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What's Black Planet peoples. It's me, the Dominican Devil just passing through to leave a little of myself on the planet. I have been on the planet for about a year with my first page being billyblanco00. I am just here to meet people and chill.

Since this is a personal page, I guess I should put some information about myself. 

I am not what you would consider tall, dark, and handsome. I am more like medium, funny, and cute. Unfortunately my parents were munchkins so I only ended up being 5'8'. (Yes its sad when you outgrow both your parents in the 8th Grade.) I have been skinny my whole life and I finally made it to 160lbs, which is the right weight for my height. I ran track in high school and my first year of college so I was never able to gain any weight. I have strong legs and ok arms. My shoulders are starting to get broader since high school. My chest is ok I just need to do more push-ups to bulk it up. The only problem area I have is my stomach. I'm not fat or flabby I just need to go back to doing 100 sit-ups a day because my six pack is starting to turn into a four pack. I don't like that at all.

I have tattoos, one on each arm. On my right arm is the little cartoon devil on this page with my name under it. On the left arm is a little cartoon angel to match. They represent my conscience. I also have a tongue ring ( regular barbell), which is also pictured on this page. (whatever you are thinking about the tongue ring, it is more than likely true. more comments about that later) I have dark chocolate eyes that I sometimes wish were lighter but I think that they suit  me.  I usually go through phases with my hair. I either have long finger length curly locks, a nice blowout or a low Caesar. Right now it cut low but I think I am going to grow my blow out again.


I am no genius but I by no means dumb. I graduated 12 out 431 in high school with a 91.23 average. I went to Polytechnic University for 2 years pursuing a BA in Computer Science. Unfortunately those two years were pure hell. I realized that I love computers and how they work but I couldn't see myself just dealing with only computers for the rest of my life. I took two years off to re-evaluate my life and I have decided that I would much rather be a teacher. I think I love seeing kids learn and me being able to teach them stuff. Computers is something I could teach myself  on my spare time, god only knows that I didn't learn anything in those lecture classes at school. I think I could do more good on this planet as a teacher. So I am going to back to school to get my BA in Education and English because unfortunately Education has to be taken as a co-major. 

I am a cusp baby (meaning I was born at the end of one zodiac sign and the beginning of another). I am a Gemini with Taurus tendencies. I am not two faced like most people think of Gemini's but I can be moody. I am either extremely happy or in a bad mood. It's more happy than bad mood but it is never in the middle. The unfortunate truth about the Taurus tendencies is that I can be a little stubborn but I try not to be. I am not really into living my life by everything in my horoscope but it's interesting to me how much truth is behind the description of each zodiac sign in relation to people.

For More Info on Taurus click here

For More info on Gemini click here

I love laughing and just having a good time. I got my tattoos because they describe parts of my personality. There are many times that I can be a little angel. I love taking care of kids because they make me laugh. I love my mom because she was and will always be there for me. I try to get along with my 3 sisters (20, 19, and 10). Then there is also the little devil side. I am very flirtatious when I get over my shy side. I can also be very freaky which explains the tongue ring. That's kind of way the devil tattoo has my name under it, because I like the devil in me a little more than the angel. I like computers and video games. Whenever I get a chance I love playing baseball and going to the batting cage. I also like playing football, basketball and I love rollerblading.

I also like to write a lot. I think my writing has improved drastically and its how I express myself. I like to write poetry and songs. I never finish anything I write though which is something I have to work on. I need to get some guitar and piano lessons so I can finish my songs. I try to write R&B type songs because they sooth me and help to mellow me out when I am upset. My writing is sort of why my music taste is eclectic. I listen to everything from Hip Hop and R&B to Pop and Rock to Merengue, Salsa, and Bachata to House and Techno. I even listen to Classical and Jazz.


What I look for in a girl (I know you were wondering when I would get to this):

  1. She knows what she wants

  2. She has to be intelligent

  3. She has to be funny and have a sense of humor

  4. She has to know how to have fun in all aspects of life

  5. She has to be sexy (Keep in mind that sexy is not just a physical thing, it is mostly mental and sexy is not the same for everyone, different people get away with different things)

  6. She has to have pretty eyes because they make a person. Its not just color either, they have to have a nice shape.

  7. A nice body is also not bad to have either especially if you don't have any of the above traits.

  8. Last but not least, she has to have a freaky side to her. I am not saying that she needs to feen for sexy 24 hours a day and 7 days a week (it wouldn't be bad if she did) but she cant be a nun. I did the alter boy thing when I was 13. I had my fill of the nice stuff and now I just want to enjoy life. I didn't get a tongue ring because I liked how titanium tasted, ok? Keep that in mind.


100% Dominican


Blackplanet Gripes

  1. Thank god that they got rid of the pager because that was beginning to get on my nerves.

  2. Too bad they left that annoying blinking tab reminding you to sign up for the voicemail.

  3. I understand that no everyone has access to a scanner but when you say you will have pictures up soon and you have have been a member since 2000 there is a problem somewhere

  4. I don't have problems with notes that say nice tongue ring or you look good but how come I  can't see a picture of you. It's only fair and for those of you that say looks shouldn't matter remember why you sent me a note in the first place.

  5. Why is it that just about everyone begs to have their Guestbook (g-book, g-spot, the spot) written in (hit up, licked, tickled). Honestly a lot of you women are sexy as hell and you know that desperate guys are gonna leave stupid entries. Then you get mad that they wrote something you didn't like.

  6. If people have html active in their guestbooks, it dont mean that you should put a full page picture of yourself, change the background, add music, and your own personalized banners. I am happy that you learned some html tags to better yourself but save it for your own page. A little picture and a comment will do just fine.

  7. Dont get mad if I dont sign your guestbook, it's just something I dont like to do, but I will go to your page and if I like the content I will send you a note giving you props.

  8. I know most guys do nothing but stalk girls on the net but if I leave you a note it's not cuz I am trying to get with you. I honestly give out compliments with no hidden intention at all. So if you choose to ignore me that's fine I wasn't expecting a reply but dont send me notes because you are mad that I said you have pretty eyes that dont make no sense

  9. Stop advertising your own personal 5h!+ by sending people who are online notes. It is very annoying and you know who you are. Half the time it's for stupid internet quick money schemes. I used to work for a web design company. I know all the schemes and I dont need to be informed every time I log on to Blackplanet.