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Matthew DeMello

Inside My Mind.

Welcome Visitor, take a seat. It's all right we know where you've been. You've been in the pipeline filling in time, provided with toys and scouting for well... nevermind.

You've been wandering around the useless tangible world searching for a place to stay a place to keep your mind manageable. And to your not-so-immediate-surprise you find yourself here in the only place you thought you didn't think could be dreamt. I've spent a good three days giving you a good taste of imagination, hope you're satisfied. AOL can kiss my sharries, so they say.

So sharpen your blade soldier, this comfortable sensation is only temporary. You can't stay here forever, god only knows that its only too good to be true. So why do you ask would you waste your time in a place of such sweet nector? Shouldn't you just go back out into the Iron Mines and give them your body to torture and just get this miserable imprisonment we call time done with so we can achieve a mythical paradise that has a mere fifty fifty shot of existing after we die?

Let's put it this way, your only human and your very own mind craves for such luxury. Even though the Men in robes tell you such desire is forbidden you want it anyway. Welcome to the desert of material things, good child...Welcome to Wasteland.

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