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My Favorite things about Angelfire.

brittany n chris lolz

brittany with chris n monica

jus brittany n monica

chris lookin like a thug lolz

chris n gafei trying to act coolz

chris with monica (sorta suprised) n gafei

elaine with gafei n jenny

elaine n kristina on the skatin rink

elaine n her boyfriend sammy

another pic of elaine n sammy

group pic at the subwai going to chinatown

group pic at the big sweet n tarts

harry n donna

jenny n elaine

jenny n tony

jenny y n sophia

jenny w/ her boyfriend jesse

kristina n chris

kristina n elaine

michelle with monica n brittany

monica n kristina n chris w/ his peace sign

monica n kristina n elaine n chris

monica n krisinta n chris n elaine n gafei

sammy with elaine