Story of Lies

In a story you made up and put in my head
It was to be you and me
Not just me instead
Though I will admit to playing a hand or two
I never intended to ever hurt you
The way your words and silence do

Why do you lie time and time again
Why do you keep me at arm's length You sew me up
Just to sit back and watch me bleed
Well here's the honest truth
I fucking hate you
And what I hate more you
Is all the crazy things you drive me to do

It's not safe to be this way
It's so hard to even face the day
Because I know that whatever expressions fade
I'm living my whole life in shades of gray
Ever since I couldn't make you stay

So to the one who broke my heart
Who painted a picture just to rip it apart
Take away all the goodness of me
Drain out the soul inside, buried deep
She's trapped and broken inside
Steal her away for your piece of mind
Go ahead
Leave me behind

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