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This Month's R&B artist is...Usher

Name: Usher Raymond VI

D.O.B: October 11, 1978 (26 in October)

Hometown: Chattanooga, Tennessee

Album names: Usher,My Way,8701,Confessions

Summary: Usher Raymond is a household name for teenage girl or guy. Since he asked "Can we get with it" to doing it "His Way", at only 25 years old he's had numerous chart-topping hits throughout his career. Early in life, Usher looked up to legends such as James Brown, Michael Jackson and Marvin Gaye. In March, Usher's 4 album "Confessions" was released. It sold a record breaking 1.1 million albums in its first week. Currently, Usher's on tour with Kanye West and Mase has just been added to the tour also so look out for him in your city soon.

---Tista Jones

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