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New Years Boozery 2K5

Well now that 2004 is over I can actually begin to ... wait I forgot. Ah well! Here's to 2005 and another Patriots Championship! If you're keeping score at home try to tally the number of pictures Brad ruins by doing something in the background. Let me know how many you find. Enjoy Set 1.

Let the drunk begin...

One More Dysfunctional New Years Reunion sans CK (Too cool for Cape) and Sun (real job)

That's enough fireworks for Round 1. On the first pic of John and Liz you see the acting when they know the camera's on..the second one is the real. And uh... about the guy kiss.. uh... I'm just going to pretend that happened if it's allright with you guys. Kyle got his wish. Peace ~1/5/04