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wedding bells!
may 28, 2005

If you're here, either you are remarkably resourceful with Google, or you have been directed here via wedding invitation or email. Either way, welcome! We thought this would be a good way to make information about our wedding accessible, especially since this is going to be a "destination wedding" for most of you.

A destination wedding in South Dakota? Well, aside from the fact that this is where we live, why not? Dakota is the home of Rushmore and Crazy Horse, the site of one of the three gold rushes in American history and a backdrop for everything from the Little House on the Prairie books to the movie Armageddon.

So, it seems that there are two things we need to cover with this minisite:

Where to stay for the wedding, and where it's being held,
How to get here, and
Why Sioux Falls and the rest of South Dakota is worth more of a trip than just the wedding.

Update 4/22/05: Expanded the list of hotels

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