Chapter 26

The insistent knock at the door wouldn’t stop as Hannah laid in her bed staring up at the ceiling wondering how her life had become such a disaster. “Alright alright,” she groaned and answered the door to see AJ who was just about to give up and walk away.

“Damn girl, what took you so long?” he asked pushing passed her uninvited into the apartment. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all day. Is your phone broken or something?”

“I wish,” she rolled her eyes and shut the door behind him. “Sorry, but I wasn’t really in the mood to talk to anyone.”

“Not even me?!” he gasped in fake astonishment.

“Yes, not even you.” AJ watched her curiously waiting for her to say something, to bring up everything that had happened with Nick that afternoon but she stubbornly played dumb. “Is there a reason you keep looking at me like that? I’m not going to break you know.”

“I wasn’t expecting you to, but from what Nick told me you’re pretty upset. I thought you’d like to talk about it since I do understand what you’re going through,” he held out his hand to her and led her to the couch.

“I don’t think you understand and I really don’t appreciate Nick fabricating these hurt feelings of mine that don’t exist and shouting them out to the entire world. Is it too much to accept the fact that we’re breaking up and it might have to do with the fact that I don’t want to be with him? He seems to think that because I broke up with him I’m losing my mind or something. Believe me AJ, it’s not a mental relapse. I’m perfectly sane,” she spouted all in one breath and he looked at her with a smirk. “Oh don’t even give me that look.”

“You’ve so got it bad,” he laughed, “Look at you trying to convince yourself.”

“I so do not have it bad!” she exclaimed. “Is it so hard to believe that I don’t worship the ground he walks on anymore?”

“Yes, Nick’s ground is one we all manage to kiss,” he approached her and started rubbing her lips. “Don’t worry hun,” he assured when she flinched away, “I’m just wiping off the dirt.”

“Ha ha funny AJ, maybe you should drop your career as an Nsync wannabe and become a professional lip brush.”

“Yea, whatever,” he rolled his eyes and nudged her side, “Maybe you should become the next Britney Spears.”

“Oh and then would you believe me when I start dating Justin Timberlake that I’m serious about the of Nick and I?”

“No but only because any relationship with Justin Timberlake is a complete joke. However, if you dated say…oh nevermind, all five of those guys are losers.”

“Someone’s full of love today,” she gently patted his cheek before walking across the room to look out the window.

“Where’s your mother?” he asked situating himself in a chair, “I thought she was staying with you.”

“Mom’s out running errands. We’re flying back home to Florida tonight,” she told him looking over her shoulder.

“Florida huh?” he said with heightened interest, “I thought the game plan was to get away from there so you would stay focused on the spirit of Christmas and not the absence of your father.”

“I need to clear my head, get away for a while and do some thinking. I love Los Angeles but you can’t really get your head straight with its chaotic lifestyle. What I need is to go home and just be,” she smiled at him. “You must know what I’m talking about. You’re leaving tonight for Orlando.”

“That I am,” he nodded, “But a huge part of me was hoping that you and Nick would find your way back to each other under a mistletoe and I don’t think that can happen on opposite ends of the country.”

“Probably not but that’s not why I’m doing this. I’ve only been home once since I moved to Los Angeles and most of that visit was spent getting over the shock that Nick up and moved away. I need to relax,” she sighed and closed her eyes, “I need to feel like myself again and be calm.”

Interrupting their conversation was a hard pound at the door, “I’ll get it,” AJ offered and raced off down the hall. “Oh dear,” he mumbled, “Well hun forget feeling calm now. It’s Brittney.” He spotted the gaudy blond through the peep hole and opened the door with an exasperated sigh. “And what is it Miss Anti-Trojan wants now?”

“Playing doorman today AJ?” she asked and brushed her way inside.

“Yea and I don’t remember inviting you in, so why don’t we put those cheap platforms in reverse and back into the hall.”

Hannah rounded the corner and stared at her with a disappointed expression. Why couldn’t AJ have been joking around like he does every other minute of the day. “Did you lose your shoe?” Hannah asked and even she was confused by the words that came from her mouth. “Oh…umm…nevermind. The door’s right behind you,” she said and turned on her feet.

“What’s up with her?” Brittney leaned into ask AJ but he pushed her back. “Save it bud; I so was not coming on to you.”

“Like I give a damn?! In all seriousness Brittney, save yourself the trouble of trying to hold an actual conversation and leave. We don’t want your brain to freeze up from all this talking. You’re more suited for the pole dancing. No words necessary.”

“The sooner you realize that considering me a slut for what I do for a living the sooner you realize you’re a piece of slime for showing up to watch,” she grinded her teeth and tossed her hair in his face.

“OW!” he gripped his head with both hands, “The pain of hearing you talk! AHHHHH!”

“Shut up,” she smacked him.

“What the hell are you doing here anyway? Thoughtful of you to come and share the news with Hannah about the paternity test but she already knows. So I guess that means your business is done here.”

“My business is my business, why don’t you try sticking that plastered nosey nose of yours back into your own life and keep it out of mine?” she sneered and he held up his hands to mimic claws.

“Get a life,” he told her.

“And I suppose I should follow yours as an example? Ha!” she pushed past him, “I’m not here to see you anyway and you’re not Hannah’s keeper.”

“Too bad cause I’m the one you’re going to deal with! I swear to God you little twit, if you even try to mess with her…you’ve already put her through enough hell. I’d think a girl like you would know when to quit.” He snatched her arm and pulled her back towards him.

“Leave it alone,” Hannah interrupted, “Brittney, would you please leave! AJ, stop playing my bodyguard.”

“I need to talk to you,” Brittney flipped around.

“No I don’t think you do,” Hannah shook her head, “What is there left for you to say?!”

“That this isn’t over,” she smirked, “Don’t think I’m going to give up so easily. I’m not a quitter.”

“If this is some sort of game don’t you think you should check to see that you have other players before playing?” Hannah asked with a fake yawn.

“Go ahead and act confident now,” Brittney batted her eyes, “But like I said, I’m not done yet. You see, Nick needs someone better than well, you. So I’m gonna give him what he deserves.”

“And he deserves a cheap imitator?” AJ asked, including himself where he was uninvited.

“Great,” Hannah nodded, “You go right ahead and screw him, figuratively and literally. I don’t care.”

“What do you mean you don’t care?” she asked, taken back by Hannah’s passive answer. “You’re going to let someone come in and take over your fiancé?”

“Ex-fiancé,” Hannah corrected, “And no I don’t care. Whatever happens between you and Nick is your business. So honey, you’re wasting your time here.”

“Mmmm,” Brittney smiled rubbing the palms of her hands together, “Looks like round one was a success. Trouble in paradise huh?”

“Would you shut up and go? I don’t like holding conversations about people I don’t care about anymore with people I can’t stand. You have my best wishes. Really, you and Nick deserve each other.”

“Exactly how far are you willing to go to get Nick?” AJ asked with sparked interest as Hannah groaned and left the room, disinterested.

“Oh you haven’t seen nothing yet,” she said placing her hands on her lips. “Might as well get used to seeing me now AJ,” she snapped, “Cause I sure as hell won’t be going anywhere.”

“Except of course to the loonie-bin,” he added with a chuckle. “Look at the hoochie-mama trying to be the tough bitch. Honestly, do you think Nick will take any part with you? You’ve seen Hannah, his type…and well Britt, I’m sorry but you’re not even up to Anna Nicole Smith’s level.”

“Yea when you’re about a Burt Reynolds. Look, for the millionth time ink man, I’m not here to talk to you.”

“And the person you’re here to see threw you out so let’s check the hearing aids and haul ass out of here,” he said pointedly, “Ready? OK!” He pounded his fist together like a cheerleader before opening the door and pushing her out into the hall. Resisting she spewed off a round of curses before he slammed the door tightly on her face. “Hannah, the extermination’s over. It’s safe to come out now!”

Chapter 27
Lost in the Rain Main