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Fiction Realm

*Note-I'm sorry if my images don't work, I'm not sure what I can do to fix such things.

Announcement: I'm looking for a beta reader! I do beta other people's work, but if you write then you know how hard it is to critique your own work...if I tried to critique my own work this webpage probably wouldn't exist. So if you would like to be a faithful beta to me, please contact me at the e-mail at the bottom of the page, or IM me. My AOL/AIM screen names are PuffBroccoli00 and MoonBurst81. Thanks!

Thank you for visiting Fiction Realm. If you're like me, you're appalled at all the cut-downs they're making on, and want to read or post music group and/or actor fiction. You've come to the right place. The types of fan fiction that I post are listed below, but I will accept any fan fiction from people who would like to be hosted.

-Elijah Wood-
-Orlando Bloom-
-Johnny Depp-

I also write Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings fiction, but you can find those on FanFiction.Net, e-mail me for more information. If you would like me to host you, visit the requirements for submitting fiction page and read about more there.

If you would like to know when I add new things to the site or what it is I've added, get more information on that at the update page. It's an extemely useful tool, you can read about stories that I have updated and/or ideas for stories that are coming soon. I'll want your feedback on those.

Stories: (The ratings, characters/pairings and summaries are on the pages.)

My Originals:

Routine, Clichéd, Typical (Elijah Wood)

There And Back Again (Lord of the Rings)

Hosted: None, as of yet

Short Stories:

Expectations (Johnny Depp/Orlando Bloom - not slash)

Questions? Comments? E-mail me at the address at the bottom of the page.

All of my stories are © Fiction Realm, 2003. I take no credit and have nothing to do with the hosted portion of my site. I only upload the text sent to me by authors. Do not take any story on this site without prior permission to the author.

Elijah Wood Fan Fiction
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