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Knights Of Job Constitution

The following is the chronicaling of our mighty emperess, Amanda, and her humble acolyt, Ben. Amanda had sailed over a great ocean for many years, stopping at small ports, at one of these ports, Kyoto, she met a leader. He had much potential, but the townsfolk had very little faith to his cause. Amanda, in her infinite wisdom saw the glory of his plan, and accepted as her follower and right hand man.

They sailed, and came to a great span of ocean, they sailed for a many decades, surviving on fish, and what little rice stores they had. Ben, a man of the sciences devised a way to get fresh water from the morning. Amanda, faithful and a songstress, sang to the Gods for the deliverance of land. It was on a hot day when a grate wale appeared, interupting Amanda's song...

"Why hast thou interrupted my song creature?"

"Amanda, your faith has been measured by the Gods, they hath decreed that you shall find an island, your island will be christened in the name of Job. Your town hall shall be called a Bethel. There will be noble men who will protect the female senate and wise, they shall be dedicated to DeMolay. The policing force, will arise in assemblys and will preach of the beauty of the rainbow. It shall be only the wisest Rainbow assembly members that shall enter the nobility. The wisest Knights and Bethel members shall be the shogun, they are the great leaders, such as Ben and faithful such as Amanda. DeMolay and Bethel girls shall be Daimyos, if they have demonstrated their leadership over their provinces, and if Assembly members hath demonstrated their leadership. They shall become Samuri. DeMolay and Jobs Daughters which hath been deemed great leaders shall be recognized as shogun." It was then the wale manifested a shinging scroll on which was written rules...

Amanda doth spoke, "So it is written, so it shall be done" And in a weeks time land was found, during that time Amanda and Ben's hunger was not felt. It was there they found this dyansty.

Laws of the Land