No Need to Explain

No need to explain
This darkness is a generic flaw
Which I am to blame
Nevermind that mark on my arm
Defend yourself like a blind man at his fate
Why can’t you see clearly
Your judgment is so obscure
All I wanted was to be your princess
You said I was and still am
Yet the anger spews out
Misdirected at your darling
How long could I bear the silence
Tolerate the collapsing of my heart
No respect for humanity
The world becomes pointless and nothing matters but you
Selfish and ignorant
Not realizing the price you would pay
A final three digit and all was over
Sitting alone on the couch as armed men usher me away
Did you see what you had done
Do you know it’s not my fault
Terror finds me as I avoid the advances towards you
Stored away emotion runs dry and I’m left numb in this house
Brick walls box in the screams and shoutings
Confined within, withdrawn I sit
Praying for silence, for an escape
I needed to get away
But in this misery I am forced to stay
Why did you have to beat me that night?
It’s done nothing for you
Killed my heart
I’m abandoned outside in the rain
With nothing to hold onto but this aching pain
Please tell me that you’re sorry
This was all just one mistake
That our lives will go on and be happy
That you love me still to this day
If only time could reverse
I’d swipe the slate clean
Things would change
Life would be a dream

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