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Ahh, so you've found the Orlando Shrine, Drowning In Drool ^_~ Why wouldn't you come? So how's it going, then? Doesn't he simply look adorable in every picture you see? Oh, don't you know the half of it.

Maybe you're an idiot and shouldn't be here because you don't know who he is. Well - WE HATE YOU!!! hahaha, just kidding. Orli-chan is the most beautiful guy in the world!!!

He starred in the Lord of the Rings (in my eyes, yes, he did star so there. XP ) with the role of Legolas Greenleaf the elf. And boy, he sure got famous overnight. Millions upon millions of fansites dedicated to him showed up in about a WEEK from release!

  • forgot when this site was made exactly...earlyearlyMay 2003
  • May 5th, 2003 sink-o-de-mayo OMG!!!! ORLIIIIII!!! There's a contest w/ teen people (the magazine you dope) where you can WIN ORLANDO BLOOM'S OUTFIT FROM PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN!!!!!!!!!!! *wheezing* omg omg omg... gunna die... must breathe.. breathe.. that's the key... breath.....
  • May 7th, 2003 Worked on the bio and stuffs.... cuuuuuuuuute! DOOOOOBEEEDOOO! OMG i luv orli! XD WEOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  • May 8th, 2003 Continued working on Orli section. Considered making a section specifically for updates. Will make... eventually. Finished filmo & bio and added contact info to main page. WOOT! Lyn luvs u ORLI! WHEEEEEEEEEEE!

    *Tadrieniel Haiweth Greenleaf

    Site layout made by Strawberry

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    +Quotes, Interviews

    +Quotes about Orlando, Legolas

