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Welcome to the site where you can learn all you need to know about Brianna (not that you wanted to know everything, but that is what you get.) After carefully analyzing myself, I realized, there isn't much there to know, but I would make a site anyway. No use in just wasting space when you could learn all you want to know with just the touch of the button.

Now, I know you are wondering why everything is in pink...I don't know might just be my favorite color or something. Okay okay, so I do know. You should also know that I am not one to just make something completely about me. No no, I want it to be about you too, so I am going to make this site fun for all ages (even if you are some eighty year old man that has a receding hair line and a beer belly who spends most of his time drooling over girls on the television set). Make sure to visit all the areas I have to offer (which aren't many) and have fun with laughing at the new things you'll learn about me.

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