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Let me be in love

Dear home, I know this is a new way for me to write but for once I have somthing to say that is worth the effort. It's Friday October 3rd another day in paradise but it doesnt feel like paradise anymore. I have grown tired of watching the clouds go by and spending lazy afternoons out on my board catching the "killer surf" I seem to always be going on about:) I can almost see all of your The clueless expressions that most of you must be wearing at this point. Its really a very simple thing to be honest, the most simple yet rewarding thing I have ever done (aunty dar you can put down that smoke I'm not pregnant)if your sure you all are ready I may just let you in on my secret, well to be honest Im wanting to run and scream it from roof tops but after I got arrested by Bill Swanky that summer for climbing the water tower Ive put away my ropes well not put them away just wouldnt tell you all I was going to do it first!! See I havent changed a bit against all the contrary beliefs:) YAY for me! Anyway Im going off the beaten path as usual but I'm on a mission here and that is to answer as many questions as I can without having to be interrogated:) So on with my letter.... IM IN LOVE!!!!! There you have it:) If I wasnt the loving person Iam I would leave you at that and make you wonder for a bit but I know everyone would just pick up your damn phones and drive me nuts all night so Im not going to put myself through that (wink wink) hahahah Im a funny girl arent I?? No serious I love him very much infact I love him enough that I want to spend forever by his side. Who is he??? Thats probably what your scanning over all this small talk to get to anyway so I shall just put that all first and easy that will be I can talk about HIM forever and never run out of things to say and never grow tired of talking about HIM. His name is Jeff Munn he is 26 . He's beautiful he's perfect he's everything any girl ever dreams of finding. I never really believed until I met him that you could find someone that you never run out of things to dream about and with but with him the sky is truly the limit. Jeff makes me not only want to be the best person I can be for him but for everything that we are and will become with time. I understand now grandma why you always were willing to follow gramps all over on all of his adventures and never had a moments doubt or unhappiness right now he is in Iraq and as much as I know it's no place for love to be I would give anything to be there by his side. Since I met Jeff all the unanswered questions I have been walking around with have been answered I have finaly found reason for alot of the things I have done or thought, everything I have done has been in preperation for meeting him and starting our lifes together. Every love song seems like its written for us and about us, every sunrise and sunset feels like God placed it right there to shine on what we have. I wish more now than ever that Nana was still alive because I would like to tell her "thank you" I never really took to heart all those speeches she always made to us about love and life and how important it really is but you know that old lady had the wisdom of a scholar. I will never know what I did or didnt do to deserve someone like him but I wont ever let him go. I know I have once again gotten off the beaten path of telling you about Jeff but I dont know if I can do that without crying.. I miss him.. Im lost without him:( I love the way he loves me the innocent way he says "hi" after not talking for a day like we both havent just spent every second counting down the mins till we were together again,the way we both try to play cool over plans for the future when we always slide right into nameing our unborn children, how he already offers to wash my clothes knowing all too well that even if he turned my whites pink I would proudly wear them! how my mistakes in his eyes are just as special as my successes. I love so much about him and as each day goes by I only find more reason to. Jeff has every quality a parent and in my case sets of parents could ever hope for their daughter to bring home one day he is sucessful (a officer in the Army) which obviously means he is educated so grandma you dont have to worry about that one I gots me a smert won;) lol and Aunti Dar yes he's tall and dreamy just look up at the picture:) I'll let you pick which one you think he is but if you get it wrong I get to have your Jam recipie!!! Hahaha Which is a good thing to have because I need to keep him healthy and from the looks of uncle wayne lately your a pro:) Ok dont tell him that I said that we dont need him on that cabbage diet again!!!! Jeeze I was telling you about my future husband and now Im talking about uncle wayne smelling bad! So back to Jeffy Bear, he doesn't have any kids (yet) and thank the lord he has been married which is somthing I LOVE about him it makes it so much easier to be with someone that can relate to stuff with me on that level.This is hard because well I can ramble on about stuff and it just turns mushy He's close to his family so you all dont have to worry about him being another (ace) infact he cant wait to come home with me and learn all about us and how we do things:) Yup thats right we get to teach him the ropes of being insane the clarkson way!!! Im really hoping that we make it up there for the Reunion next summer and the festival. Ok time for more big news!!!! Well as some of you know I was going to relocate to NC and work at the base there, well big change of plans:) I'm going to be working at Ft Cambell which is in Ky for ya Im moving there to be with him because with this Iraq stuff we've spent more than enough time apart.God I love him!!!!! Im going to let you all go for a bit I will update this in a few days and maybe just maybe I will have convinced my better half to say somthing to you nosy people!!! I love you all and miss you! ~Boo Boo