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   Dearest Alex,                                                                             

Happy VALentine's day!!!

So um, yeah get to see how BAD my web-page making skill is ...-___-''''
hehe, I was going to make a PowerPoint ....but then the size was WAY too big.

For some reason, my Microsoft photo editors disappeared...... so I couldn't resize my pictures or rotate them .... ><    whew....making websites are not as easy as I thought !

Since I forgot to put the "Via Airmail" sticker on your valentine's card, it's probably on a ship....on the sea the middle of no where.  And if the ship hits the might never get your valentine's card :'(   

So I've decided to make you something nice ^_^  I am so nice!!  But, no matter what I do, I can never thank you enough for loving me everyday and treating me like a princess!  Thank you for being the best boyfriend in the world.   I was never in love with anyone as much as I am in love with you.....and I want to spend all my life with you.  Happy valentine's day, honey pie and I hope you enjoy my little gift!  muuuuuah!  I love you, koaladad!

Shu-Hsin's Monday in school....and with friends !!  Febuaray 9, 2004 ^_^


I woke up, went to classes, feeling reeeeeeeeally sleepy, so I got Coffee!!! YAY!  Costed me 95 cents!

After a few sips.....I was still really sleepy....but I at least had the energy to yawn now !  O_o

WHOO-HOO.....Alex's baby is finally awake now......ASIAN PICTURE SIGN !! Unfortunately my UGLY roommate is in the same class.....and ewwwwwwwww she's so ugly.  but I decided to leave her in the picture cause I AM soooooo SUPER BEAUTIFUL compare to her !! Hehehe 

Trying to concentrate and study Math


uh.......%&$*#~ ......I have NO idea the hell I am studying about o_____O

Lunch Time ..... mmmmmmmm FOOD !!!  U should be my food....I can eat you all day long :)

I am eating a burger.   James (my friend) gave me an orange

Jason and I were pigging out .......and I look like Cartmen in the Chipokomun episode. hehe whole table is eating chicken wraps......

Then I bought a Heart-shape Cookie

Jason took my diet Pepsi, so I turned into a monster trying to punch his head....


and the last picture.......I was trying to pay attention in class and then I began to think about u :)  <3

and there you have it !! well, my day is not quiet over yet....but since my computer and camara weren't really working well it was hard for me to take more pictures.  plus, I had to go home and I can't take pictures of myself.


I LOoooooooooooVE U so so so so so so so MUCH !!! !!!!

From your koala mom,
