The Golden Penrod: Part 2

The Golden Penrod
By Darjeeling

Part Two

Nevaeh stepped daintily over a puddle, carefully holding up her skirts to protect them from the mud. The nippy air put a pleasant ruddiness into her ivory cheeks and her shimmering hair, allowed to bounce freely upon the shoulders and back, winked joyously in the sunlight. Passersby could not help but smile at the radiant young woman who was unable to hide her elation.

At an open market she stopped to browse the produce. As she turned over an apple in her hands to examine its freshness, she ignored a sturdily-build man in whiskers and dirty clothes whom she noticed was conspicuously staring at her.

She turned away slightly as the stranger began walking towards her. She nearly gagged as his tangy odor wafted into her pert nose.

"Hallo there, Sweetness," he grumbled. "I do like the way you handle that fruit. It makes me want to know what else you can handle that way."

Nevaeh dropped the apple back into the basket and hastily began walking away. The stranger took hold of her arm and pulled her back to him. She turned to glower at him but her frown was wasted, for he was goggling openmouthed at her bounteous bosom, which was threatening to make its break at that very moment. Her delectable breasts, daring the tight lacings of her bodice to grant them their freedom, finally convinced the strings to let go. Nevaeh was helpless to stop her magnificent chest from bursting forth and knocking the odious man off his feet and into a bin of yellow squash.

She stood in horror as two benevolent citizens helped the dazed rascal to his feet out of the sea of now-ruined vegetables. Nevaeh squealed as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She wheeled around to see John Hayes, his eyes red and blood seeping through the handkerchief he held to his nose.

"Oh, John!" she cried. "Have I hurt you?"

"No," he said dully. "I was already bleeding. My nose started a half hour ago and I cannot make it stop."

Nevaeh's eyes puddled up for this kind and gentle man who was cursed with so many maladies. Why John Hayes, she wondered? No one deserved such irritation but he is the last person on earth who should suffer so.

She took John's arm and together they made their short walk to their parsonage. Upon their arrival John held open the door for Nevaeh and she walked ahead, stopping to give John's dog Thor a pat on his head. Thor thumped his tail gratefully and looked up at Nevaeh with canine love in his warm brown eyes.

As John closed the door behind him Nevaeh pulled the brown bottle from her dress pocket and handed it to John.

"What's this?" he wheezed, taking the bottle and regarding it thoughtfully.

"I made it," Nevaeh said, sitting down on the comfortable bench against the wall. "I am hoping it will make you well and strong." She looked up at John adoringly. "I want you to be in perfect health so that we can--" She broke off and looked down at her hands, a sublime blush spreading across her face.

"Nevaeh." John Hayes sat down beside her and was silent for a few moments. Nevaeh looked at him expectantly.

"I cannot marry you, my dear. It can never be."

Nevaeh laughed, putting one hand on John's arm. My goodness, she thought, feeling the thin limb. I could snap that little thing like a twig.

"Oh, John, do not be silly." John said nothing. "Oh, what is it? Are you in love with another woman?"

John finally looked at her, his eyes and nose runny. "I am sorry, Nevaeh. I can never love you the way you love me."

Nevaeh felt iciness running through her. "Are you in love with another woman, John? Are you?"

He gazed at her, tears pooling in his already runny eyes. "Nevaeh," he whispered, "I have got Teh Gay."

She looked at him with curious relief and smiled. "Do not be silly, John. I know how you feel about me."

He heaved what was for him a giant sigh and leaned back. "I care for you deeply, Nevaeh, as a friend and a spiritual sister. But I cannot feel for you the way you feel for me. I have tried to force myself but it is pointless." He took her hands in his. "I played with dolls as a boy," he said, his voice cracking. "My mother allowed me to play with dolls and did not force me into athletics." He shook his head in mild displeasure. "I wish she were here to answer for her actions! She caused me to contract Teh Gay and I cannot change what she did. That is why I will never love you the way I should. I am sorry, Nevaeh."

Nevaeh felt all her dreams and plans splintering. She sprang from the bench, desperately hoping that she had heard John wrong. "You are lying!" she shouted. "You are in love with another woman and do not want to admit it!" She waited for a protest or confirmation but neither came. "Then have things your way, you weakling!" she cried. "I am leaving and will never return to you!"

She turned and ran for the door, tripping over Thor and nearly sending them both into flight. She threw open her exit and dashed out and into the street, not caring that she disrupted the motions of the other people. She nearly was trampled by a horse who was frightened when her left half-globe bounced out of place and punched the poor creature in the face. I don't care, she thought wildly as she continued her mad run, I hope I am killed! Nothing will ever be the same again!
