You Compatible With?
brought to you by Quizilla Squall is your ultamate dreamguy! A daydreamer at
times and very sweet. Isn't afraid to speak his
mind about some things. Just watch out for

Which Final Fantasy VIII guy are you perfect for?
brought to you by Quizilla hikari
Your Lover is Riku from Kingdom Hearts. :: This
result explains your character as well ::
You're too embaressed to tell but it shows in
your every action. You blush all the time and
you can't stop thinking about him. He's on
always on your mind and you don't love him
because of his good looks. Your love for Riku
is because he is willing to protect his friends
and does what he think is best. He is curageous
and tries so hard to help when he can. It's his
undeiying strenght that will save you from
danger. Even if he is swallowed by darkness,
you'll do you best to save your loved one. And
even if can't always be there to show his
affections, you love him all the same. :: You
are the love of Riku and are compatible with
him through my character/me...Hikari...~Tears
of Love~ ((This should be the result of someone
who has answered the 1st answer on each
question, if otherwise, that this is not your
true answer and you prolly wont be able to get
a perfect one))

Which KINGDOM HEARTS char will u be intertwined with???(pix included soon)(boyz too but mostly girls)
brought to you by Quizilla riku pic
You like Riku! Calm and collective on the outside,
deep in thought on the inside, you admire his
loyalty to his lover and like his sexy body.

Which Kingdom Hearts character do you like/love?
brought to you by Quizilla You are Riku. Riku is a really cool guy that has a
really cool blade that can unlock hearts.(I
think.) My best friend hates you because you're
mean to Sora and because you're evil and she
thinks you're stupid. stupid

Which Kingdom Hearts Character Should Be Your Boyfriend(For Girls Or Gay Boys)
brought to you by Quizilla riku
you like the cute adorble kissable loveable sweet
hot riku! who wouldnt? only a freak lol

Which kingdom hearts character is for you?girls only
brought to you by Quizilla Riku might of shared the paopu with you but I got
there first so dont you go getting any Ideas
you got it Riku is mine and thats final no
TOUCHIE he is mine

Which kingdom hearts character would share the paopu with YOU!!!!!!
brought to you by Quizilla WOW! U NO ALOT 'BOUT KH! E-MAIL ME SOME TIME! ;)

brought to you by Quizilla Mysterious Riku
An enigma, forever in the mysterious darkness. You
live to mesmerize, and you enjoy secrecy. Not
the Darkness of Heart, but the darkness of
mystery... You're a fascinating person, and
always manage to surprise people because you're
so vague.

Which Riku Are You? (Kingdom Hearts)
brought to you by Quizilla An enigma, forever in the mysterious darkness. You live to mesmerize, and you enjoy secrecy. Not the Darkness of Heart, but the darkness of mystery... You're a fascinating person, and always manage to surprise people because you're so vague.