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Here is a quick tutorial to useing a FTP client, trust me you'll love it

I have instructions, and pictures, all the pictures are tuumbnailed, so click on them and they will get bigger

First go to

Download and install the program.

Next you will see this screen

Click continue

now you are at this screen

Press the F8 key and get this screen

enter this information


port:: 7245

User Name:: 


now click connect

In the above picture threeaxes is spelled wrong, the right spelling is threeaxes, username and password are case sensetive, they must be lowercased

now you see this screen

explor the folders just like you would like on your own computerthe files on the right are all my music and videos

see somthing you want?  right click on it


After getting all the files you want then right click on your queue and choose transfer


You can also send me files by opening the upload here folder.  Drag them from the left screen to the open folder on the right

easy as hell, and unlike Kazza its spyware free, and faster than further.


If you have questions find me on AIM or PM me

