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Cait's World

"Life's too get in the frickin canoe & sing those 'nerdy'camp songs so we can all be dorks!!" --ME-- (WWWWWWAAAAAAJJJJJJJ 2001)

"If I could offer you 1 tip for the future...DUCT TAPE would be it" -- me --

Hey! If you didn't know, my name is Cait & I live in RI. I'm 16 (so a junior in high school) and snowboarding KICKS @$$!!!! I can stand almost any kind of music... and I'm gunna stop there so just go 2 some of the links 2 find out more about me or anything else you wanna know...o yeah, & please sign my guest book....or else....MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA & just sign it 2 be KEWL like PAM aka map, teehee

& just as an FYI....CALVIN & HOBBES KICK ASS!!!!!!! (they're my heros, teehee)

u just HAVE 2 add an evil laugh 2 that 1 :-)

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