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Back Again!
added @ 7:42am on 8.20.03

Yep, I have ANOTHER diary lol. Elf cookies to anyone who can count up how many times I've moved this thing now.. hehe. This is a first though I don't think I've ever put a dead guy on any of my layouts before ;). Well everything has been so hectic (and stressful) as of late, I'm hoping it will calm down soon.. I finally got my freakin car back yesterday after 20 days without it, it was so weird driving it home like I didn't remember how because I had gotten used to driving the truck or my moms car.. lol I almost ran over a goat on the way home too ;) but anyways I'm glad to have the car back, now I can go job hunting. My stomache is growling at me I think I'm gonna go make a pepperoni and bacon pizza, doesn't that sound nice? K, well I'll holla back lata. maybe..

I'm here without you baby, but you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby, and I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby but your still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me

nav -

ah, havn't had time to put all the sections back up so bear with me, I'll do it soon as I have time.

email me

me me me! -

name- Bobbie/B/B Lamb/B Tot/Anaire/Vanimaer/that girl that can't pick a frickin name and stick with it ;) age- 19
sex- female
location- Missouri

currently -

time- 7:0am

date- 8.20.03

eating- nothin

drinking- coke

hearing- 3 Doors Down - here without you
watching- mtv2 (they play the TTT commercials a lot)

reading- my story
chattin w/- peeps

wanting- $ and stuff..

surfin'- Stories of Arda

feeling- all right I guess