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St. Helen This page is dedicated to the Chapel of St. Helen.

Our ancestors that once lived in Pastura, New Mexico erected this small chapel in 1926. This small building is the only place where they could celebrate the holy sacrament of Mass. Over time, it has fallen into disrepair, services have not been held inside for some time.

The chapel has been standing for 86+ years. The descendants of the families from this small town are beginning to repair this historic chapel, and are asking for help in the way of monetary donations, supplies, help with repairs.

The Chapel is under the care of St. Mary's in Vaughn. Father Simeon encouraged Richard Gurule and Anthony Anaya to start the repairs of this historic chapel.

Father Simeon has since been transferred to another church that needed him. Father Paul has taken charge, and is advising us on how to proceed with the restoration of this chapel.