QUESTION: What does God want from me?

QUESTION ANSWERED: Communion... and I don't mean the kind where you eat the little cracker and take a shot of grape juice. I mean communion: communication, conversation, worship.

There are some who would say that God wants you to do good and act proper and work, work, work, but that's not entirely right. Yes, it is true that God would like those things, if they were possible, but what the creator of the universe really wants is your time and attention. He wants you to get to know Him.

Do you remember, in the Gospel according to John, when Jesus was talking to that Samaritan woman? Do you remember what He said to that woman towards the end of the conversation? He said,"God is spirit and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth, for these are such that the Father seeks to worship Him."

God is looking for people to worship Him, not the way they want to, but the way He wants them to. People who will be willing to let go of their traditions and rules and grab hold of the vision God has for His church.

God has revealed Himself to us in His word and His word tells us how to respond to that. Seek Him today. Ask Him to teach you how to worship Him the way He wants you to. This is what He wants from you.

God Bless. -C. Life-


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