The Golden Penrod: Part 3

The Golden Penrod
By Darjeeling

Part Three

Nevaeh's face was streaked with the dried tracks of bitter tears and she was on the edge of hysteria when she arrived at the home of her dearest friend, Catherine Trolle. As Catherine opened the door, Nevaeh's resolve to refrain from any furthur outbursts melted like sweet butter on the pulsing member of a hot-blooded young sailor.

"Catherine!" she cried, falling into the comfort of her startled friend's arms. "I have had a dreadful morning! My life is changed forever! I do not believe I can go on! The pain is too great to bear!" She looked heavenward and tearfully put her palms up in submissive pleading. "Please, Lord, take me out of this miserable world now. I do not want to live! I cannot live!"

"Dear Nevaeh, what is the matter? Are your piles hurting you again? I'll get you some horse chestnut." Catherine turned to walk to the kitchen, but Nevaeh took her hand impatiently and pulled her back.

"Catherine, there is something the matter with John."

Catherine regarded her friend for a moment, then patted Nevaeh's hand sympathetically and led her to a large inviting chair. Nevaeh sat down heavily and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. She looked up to see Catherine giving her a knowing frown.

"I know, Nevaeh," she said softly. "John Hayes has Teh Gay."

Nevaeh was overwhelmed by this admission of knowledge. "You know? And you did not tell me?"

Catherine sighed and put a weary hand to her forehead. "What could I have told you? I thought it was a stage in his life that he would leave behind." She sat in a chair near Nevaeh's and quietly put her head down before continuing. "I have known John Hayes since we were children. He played with dolls, Nevaeh. He played with dolls that his mother bought for him. That is when it began but it became worse. His mother caused John to catch Teh Gay but it did not fully manifest itself until he was a young man and began spending his evenings at The Salt Lick." Catherine leaned back in her chair and waited for Nevaeh to absorb this information.

"I do not follow you, Catherine. Please, what is the Salt Lick?"

Catherine's eyes widened slightly. She leaned forward and whispered, "It is a pub where men spend time with men." Nevaeh's face grew as pale as the spirit of Catherine's late husband Richard, who returned to his wife's bedroom every night for an experience that cannot be had in the other world.

"Nevaeh, dear," Catherine inquired, shaking off the memories of last night's ghostly romp, "Do you remember a band of musicians known as The Village Idiots?"

"Oh, yes," Nevaeh smiled, temporarily amused. "They wore such delightful costumes! Let me see...One was a monk, and another was a court jester. There was a blacksmith, a shepherd, and a naval captain. I know there was another, what was he dressed as...? Oh, he was a highwayman! Yes! Oh, they were so amusing, Catherine, weren't they? They were very popular." She paused. "But why do you mention them?"

Catherine looked at Nevaeh grimly. "My dear," she said cautiously, "The Village Idiots all had Teh Gay." She waited for Nevaeh to grasp this harsh truth before going on. "They all had Teh Gay, and John Hayes was drawn to them like a fly to a prairie muffin. He stole away to The Salt Lick for every appearance The Village Idiots made. I wanted to believe that he would someday outgrow it." She looked at Nevaeh sorrowfully. "I am sorry."

Nevaeh was flabbergasted by this revelation. "But Catherine, why did he never tell me? Why did he let me believe that he loved me?"

Catherine wiped her eyes with one hand, in obvious agony for her friend. "Nevaeh, John sees wonderful things in you. I know this, for he has told me. He has never discussed his affliction with me but I do not believe for one moment that he would not have thrown away his dolls and resisted the charms of The Village Idiots if he had known that it would someday cost him a future with such a beautiful girl." She sniffed and gave Nevaeh an unconvincing smile. "You will find another man, my dear, one who will give you the love you deserve."

Nevaeh stood up. "I do not want another man", she said stubbornly. "I want John Hayes." She began pacing the room. "Why is this happening? Throughout our courtship I have only had to tell John to do something and he obeys. Why does Teh Gay have such a hold on him?" She shook her fist angrily. "I detest that pitiful woman who raised him and gave him toys intended only for girls! I detest The Village Idiots who seduced him with their entertainments!"

Catherine rose from her chair and quietly stood by Nevaeh. "There is something that might help John, but you are unlikely to ever lay hold of it. I am reluctant to mention it to you for fear that your heart will be broken yet again."

Nevaeh excitedly took both of Catherine's hands in hers. "Tell me, Catherine! What can I do to rescue John from Teh Gay?"

Catherine was silent for a moment. "Do you know of Asshat, the sorcerer who lives in the cave yonder by the Haunted Forest?"

"Of course," Nevaeh said apprehensively. "He turned two of my childhood playmates into beavers when he caught them throwing eggs at his cave on Hallow's Eve." She gave a fearful little cry. "Oh, Catherine, tell me that I do not have to appeal to the warlock for help! Please tell me there is some other way!"

"I'm afraid it is so," was the reply. "Listen to me carefully, Nevaeh. All my life I have heard tales of a magical object called The Golden Penrod. It has the mighty power to heal any ailment." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "They say there's only one in this village who knows where to find The Golden Penrod."

"And I must go to Asshat, the crafty old wizard?" Nevaeh asked wearily, yet with a faint twinge of hopefulness.

"You must," confirmed Catherine. "The sooner the better."

"Then I will do it," Nevaeh said bravely. "I am frightened but I will do this for John Hayes. I will do this for John and our future together!"

Nevaeh kissed her friend goodbye and with a light spring in her step that surprised them both, set off to meet with the enchanter who was her only hope for a happy reunion with the man she loved.
