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home personal interests thoughts gallery links

welcome to hazy./project
this is a website specially set up to let my friends & the mass to know me better.
also, it's an opportunity to let me display my creativity while it's usually unknown.

latest updates:

19/06/2005 - updates of home & interests
10/05/2005 - updates of links
09/05/2005 - updates of gallery
08/05/2005 - updates of thoughts
07/05/2005 - updates of interests
06/05/05 - updates of personal
05/05/2005 - updates of home

coming up events:

21/06/2005 - final theory lesson 2
23/06/2005 - initial d the movie premiere
25/06/2005 - my cousin's wedding day

01/07/05 - hong kong s.a.r. day
02/07/2005 - basketball date with him

hazy./project. all rights reserved. since 23/04/2005.