The Golden Penrod: Part 8

The Golden Penrod
By Darjeeling

Part Eight

Racing barefoot through dark and damp woods, Nevaeh winced as one foot struck a sharp rock. She knew John Hayes was nearby, but she could not find him. She stopped running and tried to catch her breath. Her heart pounding, she leaned against a tree for a quick rest. A bullfrog croaking on the ground seized her attention. She looked down at the fat creature, who sported her beloved's head on his green body. The John Hayes frog gazed back up at her and said, "Move your arse."

Jolting from her dream, Nevaeh sat upright. The force of her sudden movement bounced her bosoms out of her clothing. They collided with Evinrude, who was sitting on the bed with one hand on her shoulder. She hastily collected her newly exposed goods and quickly put them away.

"Move your arse," he said again, playfully. His brusqueness from the night before was gone and his hand was gentle. "You'll be on the road home in half an hour. Get up and gather your things."

Nevaeh waited until he had left the room before she rose. Stretching and yawning, she tried to shake away the awful dream Evinrude had rescued her from. A believer in prophetic dreams, she wondered what it meant. Would she and John Hayes make their home in the forest? Had Asshat transformed John into a mutant amphibian? Why was she so relieved to see Evinrude upon waking?

She walked to the large desk and retrieved her bag. Examining it closely, she concluded that no one had tampered with it. "Evinrude is a decent man," she thought. "I do not believe that he would hurt anyone. He is a pirate, but a sensitive and considerate pirate. He shared the amazing riches of The Golden Penrod with John Hayes and myself, both strangers! But now I must learn to forget about the emotions he stirs in me, for John and I will be married soon and make a life together. Evinrude is handsome and charming, and will have no trouble finding a suitable wife."

Pausing at the door, she gave the room a final look. She would always remember this setting with fondness and perhaps a little longing. She would never reveal such a longing to John Hayes, although she knew it would be difficult to keep it hidden.

Nevaeh opened the door and stepped out onto the poop deck of the Rebecca Hidalgo. She blinked into the morning sunshine and looked around for Evinrude. Turning to the right, she crashed into a young pirate with a patchy beard and beady eyes. Recoiling slightly from his sour aroma, she noticed that his saggy trousers had fallen down. As he pulled them back into place, he winked at her and nodded.

"Good mornin'," he said. Nevaeh smiled uneasily. "So you're the cap'n's lass, eh?" he laughed. "Too bad. I reckon you'd be beggin' for more if you had a night with me." He chortled at his wit, his horrible breath nearly knocking over Nevaeh. He ceased his merriment and looked closely at her. "Um...I don't reckon you could give a salty sailor a bit of a handout, could you? I have expenses, and--"

"Federline!" a familiar voice snapped. Nevaeh joyfully wheeled around to see Evinrude, a grim look on his face as he approached. "Go swab the main deck," he said, not bothering to hide the contempt in his voice. "Now!" he shouted when the younger man hesitated. Federline scampered off, holding on to his drooping pants.

Evinrude shook his head and grunted. "Little bastard never wants to work! He'll never 'mount to nothin', that'un. I don't know what'll become of his poor young'uns. Eight of ''em he's got! And by eight diff'rent women!" Evinrude spat on the deck and scratched the front of his trousers. "Some folks've got no shame."

Nevaeh felt dizzy with love for this man, this exciting and unpredictable man who alternated between the two worlds of sensuality and principles, opposing realities in which she would gladly frolic with him if only she were granted an invitation. "If I could bid farewell to John Hayes forever", she thought, "I would not mind it at all if my reward would be a lifetime with Evinrude."

The pirate looked at her sharply. "We're nearly at the shore," he told her. He turned from her and walked briskly to a group of his men who were in a huddle, speaking in low voices and guffawing nastily.

Nevaeh's face flamed with embarrassment. Why, he looked at her as if he could hear her thoughts! Perhaps he could. As he wielded the powers of The Golden Penrod and directed them for the good of humanity, the possibilities of his unearthly powers were endless. It was a sobering theory.

She sighed and looked at Evinrude, who was in the process of coldcocking a pirate who had just previously offered an obviously dissatisfying remark. Such a wild and fiery man! She knew she would miss the hot excitement of this untamed, passionate creature.
* * * * * * * * * *
Evinrude nearly slipped twice as he carried Nevaeh to shore from his ship. He effortlessly held the girl in his arms, but the alluring sight of her full beauties gleaming in the bright sun rays distracted him to the point of near collapse.

Finally out of the water, he carefully set Nevaeh down on the soft sand. He kicked at a shell, his hands in his pockets. Uneasy with his silence, Nevaeh worried that he was angry with her but then realized the state he was in. "My goodness," she thought. "He is feeling bashful! This swaggering, arrogant pirate has turned shy." Nevaeh felt very smug then, knowing that she had the upper hand.

She pouted and looked at Evinrude. "I know that you are a very busy man, and this is asking too much but would it be possible for you to accompany me home?" Evinrude looked up, startled by her request. "I would feel so much safer if you were with me," she went on. "And it is such a long trip besides. It would be nice to have someone with me." Evinrude cleared his throat and nodded. "I reckon that's possible. I'll tell the men to stay here for a while and not do any lootin' while I'm gone." He puffed out hs chest and belched. "They'd just make a mess of things without their cap'n to give 'em orders."

"We must leave immediately," Nevaeh said. "My mother is probably worried about me and--"

She and Evinrude looked at each other for a moment. "And John Hayes will be waitin'," he finished for her. Nevaeh detected bitterness in his tone, and it made her giddy. Evinrude was jealous! He turned sullen at the mention of John Hayes. Yes, this was something she would use to her advantage.

Nevaeh began walking to town as Evinrude made arrangements with his men. She frowned as she pondered recent events. She couldn't marry John Hayes now, not after falling in love with Evinrude. Even if the surly buccaneer rejected her love she could not run to the limp arms of pantywaisted little John. Had she ever loved him? Certainly she had affection for him but was it ever more than a chummy, platonic love? Had she merely accepted the first opportunity that presented itself?

Arriving at the edge of town, Nevaeh forced John Hayes from her mind. Her heart began beating madly at the thought of traveling with Evinrude. She felt faint, imagining his muscular arms wrapped around her, preventing her best features from assaulting her in their neverending quest for freedom.

Hailing a carriage, she ignored the admiring glances of the driver as she informed him that a companion would be joining her. His cheery expression turned glum when Evinrude strolled up and helped Nevaeh into her seat. The pirate generously tossed the driver a small bag of gold coins and requested a speedy journey. "The lady is in a hurry," he said, climbing into the carriage.

The first hour was one of politeness and impersonal conversation. The topics of choice were the weather, current literary figures (the seasoned rover was impressively well-read), and the price of rum. Evinrude stole many peeks at his seatmate's natural gifts but otherwise displayed immaculate behavior. Each word he spoke confirmed Nevaeh's suspicions that his weather-beaten crust covered a delicate and vulnerable soul.

Wishing to bring this hidden beauty to the surface, Nevaeh cautiously broached the topic of Evinrude's mother.

He flinched at her mention but did not repeat his earlier outrage. "What can I say 'bout that woman?" he sighed. "She's a whore."

Nevaeh laid a hand on Evinrude's arm. "Oh, no, Evinrude, you mustn't say that! That is too harsh. No matter how she has failed you, you must not call her that."

"No," he spat, "my mother is a whore. She lays down with strange men for money and favors! She's a filthy thing and I'll have nothin' to do with her." He shifted restlessly in the seat. "She never told me who my father is, because she don't know. She's had hundreds of customers and I could be the son of a doctor or a beggar. I'll never know who I am!" With this admission he seemed to gain a sudden awareness of what had just transpired. He wordlessly turned to the window and was silent.

Nevaeh's heart was broken for this man in distress. She wanted to comfort him but he appeared to be embarrassed over his outburst. "The poor dear, I want to take him in my arms and kiss him until he faints," she thought, her face turning red with lusty anxiety. "Oh, I wish I could give myself to him right here in this carriage! I do not love John Hayes---I love Evinrude!"

The pirate slowly turned around. "Do you mean that?"

Nevaeh gasped and put one hand to her mouth. "Dear heavens," she whispered, "you can read my mind." She put her hands in her lap and looked away. "I am very ashamed of myself. I hardly know you and here I am desiring you! You must think I am without morals."

The rugged rascal snatched his companion to him and kissed her roughly. Clutching Evinrude tightly to keep from bouncing off him, Nevaeh returned the kiss but stopped when she pictured a forlorn John Hayes, sitting on the steps of the parsonage and feeling pity for himself.

She pulled away from Evinrude and looked at him sadly. "John Hayes believes me to be in love with him. I will not marry him now, even though he has been cured of Teh Gay." She put one small hand on his own manly paw. "I love you, Evinrude, but I must not act on my feelings until I settle things with John Hayes." She sighed deeply. "I am sure he will be broken when he learns that I do not love him, but how wrong it would be to marry him just to avoid causing him hurt!"

Evinrude considered this, then leaned towards Nevaeh. "I think you'll find that you're worried for nothin'. John Hayes has been changed by The Golden Penrod but it ain't what you're expectin'. You see, Nevaeh, the magic in my trousers hasn't forced John to change against his will. Rather, it has transformed him into what he's always desired to be." He smiled mysteriously and chuckled at her confusion. "Things will turn out well, you'll see."

Putting her head on Evinrude's shoulder, Nevaeh closed her eyes. Although unable to decipher this puzzle presented to her, she trusted Evinrude and felt so safe in his presence that she soon drifted off into a deep and peaceful sleep.
* * * * * * * * * *
For the first time in what seemed an eternity Nevaeh was blessed with tranquil sleep. Even the roughness of the carriage bouncing along the bumpy terrain did not disturb her. She awoke still resting on Evinrude's strong shoulder, his arms around her to hold her enthusiastic chest in place. Seeing her conscious, he smiled adoringly. Inhaling her post-sleep breath, he fished in her bag for the nearly empty bottle of rum.

She accepted the offering gratefully and chugged it. She had never been a drinker but much about her had changed in the short time that she had known Evinrude. She had always been so mindful about how she presented herself to the public and to those close to her. She had felt a need to be proper and demure; now she had a naughty desire to kick up her heels and enjoy herself without regard for the opinions of others.

Nevaeh hiccuped and handed the bottle back to Evinrude. She scratched her leg, rearranged her cleavage and sighed heavily. Looking out the window, she noted that the sky was getting a bit muted. The sun would be going down in a few hours, and their carriage should be reaching home very soon.

She looked at Evinrude and belched forcefully. "It's hard being a woman," she complained. "Everyone expects perfect behavior and quiet manners. It all makes me want to do something very shocking."

Evinrude chuckled. "Does it? Well then, I'm goin' to hold you to that. You must do somethin' fierce by the end of this day or go back to bein' perfect and quiet."

Nevaeh smiled. She wanted to kiss Evinrude but felt sorry for John Hayes, who was doubtlessly waiting at home, looking out his window and wondering when (or perhaps if) she would return to him. She remembered Evinrude's promise that the outcome would be satisfactory. With that in mind, she leaned forward to kiss Evinrude's sultry lips.

The moment was interrupted by the skidding stop of the carriage. Not waiting for the driver, Nevaeh opened the door and stepped out of the little cab and into the waiting arms of Devon Cornwall.

"Hello," he said, greedily eyeing her heaving treats. "I've been waitin' all day for you to come back." He leaned in. "Got a room at the Symone Inn. What say you and me go there are get to know each other a bit better?"

Evinrude pounced from the carriage. He threw an expert left hook at Devon, knocking him off his feet and into a still-steaming pile of horse droppings. Nevaeh beamed at her protector, who put one arm around his beautiful woman.

"Well," Nevaeh said, " I suppose I should see John Hayes right away and tell him of my decision. It would not be fair to lead him on."

Evinrude answered, "I'm goin' with you, Nevaeh." She started to protest but he went on, "I'll be there for your support if you need it. And then we'll go get us a room at the Symone Inn." He raised one eyebrow. Nevaeh blushed.

Nevaeh led the way to the parsonage. Both were silent and thoughtful as they walked down the busy street. As they drew nearer to John's home, raucous piano playing could be heard, as well as loud conversation and laughter. Nevaeh was astonished to find that it emanated from the parsonage.

Before Nevaeh could make use of the iron door knocker, the door was flung open and there stood John Hayes. If Nevaeh had passed him on the street she would not have recognized him: He wore velvet breeches, a frilly shirt and a scantily dressed woman on each arm.

"Nevaeh!" he roared! "Hello, hello, old girl! Where in hell have you been? Get your sweet little arse in here and take off a few things!" John and the two women cackled. She turned to Evinrude in total shock. He gave her a knowing look and pointed to a sorry scene inside: Asshat the wizard was completely undressed save for his hat, and was dancing suggestively with a tall, heavily made-up woman in a red dress. The parsonage had been stripped of its neat, plain furnishings and replaced with bright velvet and satin.

"Evinrude!" Nevaeh gasped. "John Hayes has turned the parsonage into a brothel!"

"I think it looks nice, don't you?" John Hayes asked drunkenly. "Hey, Nevaeh, you need a job? You'd really pull in the business, I reckon." He leered at her cleavage. "Of course, I get eighty percent."

Evinrude moved as if to throttle John Hayes, but Nevaeh held him back with one hand and approached John herself.

"John Hayes," she said calmly, "you are no better than that pile of horse shit in the street." Drawing back her right fist, she connected it with John's face. He fell quickly and mumbled in pain.

Evinrude gently lead Nevaeh away. Before the door closed, Asshat could be seen hopping up and down energetically on the velvet sofa and shrieking, "I love this woman!"

Nevaeh threw up her hands and grunted disgustedly. "I cannot believe I worried about that bastard's feelings!" she hissed. "I could go back and kill him."

Evinrude put his arm around Nevaeh's waist. "That was impressive! You'd make a great pirate, love. I need someone trustworthy to help me control things." He sniffed importantly. "I'm buyin' some more ships soon and branchin' out."

Nevaeh laughed but then saw that he was serious. "Me, a pirate?" She considered it and realized she liked the idea.

She smiled at Evinrude. "First things first. The Symone Inn awaits." She stopped and frowned. "Evinrude...I didn't like The Golden Penrod. Will it always be like that?"

"No. The healin' properties make it a bit unpleasant but in its normal state you'd like it." He winked. "You'd like it a lot."

As Nevaeh began her walk to the Symone Inn with Evinrude, she mused on the strange turns her life had taken in such a short while. At this time last week she was chastely planning a marriage to a preacher who was now a pimp, and now she was on her way to becoming a powerful pirate and an experienced woman of the world. Her future stretched far and wide ahead of her, and she saw nothing but adventure and romance.

