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A Vision For Heaven on Earth

The I'hin Prophecy

When the earth is circumscribed around about with such as choose Me (the Great Spirit) I will come hither with a great awakening light to the souls of men and lay the foundation for My kingdoms. On this land [America] will I raise up a people who shall be the fulfilling of that which the I'hins (lost prophetic race remembered by indigenous cultures) profess.
Thou [an etherian God] shalt look upon the mountains and strong standing rocks, and the thought of thy soul shall pierce them, and the impression thereof shall be as a written book before the races of men in that day [the so called 'New Age' or Kosmon]. Neither shall they know the cause, but they shall come forth in tens of thousands, putting away all Gods and Lords and ancient tyranny, for My sake. Thy soul shall be My talisman, deep engraven in the land and water and mountains. On this land alone shall not any Lord nor God be established by the sword, for it is My land, which I planned for the deliverance of the nations of the earth.

Cree and Hopi Tribe and other Native American Prophecy

"There would come a time, when the fish would die in the streams, the birds would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, and the trees would no longer be, mankind as we would know it would all but cease to exist, when the "keepers of the rituals, and customs would be needed to restore us to health. There would come a day of awakening when all the peoples of all the tribes would form a new world in recognition of the Great Spirit and love all mankind as their brothers, regardless of color, race or religion. Then rivers would again run clear, the forests be abundant and beautiful, the animals and birds would be replenished, children will run free and the needy will be cared for. We shall see how much we owe to those that have kept the stories and rituals alive."

The Father's kingdom on earth

God said: I have heard thy prayer, O man: Thy kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven.
Have you considered your words? And are you prepared for it? Have you fulfilled the commandments? And love your neighbour as thyself? And have you done unto the least, as you desire thy Creator to do unto thee?
Now, behold, the Great Spirit has sent me, thy God, to answer thy prayer. I demand of thee, that you have no favourite doctrine above thy neighbour; And that you are servant to no God, nor Lord, nor Saviour, nor church, unacceptable to any man in all the world. But, that you serve the Great Spirit with all your wisdom and strength, by doing good unto thy fellow-men with all thy might. That, because you are strong, or wise, or rich, you understand that you shall use these excellencies for raising up such as have them not, believing, that the Great Spirit so provided you to that end.
Consider, O man! You have a kingdom already. Would you have two kingdoms? Behold, the kingdom of man has its power in armies and ships of war. The kingdoms of thy Father have not these, but love, wisdom, righteousness and peace. I demand of thee, that you shall give up thy army and navy. Are you prepared to say: To whom smites me on one cheek, I turn the other to be smitten also? Is thy faith still more in weapons of death, than in the Voice of Everlasting Life? Do you esteem your army and navy more to be depended on, than the Father? Are you willing to sacrifice your time and money and self-interest for sake of the Father's kingdom?
Use thy judgment, O man. Since the time of the ancients till now, the only progress towards the Father's kingdom hath been through sacrifice. What less canst you expect? If thou sell what thou hast, and gives to the poor, behold thy neighbors will imprison thee for a madman. If thou abnegate thyself and labour for others, they will persecute thee, and revile thee. If thou shouldst profess to love thy neighbour as thyself, they would mock at thee.
Therefore, I declare unto thee, O man, in the land of Uz the Father's kingdom can not be. But thou shalt go hence; and, behold, I will go with thee, and with thy neighbour, and show thee how to build, even as a kingdom in heaven.

Love and Truth

Confusion is the result of being are torn apart by two sources of inspiration - two extremes of existence - two entities, both laying claim to ourselves, both battling for control of our minds. These are flesh and spirit. Through influence of the world of spirits combined with interaction with others these extremes are brought into our thought. An often superficial, at least limited or fragmented conclusion is drawn and then we accept and identify with it as our relative truth. In reality it is but a compromise between what is false with what is true, good and evil, or as Swedenborg has declared - heaven and hell.
And after becoming wise to the consequences of our choices, after striving to be positive in the face of darkness and gloom we see the forms of attachment, ego, delusion and ignorance that sought to affect us. Cobwebs begin to clear and we step to greater aspirations.
All the while happiness and light was there among those who could receive it. At death, that which belonged to the earth will be claimed back. Hasn't it always been the case that all things go back to their source in search of a reason? Who can hold back the tide that sweeps away what is rooted in that which is transient? Holy words emerge from ruins of the past.
The world is circumscribed now by all peoples, and communication, ancient texts, and discovery have drawn us nearer to understand mans journey in striving for his full potential - what came to be realised as the recognition and welfare of all humanity, the eclecticism and syncretism of all paths and human endeavour and the accord of our body, mind and spirit. Social upheaval, war and change yield to the dawning light of planetary awakening - break our chains, and we begin to see and become free.
The spirituality we seek to imitate is not external - it is everpresent, within. The thought arises that our very selves are this spirit. We remember that God is also a spirit. The veil starts to lift, and our spirits become quickened. Our love and truth finds, and is of that Love and Truth - His spiritual Warmth and Light.
Our finite mind and individual feelings identified with this body draw nearer to His Perfection and Knowledge, we come in proximity to His All Embracing Person in whom is the Source of All being and existence, the first Cause of our person.


It remains to be seen how change will find a balance between simple and sophisticated, tribal and technological lifestyle, and to what extent we may adapt previous traditions, ethics and social relationships. In this age of liberty we are to take responsibility for the course we take. May it be one of highest moral quality if we are to reach the goal. There will be the family and the celibates, a harmony and balance between the individual and the whole, deriving happiness by living together a pure life, holding all possessions in common and providing for each other.
Self sustainability and care for our environment can be creatively managed by using organic methods, seed banks, devices for recycling waste and utilising renewable energy based technology.
Ideally a large community will need organic fruit and vegetable gardens, green houses, a healing, learning and arts centre, kitchen and bathrooms, cottage industries to manufacture building materials, textiles, clothes, shoes, musical instruments etc., to provide our needs and to barter. Tasks will be leisurely performed and orderly, each putting their talents to good use according to need and capability.
Here is some wisdom from the past:
"When matters come up for discussion, whoever speaks thereon shall speak in the direction of light, and not of darkness. After the discussion is finished, the rab'bah shall decree according to the light of the Father in him.
Sakaya (the so- called Buddha) was here asked: Why not decree according to the majority vote? Sakaya said: That is the lower light, being the light of men only. For I declare unto you, you can not serve both Jehovih and men. It is incumbent on every person in the community that enters the discussion to speak from the higher light, as they perceive it, without regard to policy or consequences. And the same law shall be binding on the rab'bah; and though nine people out of ten side the other way, yet the rab'bah's decree shall stand above all the rest".
Thus we can begin working in concert on our gardens and structures (perhaps domes or yurts), to the sound of music and chanting.
There will be no requirement for any payment, save sharing what you will. But preparation is required, as meat, tobacco, alcohol or drugs (including marijuana) will not be allowed, although anyone who aspires to our vision will be encouraged and any reasonable exceptions will be considered. This is a vision for heaven on earth, which requires putting your highest aspirations into practice regarding diet, conduct and service.


A book that has helped me to find my way is the Oahspe [meaning sky (o), earth (ah), and spirit (spe) in the first language spoken]. It gives the name of the creator as Jehovih. It was channelled in 1881 in the USA. This is a quote from Oahspe regarding the beginning of existence.

"All was. All is. All ever shall be. The All spoke and motion was, is and ever shall be; and, being positive, was called He and Him. [The universe is expanding or going forth, which is positive or masculine, whereas going within is receptive, therefore negative or feminine.] The ALL MOTION was his speech.
He said, I AM! And He comprehended all things, the seen and the unseen. Nor is there anything in all the universe but what is part of him. He said, I am the soul of all; and the all that is seen is of my person and my body. By virtue of my presence are the living brought forth into life.
I am the QUICKENER, the MOVER, the CREATOR, the DESTROYER. I am FIRST and LAST. Of two apparent entities am I, nevertheless I AM BUT ONE.
These entities are the UNSEEN, which is POTENT, and the SEEN, which of itself is IMPOTENT, and called CORPOR [matter].
[symbol of a leaf on a cross, on a circle]Chief over all that I made on the earth I made Man; male and female made I them. And that man might distinguish me I commanded him to give me a name; by virtue of my presence commanded I him. And man named me not after anything in heaven or on earth. In obedience to my will named he Me after the sounds the wind utters, and he said, E-O-IH! Which is pronounced Jehovih, and is written thus:

The Creator cannot be referred to as 'It', since He is a person. He is both male and female, but I choose masculine for the reason given above. (The feminine of Jehovih is called Om, which is the potent unseen aspect.) In the rest of this text I refer to the creator as Jehovih, The Great Spirit, or Ormazd [Persian name of for the creator].

The Oahspe gives a detailed history of heaven and earth covering the deepest mysteries of life and creation, time cycles, ancient civilizations, prophets and prophecy, origin of religion, race and language in all continents, life after death, the unseen worlds and its inhabitants, and the founding of heaven on earth.
There are three creations. Spiritual (Etheria or nirvana, the most subtle), atmospherean (Intermediate world or the 'world of Spirits') and corporeal (material). Only etheria permeates all existence. The earth is surrounded by its much vaster unseen heavens, which travel together with the earth through space. These are inhabited by spirits of the dead. The earth bound spirits (who crave things of the body and ego) remain on the earth or in the lower realms. They can be raised in purity, wisdom and love to inhabit higher realms. The Spirit world influences mortals to darkness or light, unknown to them. Like attracts like, and after death the soul goes to what it yearned for during life.
Is heaven a state? What you experience while in the world that is eternal is of heaven. Swedenborg states that heaven has no dimensions, rather states of affection and no time, but proximity to Jehovih who is both cause and effect, first and last, past, present and future of one time. I quote, "Let the community be sufficiently ascetic to attain the beatific state [enlightenment], which is the triumph of spirit over the flesh".
No one is required to read Oahspe. At maturity personal responsibility is between you and your maker. But here you will not need to be alone in this.

Who Is God ?

Oahspe speaks of mortals, angels, gods, goddesses and Jehovih. Spirits of mortals that have died are termed angels.
Gods are angels that are raised in wisdom and power. The creator of all these is Jehovih. Only He is unborn. When you worship God, consider whether you mean an angel in human form on a throne in heaven, or an inconceivable, infinite person such that lives in every blade of grass, and leaf as well as existing as the fountain of life and Self of all selfs within all beings, finding expression in the mountains and forests, sun and stars. It matters little which name you use for the creator if you understand this.
I quote "My inspiration upon the bird causes it to sing; by My Presence I teach it to build its nest. By My Presence I colour one rose red, and another white.
Proof of My Person is in the harmony of the whole, and of every one being a person of itself, perfect in its order".

There have been Gods and Goddesses throughout past ages in various cycles of time, who gave scriptures and ruled over the earth and its heavens for a season, imperceptible to mortals, sometimes for their own glory, claiming to be the creator. For this reason Oahspe reads: -
"I am not come to establish, but to abolish all Gods, Lords and saviours among mortals. For what is past is past."
"Neither shall you have a God, Lord nor Saviour, but only thy creator, Jehovih! Him only shall you worship forever. I am sufficient unto Mine own creations."
"And it shall be guaranteed unto them to worship in any way that their conscience may dictate."

Who Is Jehovih

No one can prove that there is a creator. We either believe or disbelieve, and if we believe then who or what is He? No one can know Him in his entirety, but we can move beyond misconception, idolatry and false or erroneous doctrine toward finding real relationship with him. I offer the following for your contemplation:
Inner peace is not that which leads to self bondage and attachment. It is in striving for the pinnacle of your all highest conceived of, your nearest perfect ideal, who I call Jehovih, whom you come to know, guides your soul and underlies all impressions. To speak with His voice is the greatest joy.
Conceived of as all knowledge, all light and all person, He is the fundamental cause beyond all research and His wisdom is beyond attainment, even for Gods. Though worlds come into being and go out of being, yet He remains and within Him are all creations created. He is love, and adorable above all things. He imparted a part to all the living from his very self. We are therefore part and parcel of Him. His magnitude is beyond comprehension, and the wonder of His substance comprises nature and the universe. He is the soul and expression of all things and is seen in the glory of his works.
[symbol of a triangle with labels] As is the triangle, He is three things in one which are, first, the ghost, the soul, which is incomprehensible; second, the beast, the figure, the person which is called individual; and third, the expression, to receive and to impart".. These three comprise all things; and all things are but one; nor were there more, nor ever shall be. Nevertheless, each have infinite parts, with every part like unto the whole. Each of all created things have these three attributes in them.


Lets make worship a joy and celebration of unity above worldly pursuit, raising our voices as one person to express our devotion and praise in song and dance as a creative and spontaneous urge.

Here are some quotations from Oahspe: -
"I come to give a great religion, yet not to set aside the old; I come to such as do fulfil the old, and to give them the religion of the gods themselves"
"Religion is the learning of music (harmony) in a community, in which the rab'bah [rabbi] is the keynote"
"Without discipline, knowledge cannot be obtained; without discipline little good can be accomplished. Forms and ceremonies must accompany discipline; otherwise inharmony overcomes all. These are religion".
"Religion is nothing more nor less than rites and ceremonies in the discipline of a community. As when an army of soldiers are in training by their captains, when certain commands and manoeuvres cause the soldiers to be as a unit in movement; so is religion in a community, through rites and ceremonies, made as a unit to carry out works of charity and harmony and love and righteousness"
"To do good, with all of ones wisdom and strength is the highest religion".
"The time of preaching is at an end, save when it is practiced in deed as it is spoken in words".
"Two things stand prominently before all men, about which there need be no dispute, Light and Darkness. Whether you call the Light, Ormazd or God, it matters little, provided the idea expressed has reference to that which is The Highest conceived of, Who is Ever Present, and is the Person from which all persons sprung. And whether you call darkness sin, or evil, or Satan, it matters little, provided the idea expressed is that which is the extreme opposite of light.
Without these two entities in view, to shun the one, and strive for the other, a community is like race-horses striving for a prize by running in circular capers, instead of going on a well provided track".
"When the discussion turns upon rites and ceremonies, which the community may adopt, or the music, or the discipline regarding funerals, or marriages, or births, the speakers shall remember that a family is composed of old and young; of sedate and jocose; and that every talent is created for the glory of the whole, and for the glory of the Creator; and they shall enlarge their understanding, to embrace the whole. Remembering, it is easier to walk beside a bull, and turn him in his course, than to come against him for the same purpose.
One person has joy in sacrifice (worship) by clapping his hands and dancing; another, in poetry; another, in singing; another, in silent prayers. And yet, one has no preference over another in sight of Him who created them, for they are His own handiwork.
Consider, that you provide a time and place in the community for all of these in their own way, directing them holily".

From this it is seen that rites and ceremonies are needed as well as practicing good works for others. We can try to recover the rites and ceremonies of the ancients that were lost, scattered and integrated into existing cultures, or improvise our ceremonial music, dance, singing and chanting.
I invite people who participated in spiritual paths to develop these. Forms can be borrowed from indigenous, tribal and pagan cultures as well as eastern and western traditions, sifting out the falsehood, ignorance and error but holding to what is sacred, eternal and true.
I ask for Jehovih's sake (which is the collective will) as well as my own, that there will be no quarrel over the dedication of the temple to the Great Spirit, Jehovih - the unseen cause of unity and change.


The community will be a refuge for people seeking peace, companionship and support in an atmosphere of love and caring. You may stay with us to receive help according to your need (physical or emotional problems, unemployed, homeless, addicted etc.) and our evolving capacity to assist you.


The Earth can not be bought and sold, and we came into the world naked, but for sake of peace and security and for all things to be accounted for and discussed, I am working within the guidelines of the law, hoping that it will be in fact in our interest. Any legal advice will be useful.
All are equal before Jehovih and He is well pleased with His creation. So I hope to attract all types, from non believers to those with faith. To avoid conflict and inharmony, I offered the above discussion for your consideration and amenability to this vision.
Those who do good works for others and give love in return for hatred, are the faithists. Whoever acts in this spirit will be co-owner of the property with me, regardless of belief and financial standing, answerable only to Jehovih, who is above all.


I have participated in various communities living on the land, been a mechanical engineer, musician, traveller and seeker. As well as labouring and participating in community projects at all levels, I can teach in areas including engineering, maths physics, electronics etc., and can discuss mysticism, religion, and history. I can also sing, dance and play music.
Only in community is our free and full development of potential possible. Our diverse talents are utilised to lift each other up and grow in spirit and well being. That's the beginning of heaven on earth. I make myself available as your servant.

I quote: -
When my voice is weak because of the darkness of people, they call me conscience, or set me aside as a faint impression. But, with cultivation, behold, my voice comes with words and with power. Such know me, and are mighty in good works and wisdom, a proof before the world that my voice exists. It is a talent to hear My Voice. I bestowed it upon all the living; it is seated in the soul. By cultivation, it grows; yea, it becomes mighty above all other talents. By its culture, man attains to all possibilities, for so I created him.
When My Voice is weak, because of the darkness of man, he calls Me conscience, or sets Me aside as a faint impression. But, with culture, behold, My Voice comes to man with words and with power. And he knows Me, and is mighty in good works and wisdom. And he becomes a proof before the world, that My Voice is with him.
Jehovih saith: Whoso hath not heard Me, is in darkness indeed. He hath not yet turned his thoughts inward to purify himself and seek wisdom. Whoso hath heard Me, knows it, and all the world can not convince him to the contrary.


I am the bread of life and truth.
It is in the way you approach me, as to whether you find me
I receive from my Father in heaven, who is beyond my comprehension.
His soul is filled with peace and love overflowing.
If I glorify Him it is His glory in me.
He is sufficient unto me, but I received insufficient
He has power over lies and deceit of the heart, but gives to me unto myself
And takes me from the brink of hell, yet I remain close to the edge
I breathed its breath and my heart was poisoned.
I received from flesh, and all was taken from me
My thoughts lived inside my own darkness,
though daylight was all around
Look up, brothers and sisters, to heaven within
As you let go of bondage you are commensurately liberated.
As you serve your father in heaven all will be added unto you