Snake Eyes and Flying Hearts

Chapter 3-Draco's New Hairdo

Isabelle: He had shaved his head bald!

"Hermione! Hermione!" Susan Bones of Hufflepuff came rushing to the 'Golden Trio' of Gryffindor.

Ella: Before she told her own house, of course.

"What is it, Susan?" Hermione asked, trying to calm her Hufflepuff friend down.

Isabelle: (Hermione) Petrificus Totalus! There. Now, what was that, again?

"I-It's Malfoy! He's gone mad!" Susan replied.
"How?" Harry asked.
"Who cares!" Ron yelled.

Ella: Well, it could be contagious, Ron. You should know that by now!

Suddenly Neville Longbottom came running towards them. "Harry! Ron! Hermione! I don't know why but Malfoy redid his hair!"

Isabelle: Isn’t it obvious why? He didn’t like the way it was before. Isn’t that why anyone gets his or her hair redone?

Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other and ran. They all got to a crowd of people when...

Ella: A bomb exploded, killing Sylia. The End!
Isabelle: Unfortunately not.

What's the matter, Potter? Hard to recognize me?" Draco laughed. Yes. His hair WAS redone. It was done like Miki Kaoru's hair(From Utena) but without it being all blue, with green, black and silver at the ends.

Ella: *shielding her eyes*…the pain… the colors… the anime hair… ooh, wait, no, I have a happy mental image.
Isabelle: Augh! You don’t see everything with preternatural vision! That’s ghastly! On Draco Malfoy? Well, the colors are, not the style. And just what is that mental image of, dear?
Ella: Ron with Kenshin hair. And wearing Kenshin clothes. Or, you know, just Kenshin in general…
Isabelle: *sighs long-sufferingly* What I put up with…

"What have you done with your hair?" Hermione asked in shock.

Isabelle: (Draco) I’ve decided to stop dying it platinum blond. You saw the roots; it’s so hard to keep up!

"We did it for him!" Crabbe and Goyle said in unison.
"That's right!" Draco agreed. Hey, It WAS the truth. "I'm trying to impress Sylia!"

Ella: (Draco) Now we both have dark hair! We’re made for each other!

"Hey! You stole my idea, Malfoy!"

Isabelle: (Ron) You’re trying to attract Sylia with color coordination, as opposed to my lack thereof!

Ron tried to attack Draco, But Harry and Hermione stopped him.

Ella: (Hermione) Ron! Violence is NOT the answer! Remember Willow Tree!
Isabelle: What’s Willow Tree?
Ella: It’s anti drug, violence, and alcohol education.
Isabelle: But… that’s not any fun!
Ella: The best part is, the people in it are the druggies who drink and get into fights.

"Lemme at him!
"Pull yourself together, Ron!"
"Just count to ten!"

Isabelle: In what language? French, Latin, Ancient Egyptian, German, English? I can go on…
Ella: *snickers* Don’t tell Claudia that. She’ll attack you until you teach her.

"It's true then! These rumors I'm hearing. Draco Malfoy has redone his hair."

Isabelle: Is it really that amazing? I mean it’s hideous, but nothing special.

Everyone turned to Sylia who was breaking up the crowd.
"Miss Sylia..."
"Mr. Malfoy..."

Ella: Did that remind you of The Matrix, too?
Isabelle: Not really. You’re just going crazy.

"Do you like it?" Draco asked nervously.
"Of course I like it, Draco! It makes you look cuter than any of the other first years!" Sylia smiled.

Ella: Well, at least eleven-year-olds can use the word ‘cute.’ My sister does…

So did Draco who started jumping up and down yelling: "Yes!"
"However...Your old hairstyle made you look more...Slytherin.

Isabelle: (Sylia) Tsk tsk. Blonds have more fun.

And I don't want anyone to confuse you with a Ravenclaw, a Gryffindor, or even worse, a Hufflepuff! See you in class." With that, Sylia walked away.
Malfoy's hand clenched up into a fist. "Crabbe...Goyle..."

Ella: (Crabbe and Goyle, à la Mafia Goons) Yes, Boss.

Everyone backed away. Most of them knew by now that when Malfoy was mad, HE WAD MAD!

Isabelle: He wad mad. And Sylia wad stupid.
Ella: Proofreading is good. See, Word doesn’t pick up on that sort of thing.

"Trying to impress Sylia, eh?" Ron laughed. "At least that wasn't MY idea!"

Ella: (Ron) So long, sucker!

Malfoy glared at Ron. Then he looked at Crabbe and Goyle. "I'll deal with you two later!" With that he stormed off to class, pushing the 'Golden Trio' out of his way. "Out of my way, Potter!"
"Well I guess he's back to normal," Harry announced.

Isabelle: (dryly) Thank you, Captain Obvious. Do you have anything else to add?

Sylia rushed to the sky boxes to see the quidditch match.

Ella: Since when does Hogwarts have sky boxes? Was I not reading carefully enough?
Isabelle: And ‘Quidditch’ is capitalized.

"Well I guess the 'admired' always do come fashionably late," she bragged.

Ella: To whom?
Isabelle: So, why isn’t she there an hour early?

She started watching until she noticed that it was Slytherin vs. Hufflepuff and sighed. "Maybe I shouldn't have come. The match is going to end in..."

Ella: A tie.

"The Slytherin seeker has caught the snitch! Slytherin wins!"
Sylia turned around, sighed, shook her head, and muttered: "Hufflepuffs."

Isabelle: …are stupid.

"Well, Malfoy, I see you have your old hairdo back...after a week!" Hermione commented.

Ella: Because they are on friendly speaking terms. [/sarcasm]

"Don't announce it to the public, Granger!" Malfoy yelled. "I'm waiting for..."

Ella: … the cows to come home!

"Sylia?" Hemione teased.
"NO! I'm waiting for Crabbe and Goyle! I'm challenging one of them to a game of wizards chess."

Isabelle: (Draco) Because they are so dumb that I can get an ego boost from winning.
Ella: (Hermione) You have issues…

"Well, just so you know, they're not staying for the holidays like you are. I think they already left," Hemione told him. "Happy Christmas." Then she walked away.
Malfoy froze.

Ella: Because it was winter, and there was no heat in the castle.

They're not staying either?! This is crazy! I've asked every Slytherin I know and all of them aren't staying! I'm going bloody mad here!" He put his head on the table and sighed. "I guess I'm the only Slytherin who's staying for the holidays," he said sadly.

Isabelle: *deadpan* I feel for you.


Isabelle: *with an uncharacteristically gleeful voice* I don’t!

Malfoy looked up to see Sylia staring down at him. "W-what did you say?"
"You're not the only one who's staying for the holidays that's in Slytherin,"

Ella: Or, ‘You’re not the only Slytherin staying for the holidays.’ Same sentiment, less wordy.

Sylia told him. "I will also be staying!" Then she walked away as well.

Ella: *groans* The only two Slytherins? Please, kill me now…
Isabelle: Well, I’d prefer to wait for my Sue, but if you insist…
Ella: I was KIDDING!

Once again, Draco froze. "It- it can't be! She's really staying? No! This is just a dream! A good dream! But a dream! JUST a dream! C'mon Draco! WAKE UP!!!"

Isabelle: You are getting veeerry sleeeeepy…

*same rules. same disclaimer. oh and beware of the next chapter. it will tend to get a little mushy/ghraphic.

Ella: ghraphic? What the…?

NO! not like that you sick people! just a highly detailed part after the draco and sylia dance. CYA*

Isabelle.:… How detailed?
Ella: Doesn’t matter. I brought some Bleeprin from PPC headquarters.
*A loud knock on the theater door is heard.*
Claudia: (From outside the door) Food’s here!
Ella: Yay! *Bounces to the back of the auditorium* Hey Claudia!
Claudia: Hi. Okay, I have your pizza and Isabelle’s Sue. She’s an Aragorn-lusting half-elf angstbunny warrior with a tragic past and cute animal friends. Enjoy! *Hands Ella a pizza box and a leash. Attached to the other end of the leash, struggling madly, is a ’Sue.*
Isabelle: *Stands up and glides towards Ella* (to the Sue) Hello, my sweet. You’re one of the lucky ones, you know. I’m saving you from weeks of torture.
Sue: *screams in fright, as Isabelle is a Very Frightening Entity* No! Aragorn! Save me!
Isabelle: No need for that! *takes Sue in her arms and drinks*
Ella: That is really gross. *drops leash, takes her pizza and sits down* (calling up to lighting booth) Next chapter, please!

*Just so you know, I don’t own any character EXCEPT Sylia, and I don’t own the song-‘Toki Ni Ai Wa’

Ella: Uh oh. Songfic alert…

either. I think it suits the dance scene in this chapter. Anyway that song is from utena: the movie and belongs to the people who created that movie.

Isabelle: Would it have killed her to check who made the movie? I mean, really.

Have fun reading!*

Ella: Oh, we will…

Chapter 4-Wake Up!
Draco’s eyes shot open. He saw himself in the boys’ dormitory in the Slytherin Common room.

Isabelle: Because he was having an out of body experience.

He was breathing heavily. He got up and out of his bed and tried to wake up Crabbe and Goyle. However, when he got to their beds, they weren’t there. He gasped.

Isabelle: They’ve been kidnapped!

Then he looked all around him at the empty beds. He was the only Slytherin in the room.

Ella: But it was chock-full of Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs.

Emphasize on ‘in the room.’ He started to hear someone humming. He knew it was a girl because no boy in Slytherin hummed so high.

Ella: Well, they were only eleven. Their voices shouldn’t have all changed, yet…

He ran out the door and saw her.
Sylia was trying on a new dress she received for Christmas. It was a beautiful, green, non-puffy Asian dress with dragons, phoenixes, and serpents scattered on it.

Isabelle: (deadpan) Thank you for the description of the dress you are wearing. My life is so much the richer for it.

It was tight and tight. Tight as in cool because of the dragons, phoenixes, and snakes; and tight as in tight against her skin.

Ella: You know, not that eleven-year-olds have much in the way of things for dresses to be tight against.

She turned around and saw Draco staring down at her. She smirked. “Well, don’t just stand there gawking, Malfoy. Come down.”

Ella: What is she, a school teacher? Gyah…

He came down as told. He stared blankly at Sylia. Then he spoke. “What are you doing here? Where’s everyone else?”

Isabelle: (Sylia) Oh, I Avada Kedavra-ed them.

“They’re not staying like we are,” Sylia answered.
Draco frowned. “’We?’”

Ella: (Draco) Whoa, Sylia… this is a little fast! We’re not a ‘we’ yet…

“Didn’t I tell you?

Isabelle: (Sylia) We’re going to get married. Now, how does next April sound?

We’re the only Slytherins that are staying for the holidays.”
Draco fell on the black leather couch.

Ella: *brain fuses* Slash fic memories…
Isabelle: Harry/Draco smut?
Ella: Yeah. Not all that bad, either.

Dazed. “It’s just a dream!”
“ I beg your pardon?”
“This is only a dream! I have to wake up and come back to the real world! Just wake up, Draco! This is just a dream! When I wake up, It’ll be the way it was before!”

Ella: The voices will have left me!

Sylia felt sorry for poor Draco so she walked over to him. He looked up at her. She drew back her hand and slapped him across the face.

Isabelle: *scoffs* Well, that’s nice!
Ella: Sure, go ahead and hit your boyfriend! That’ll make him like you even more.
Isabelle: Well, if he’s into BDSM…
Ella: *brain fuses again* That same fic again…

It stung where Sylia hit him. “What the hell did you that for?!” Draco yelled, putting his hand on his cheek and rubbing it where it hurt.

Ella: (Draco) *whines* Owwww… that huuuurt…

“Well, it must not be a dream if you felt that!” Sylia told him. She got up and grabbed her school robes. “I suggest you get dressed now, Malfoy. I’m going out and I don’t want you to be alone in the common room all day.”

Isabelle: Because he couldn’t do anything by himself. Like, I don’t know, read a book? Write a letter?

Just then, Draco realized that he was still in his nightclothes and went up stairs to the boys’ dormitory. “I’ll be back in a second!” he said happily.

Ella: (Draco) *seductively* Let me slip into something more… comfortable.
Isabelle: So says Miss ‘They’re only eleven!’

Draco and Sylia, both in their school robes,

Ella: Aw, you mean they weren’t naked?
Isabelle: Down, girl.

went outside for some air. It was nice out.
Then Draco’s eye caught Harry and Ron on the other side.

Ella: Gotcha! *eye catches Harry and Ron*

He smirked and told Sylia to stay where she was before going over.
Meanwhile, Sylia was busy forming snowballs. She looked over at Draco and smirked.

Ella: (Sylia) He’s not wearing any pants…

She pulled out her wand, put the snowball down, and levitated it. “Wingardium Leviosa!”

Isabelle: Well, at least it’s a real spell…

“Well if it isn’t…” Before Draco could continue, the snowball hit him on the back. He knew who it was since he had just left her for a few seconds.

Ella: And there was no one else there. Fantastic powers of logic.

He smiled. “Is that how you want to play it, eh?” He whipped out his wand after making a snowball himself. “Wingardium Leviosa!”
Sylia was laughing too much to know that Draco’s snowball had hit her arm.

Isabelle: She really has a very small percent of her brain functioning if she can’t notice both.

Both Her and Draco were having too much fun for their first time together.

Ella: *so angry about grammar that the innuendo passes her by completely* SHE AND DRACO!

The snowball fight continued until both of them were too tired to play anymore.
“Knight to B3!”
“Queen to B3! Checkmate!”
“Blast! I just cant win against you can I?”

Isabelle: No one can win against a ‘Sue.
Ella: Except us!

In the evening, Draco and Sylia played wizards chess. Draco wasn’t really good at it and Sylia had already beat him twelve times.

Isabelle: Beaten. And how bad is Draco? It’s hard to play twelve games of chess in a row—it takes too long.

“Rematch! Huh?” Even though Draco wanted a rematch, Sylia was too tired to continue, so she fell asleep.

Isabelle: Yes, she fell asleep in a space of a few seconds.

Draco smiled. ‘She’s so beautiful!’ he thought. He draped her in a blanket and put her up on the leather couch.

Ella: *closes her eyes and chants* Eleven tears old… eleven years old…

Before he reached the other couch, he heard Sylia shivering. He immediately turned around and took his shirt off.

Isabelle: *rolls eyes* Ella, keep your eyes closed…

Then he lit a fire in the fireplace. He put the shirt over the sleeping Sylia and silently slipped in.

Ella: *opens eyes*…Slipped in where? *thwacks self* No! Bad mind! BAD MIND!

Draco and Sylia had fun over the holidays. Just the two of them. Draco and Sylia. Sylia and Draco.
One night, Sylia wore her new dress while hanging out with Draco.
“You look really sexy in that dress,” Draco complimented.

Ella: Augh! My sister is eleven…
Isabelle: Well, I suppose they do, but not seriously…

Sylia blushed lightly. “Thanks, Malfoy.” She felt differently about him after a few days. She got up. “Do you know how to dance?”

Ella: *blink* …That was random…

Draco blushed deeply. “D-dance?! Gee Sylia I don’t…”

Isabelle: (Draco) I’m sorry. I just don’t feel that way about you, too.
Ella: (Sylia) *sob* I HATE YOU!

It was too late. Sylia had already taken him by the hand. “Are you right hand or left?”

Ella: …right or left handed?
Isabelle: I think that’s what she meant…

“Good. Now, put your right hand on my waist.” Draco put his right hand on her hip.

Ella: Is he trying to be an idiot?

“I said my waist! Not my hip!” Sylia corrected him. Draco moved his hand upward.
“Now, put your left hand on my shoulder.” Draco did as told. Sylia did the same. “Now we just go around in a triangle.”

Isabelle: What sort of dance is she trying to teach him?
Ella: Like the author can be arsed to learn…

She moved forward. He moved back. She knew that he was nervous, but she was too at first. Starting the triangle, she smiled. “Don’t worry I’ll lead.”

Ella: *pulls out headphones* Songfic alert! Do you like ‘The USS Make-Shit-Up’?
Isabelle: I like anything that isn’t songfic.

(This rose is our destiny, leading us)
(This rose is our destiny michibikare)
(to now meet once again)
(futari wa ima mou ichido deau)
(Because I've never forgotten)
(donna toki mo)
(our promise)
(ano yakusoku wasurenaide)
(I've finally made it this far!)
(yatto koko made kita yo)
Draco turned Sylia around and whispered: “I’ll lead!” and smiled.
(At times, love is strong,)
(toki ni ai wa tsuyoku)
(so much it even wounds people's hearts, but Ah)
(hito no kokoro wo kizutsuke mo suru keredo Ah)
(in the midst of the courage that grants our dreams,)
(yume wo atae yuuki no naka ni)
(a light always shines forth.)
(itsumo hikari kagayaite)
(Love is strong,)
(ai wa tsuyoku)
(so much so that it can move people's hearts, but Ah)
(hito no kokoro wo ugokashite yuku dakara Ah)
(If we are together, then without a doubt)
(futari de iru kitto sekai wo)
(we can change the world, and everything will)
(kaeru tame ni soshite subete wa)
(become one power.)
(hitotsu no chikara ni naru)

*Both MSTers carefully remove the headphones*
Ella: It’s over. I think.
Isabelle: Good.

They got exhausted after a while, but they seemed to be having fun.
“You sure are a fast learner,” Sylia complimented.
“I’m a Malfoy! What do you expect?!” Draco bragged playfully.
They both laughed. However, Sylia seemed a bit upset/uncomfortable.

Ella: I’m not going to start. I’m saving my rant for the impending age-related issues.

She got up and walked to the couch. She sat down.

Isabelle: Thrilling sequence of events…

“Hmm? What’s wrong, Sylia?” Draco was worried about her.

Ella: Thank you, Captain Obvious. Do you have anything else to add?

Sylia didn’t face him. She spoke. “Um, Draco? I’ve been feeling a bit weird lately and I don’t know any way else to show it to you, but…” She turned around and stared at him with those beautiful, emerald green, snake-like eyes.

Isabelle: It’s rude to stare, dear.

“Draco, can you…could you…” She was blushing up a storm

Ella: *giggle* Shall I get my raincoat out?

but it finally came. “Will you…kiss me?”

*Isabelle restrains Ella by sitting on her*
Ella: I’ll bite!
Isabelle: I wish you would.
Isabelle: We’ve established that. Many times.

Draco’s eyes widened. Not only has she called him by his first name, but also she asked him to kiss her!

Isabelle: *dryly* Thank you for the recap.

Right there, Draco Malfoy realized that this WAS indeed NOT a dream.

Ella: LQ syndrome!

He got up and smiled seductively at Sylia. He suddenly pushed Sylia down against the black leather couch, leaned forward, and brought Sylia into an everlasting lip-lock.

Ella: *wails* NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Isabelle: *bares her fangs* If you do not shut up, I will have to bite you.
Ella: *shuts up* Okay.

Draco let it go smooth for a while until Sylia’s lips opened slowly so that his tongue could probe around them.

Isabelle: *mutters* Bite her… bite her… bite her…
Ella: Not going to happen. Sorry.

He was definitely enjoying this! Not only because his first kiss felt good(not to mention the minty freshness=D),

Ella: *winces* In text author’s notes…

but also because he was kissing the girl of his dreams.

Isabelle: *sigh* The girl of your dreams never lasts long. She left me in 1902. Found me again in the eighties, but that’s beside the point…

*same rules. Oh and it gets mushy again in the next chapter, but some of my friends’ favorite part is in the next chapter.*

Ella: Oh, no. Anything her ‘friends’ like is almost guaranteed to be ghastly.
