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Welcome to SeK's Fics and Pics. If you're wondering what SeK stands for it's the first letters of our names, we just added the 'e' to make it sound better. As the name implies here you'll find fiction and some pic downloads. Please understand that the caps I take require lots of hard work, believe it or not, so please do not take them and say they are yours. Same with our fics. We take great pride in our work, and want to share, but refuse to be robbed. A little respect goes a long way.


Who we are: Well, we are two people who just fell in love with Peter Jackson's Lord of The Rings, and many of the actors therein. We also have other likes and dislikes, and to learn more about us you can check out the bios pages.


Submissions: If you have a link to your work that would be fantastic. Our space here is limited, dammit, and if we want to give you our best stuff we have to use what limited space there is. It's a vicious circle, we know, but necessary. You can submit a url to your site, fics, or art work. Please make sure all fiction has a disclaimer and proper rating, thanks.


Last warning: This site is intended for those 18 and over who are not offended by sexual content, same sex content, and maybe even some violence! *GASP!!* So please do not email us or leave feedback in the SeKsational Writings telling us what sick puppies we are, we already know this, and quite franky we do not care. This site was created for our enjoyment, as well as the enjoyment of many ~~ MANY ~~ others and none of us want bad vibes from uptight people who have nothing better to do than go about the internet and harass others' freedom of speech. Thanks.


That said............ Venture forth, oh adventurous ones! Join us in our warped yet highly amusing and addictive world!





Want to let us know what you think of the fics or downloads? Easy doing, babes. We love feedback, and it makes us create more downloads and more fics! No feedback means we go in the corner and cry, and nothing gets done, and in the end you come back here and see nothing gets done or changed, and you get angry, and leave angry feedback, and we cry more, and... You don't want to make us cry, it's not pretty. It has been known to cause nightmares in many people, including ourselves. Your best bet is to keep us happy so we keep you happy. I know, it's a vicious circle, but that's life. Feedback good. Good feedback even more good! You can leave criticism, that's okay, we can take it... We just might not listen to you is all. :D


get this gear!


Site created using Macromedia Flash 5 and Dreamweaver 4, by Suzie2qute and Bloody-adorable. ©2004.