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Who is this clown?

The author of this page is known to reside in Montreal for the moment while attending McGill University. He is reputed to have been born and raised in Northeast Ohio in a small township. He is majoring in Political Science and minoring in Arabic. Yes, you are right, he is a fucking moron for making it his minor. To quote some girl from Lebabnon, "Arabic is your minor? What the hell is wrong with you?" One can say there is a lot wrong with this author. Since Political Science majors have no discernable job market and or future, he plans on joining the United States Marine Corps through the Officers' Candidate Progam to recieve his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant because he likes guns and explosives and believes it is the right thing to do. But first, he plans to go to Egypt for however long it takes to become fluent in the Egyptian colloquial diallect. Also, PBR is his beer and fuel of choice for drunken mayhem. If you don't like PBR, go waste your money on Heineken or some other jerkoff beer, you nancy-boy.

Since I am a fucking tool and cannot figure out where he stands politically from reading his blog, can you tell me?

Sure, moron. The author tends to vote and identify with the Republican party. He has been known to vote Democrat or Libertarian. He is very conservative politically and economically. He is very adamant about personal privacy within the home and thinks the goverment should stay the hell out of his bedroom. The author is known to dislike: Hippies, modern Liberals, Communists, Socialists, most Democrats, France, Saudi Arabia, Puerto Rico, Al Sharpton and Jesse Racist Jackson, CAIR, Left-wing news rags, radical islam, bible thumpers, people who bomb abortion clinics, that nutcase jewish guy outside the kosher store that always tries to speak to him in Hebrew despite the fact the author is neither jewish nor speaks hebrew, the McGill Daily, PRIG, protestors, Bloc Quebecois, Parti Quebecois, Canadian Liberal Party, PETA, the A/ELF, Bill Clinton, and he dislikes just about everything esle.

What does he do for his own enjoyment?

The author has been known to blog, drink to excess too often, sleep, read books of a historical/political nature, yell at people he doesn't like, mess with his roommate, play old-man softball, drive his car to clear his mind, coach intramural hockey despite the fact he knows little about hockey, go for long walks in the snow, play lacrosse for McGill, workout sometimes, scheme, travel, cooking fine dinners, and oddly enough, he is reputed to enjoy vomitng. What a sick bastard.

Random facts about the author of this site/blog you may not know

wished he had a nice garden with corn and red peppers
4 of his fingers turn white and go numb below 50 F
wants to put sod in his bedroom
won't drink milk
enjoys cleaning the lint from the dryer screen
is ambidextrious
has a scar that goes up his nose that hurt to get
is surgically attached to his MiniDisc player
won't give up his seat on the bus to old ladies
if he had a dog, it would be called Halifax
is really damn stingy
does not have a cellphone
cannot spell very well
has killed someone
does not know how to swim to save his life
drives a subaru station wagon
probably doesn't like you
dislikes revolving doors
had one his fingers pinned back together
is a little girl when it comes to getting shots or needles
has many nerd qualities
sleeps window open almost year round
knew a person from Kazahkstan
won't use the heat in his car or the A/C
doesn't like little kids at all
me Mr. Belding from Saved By The Bell