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"Hallway Trouble"

Walking, talking, quite regular
Stumbles down the hallway
Beginnings of slur
We drop like a pin
As I hit the Floor.
And by this time
They've blocked up the Door.
Men tried to say
Theres no smoking inside
I told them I didn't
I guess that I lied
Something Tells me to leave
So I walk away
Push them back in
So they can relay
Message to guy # 3, at the bar
Tell him he's got, ta bring a guitar

Walking, talking, quite regular
Stumbles down the hallway
Beginnings of slur
Hands down to acid
We should have took More.
Sit and chill
Twenty past Four.
Girls tried to say
theres no joking alive
I told them it was
They said that I lied
I draw close
Not too far away
So I can get a message relayed
To tender #3, at the bar
Tell him we've got, ta clean out his bar...