
Title: Proof

Author: Wolf,

Pairing: Viggo/Craig

Rating: R for language and imagery

Summary: When surprises come up, do you go with the flow?

Disclaimer: Do not own them, *hugs name-collars to self* *sobs* make
no money out of this, make no claims, have NOTHING! *sob*

Archive: Working_Blue, and my site...

Author's Notes: This is for Laura's challenge. We did this thing,
where each one of use gave a challenge to the other two, Daea's
challenge has been answered by both Laura and me in previous posts,
I'm in advance with this one... the pairing is Vig/Craig, and the
sentence... 'Viggo felt the Craig slide the rough material over his
eyes, making sure that he couldn't see anything, before he led him
down the hall.' I modified it a bit, but apparently, that was okay
with Laura so... *grins* whoo!

Dedication: To Laura and Daea, both lovelies.




Viggo's hands were bound, and he didn't know how they had gotten that
way. He knew Craig was to blame, but he couldn't fathom the other man
wanting to hurt him for any possible reason. He felt the Craig slide
rough material over his eyes, making sure that he couldn't see
anything, before he was slammed into the wall, pressed against it by
a hot body.

- Craig, let me go.

The tone of a man who expects to be obeyed.

- Huh... nope.

The tone of a man who has something he wants within his reach.

A heavy sigh and...

- Alright, what is it you want?

A compromise, a means to an end.

- You.

The truth.

- Right...

The disbelief of modesty undone by the hope of reality.

- Do you know how sexy you are?

A rhetorical question.

- You're insane.

A statement, neither true nor false.

- Would you let me?

Another rhetorical question.

- Let you what?

Frustrated, the answer is known, expected.

- Fuck you.

An image, an orgasm in the words.

- ...

A silence, a word.

A kiss, a proof.

The End.

