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What is Unlife in RI, or URI? Well, let me tell you. URI is my cheap attempt at a funny webcomic based on the antics at Random Insanity, a forum on the site Hope you enjoy!

Update [8/25]: A very special anniversary comic has been put up.

Update [8/22]: You might also notice that title bar now says "Updated Tuesdays and Thursdays". While I will try to keep this schedule, please note that it is subject to change and I might or might not be able to keep up with it. Also note that I might also update outside of this schedule.

Update [7/23]: Yeah, new slogan. I'm just make up random crap for them from now on.

Episode 50: One Year Anniversary

MadKatt says [8/25]: That's right people! Unlife in RI has been on the net for one whole year today! This is also by chance, the 50th comic! I hope you appreciate the work I do for you guys. This comic took me five days to finish! I also had to add new cast members so I had to re-scan it a few times. Coloring one person is hard enough, but I had to deal with all the unique colors of 26 people plus 4 extras (DA#2, BakaNeko15, Berserker MK, and Wolfgang's werewolf form)! But the hardest part was the collage of all the other 49 comics as the background. I had to resize all of them, which took quite a while. But I was glad to do it. Seeing my works all together like that makes me the pants. So enjoy this comic art and be ready for "Unlife in RI", Year Two!

Rant zone: I'm too darn happy to rant today. That and I'm too darn lazy to write anything.


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All characters are © themselves

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