Lost in the Rain: Author's Note

There is so much I could say about the process of writing Lost in the Rain. This story took me quite a long time to finish and it was written over the course of many trials and tribulations in my life. However, I do feel the story came to a nice close.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about the story is how much I debated on the ending. I think along the way I came up with at least fifteen possible endings. Basically I had to first decide if I wanted to continue with the story and do a third one, which for a period I did...but then decided against it. I don't want for the characters to get warn out and the story to get old.

As far as endings go I think the ending to Lost in the Rain is simply tragic, however, I don't think it's one of those endings that was just thrown in there to finish a story. The entire story builds up to that ending, that moment, from the day the two met to that final day in the rain. What I ideally wanted was for both of them to be happy but I'd already led them down so many twists and turns that, at least from my standpoint, what happens is inevitable.

The biggest mistake Hannah and Nick continuously made was taking their love for granted. Love is indeed a very precious and valuable thing which should not be taken lightly and should not be overlooked. However, the two always lost sight of how the love they shared was more important then anything else and as a result of that they lost each other. Perhaps that is the point I was trying to make all along, not to expect love because it won't always be there. Sometimes terrible things can happen, such as car accidents, to take it away.

If Hannah and Nick always appreciated each other and recognized their love they never would have been any of the trivial points of their relationship. So what it all boils down to is, because they took their love for granted it was all lost in the rain.

Anyways, enough of my ramblings. I certainly enjoyed writing the story and I sincerly hope that you all found pleasure in reading it. Who knows, maybe you can walk away even learning something...?

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