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K-Gi Scarlett, innovative, independent songwriter of Rap, Reggae, R&B, Pop and Rock, Adult Contemporary, Jazz and Latin tunes, is sharing his new and revolutionary music and fine-tuned lyrics.


©1999 All Rights Reserved

The songs contained in this site are only a small representation of the songs
which I have composed.
Those songs range from Pop to Rap, Jazz, Country,
Adult Contemporary, R&B, African Dance, Latin, Rock, Reggae and crossovers between styles.
If you are looking for a specific genre, for collaboration,
a song written for a special occasion, for lyrics to a melody...

My latest project was to write African Drum beats to the choreography of a dancer.
A videoclip and song samples are available at African Dance

All songs are available for licencing for film, TV and advertisements.

contact me, K-Gi.

Thank you for visiting my site. I look forward to hearing from you.


  K-Gi Scarlett


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K-Gi Scarlett, independent songwriter for Rap Reggae,Rock,Pop,Latin,Adult Contemporary, Instumental with a tribute to Carlos Santana. Innovative and revolutionary ballads,music and lyrics. K-Gi Scarlett published by Shake'm music with innovative songs and fine tuned lyrics can be found in Rennes-le-chateau. News and featured at websites.Offering services in songwriting and lyrics collaboration and writing for special occasions for all genres from Reggae, Rap, R&B,Pop, Rock, Jazz, Latin, Country.
© copyright 2003 - 2006
All rights reserved

Shake'm Music

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