Chapter 22

Oh holy night, the stars are brightly shining. It is the night of our dear Savior’s birth! Long lay the world, in sin and error pining. Till he appear’d and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices. For yonder breaks…a new and glorious morn.”

Bustling around the kitchen Hannah put the final touches on dinner as the apartment was filled with Christmas carols and holiday chatter. That morning her mother had arrived in Los Angeles for what would be the biggest surprise of her life. Carefully Hannah neglected to wear her ring to the airport to withhold the element of surprise this ‘more than your average Christmas party’ will bring. Everything was perfect. While she was at work Nick spent his time decorating the apartment and while he was at rehearsals she did the same. Together they poured all their energy into creating a magical and enchanting evening that everyone would remember.

“Do you need help slicing the tenderloin?” Nick asked walking into the kitchen with an empty bottle of champagne. The trash can was filling up nicely from them and Hannah wondered how all the guests would get home if intoxicated.

“No,” she shook her head. “I’ve already got it covered but could you get the cranberry sauce out of the refrigerator?” she asked as she stood on her toes to reach the serving dish down from the cabinet.

“Yea sure,” he agreed and reached placed the cranberries on the counter next to her. Wrapping both his hands around her waist he leaned on her shoulder looking down at what she was doing. “This night is the best night of my life to date,” he breathed in her air. His warm breath kissing her skin.

She turned around his arms to look in his deep set eyes. “I know,” she hugged her arms around him. “I’m so happy. Everyone’s here…your family, my mom, your friends…my friends. And we get to tell all of them just how much we love each other,” she kissed his lips still with a smile on hers, “And how we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together.”

“Do you think it’s legal to be this happy?” he asked returning her kiss and brushing his hand through her hair.

“Oh,” she smirked and cocked her head, “I say it’s perfectly legal in our case. So,” she ran her hands along his chest, “Are we going to make the announcement before or after dinner?”

“Hmmm,” he closed his eyes in thought, “I think we should make a toast before hand. That way the dinner conversation will only be about how wonderful we are together and how everyone should be so lucky.” She nodded her head in agreement and pulled him in for a final kiss before turning back around and finishing her meal preparation. “I’ll go round up the troops,” he kissed her neck and started towards the doorway but stopped.

“Forget something?” she asked setting the empty container of cranberries in the trash.

“Just this,” he said pulling an all familiar black box out of his pocket and sheepishly kneeling before her on the floor. “Time to put this baby back in its rightful position.”

“Yes,” she urged, “My fingers feel so cold and empty without it.” He slid the ring out of the velvet slot and reached for her hand. Gliding it along her sleek finger he kissed the top of her hand.

“Your answer is still yes right?” he winked his eye.

“Without a doubt,” she beamed looking down at her finger. “Now, I don’t think there’s a ring more stunning than this one in the entire world. Even more, I don’t think there’s a better man than you in the entire universe. Do you practice being so irresistible?”

“No,” he shook his head with a boyishly innocent face, “It just comes naturally.”

“Of course it does,” she humored him and kissed his nose. “Now get out there and have everyone sit at the table. I’m just about to bring out the tenderloin, then we can make out big announcement.”

Sighing to herself she watched him retreat into the living room. Her stomach was filled with butterflies but at the same time she had never felt better. ‘This is it,’ she concluded. ‘Nick’s the man I’m going to spend the rest of my life with and everyone’s about to find out.’ Listening she heard Nick tell his brothers and sisters to pipe down and sit at the table for dinner and she smiled at the thought that someday soon they will be her sisters too. She had always wanted to be a part of a big family and if there was one to be a part of it was Nick’s. His family meant almost as much to her as he did.

Bracing herself she picked up the tenderloin and made her way into the dining room. Spread out the table was her mother, busily chatting with Jane…probably about Christmas shopping. Across from her mom sat Bob, Nick’ father and a man who somehow acted like a mature adult and childish boy all at the same time…just like his son…just like Nick. Then there was Darlene. Tossing her hair and chatting with Nick’s eldest sister BJ, the two were both avid shoppers. Leighanne was fiddling with Brian’s tie. Kristen was talking with Howie. Melissa was busy trying to entertain Kevin, a task easier said than done. Everyone seemed so happy and then she saw him; she saw Nick. He looked out at her across the candlelight-lined table and his eyes seemed to capture heavenly light. Holding her gaze on him she made her way to the front of the table and carefully sat down the platter. Nick laced his hand in hers and rose to her feet with a glass of champagne in his other hand.

“Everyone,” he cleared his throat, “Hannah and I would like to make a toast before we start eating dinner.” All eyes drifted attentively to the adoring couple as they readied themselves to make the biggest announcement of their lives.

The two glanced at each other and tightened the hold on their hands. Clearing his throat and taking a deep breath Nick looked back out at their friends and family, “When I met Hannah I had no idea that she would ever tolerate being in the same room with me for more than five minutes. She certainly wasn’t impressed by anything I said to her or did and I was able to look past that, because I saw something in her. It took a lot of convincing on my part but somehow I managed to prove to her how special she was, and then I messed it up. I feel in love with her like I will never love anyone else and I threw it all away. Yet somehow, she came back into my life. As though a complete fluke there she was and there I was, again in the same place at the wrong time and everything started again. I don’t look at her and see her face or any of her stunning features, instead I see the person I long to be. Hannah is everything that I’ve wanted in my life all bottled up into one and I was such a fool for letting that go. But she had faith in me and she believed enough in our love to give me a second chance and here we are. He we are together before all of you, our family and closest friends, about to make the biggest decision of our lives. There’s no one else for me in this world. I may not know much but I know that much is true and for that one reason I took a leap of faith and put my heart on the line. After she walked out on me I risked it all and asked this remarkable woman next to me to marry me, to forgive all my flaws and spend the rest our lives together. I don’t know how or why but I got the answer I wanted. I got everything I wanted. She said yes. So,” she swallowed, “Tonight is more to us than celebrating the holiday season together. Tonight it the night where we lay it all on the line together and announce something so special. Tonight we announce our engagement. Everyone…Hannah and I are getting married.”

“Oh my god!” Jane’s jaw dropped with everyone else’s at the table. “Are you serious?!” she squealed and the couple nodded simultaneously. “That’s fabulous!!! Bob!” she turned to her husband, “Isn’t that fabulous!”

“Hannah!” her mother stood up and rushed over to her, embracing her daughter in a huge hug. “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

“Because we wanted it to be a surprise,” she answered hugging her mother back who at that point was pulling for Nick to join in their hug. “Are you happy Mom?”

“Happy?!” she retorted, “I’m thrilled!! Honey! You knew how much I thought you and Nick were meant to be together, I’m so glad for both of you. This is the best news I have ever heard.”

“Whoa buddy!” AJ cheered out, “This is great! Man, the two of you…married. That’s really wonderful.”

“Thanks Age,” Nick smiled still holding onto Hannah’s hand. The entire table was talking to them at once making it hard to understand what anyone was saying but the couple stood strong together.

“So,” Hannah cleared her throat and raised her glass. “Now to the toast. We’d like to make a toast to new beginnings and the strong endurance of love.” Raising her glass in the air she smiled at Nick.

“Here here,” everyone said raising their glasses and taking a sip of the fine champagne.

“Now,” Nick said taking a seat. “Let’s eat.” Immediately the table broke out into different conversations all about the engagement and upcoming wedding. Everyone seemed thrilled with the news, more happy than either Hannah or Nick anticipated. There was a glow on everyone’s faces. It was enchanting. It was magical. And for the first time they were all together and it felt like a family. It felt like one big family.

“I just know you and my brother will be so happy together,” Leslie chanted. “I can see the way he looks at you and how he talks about you when you’re not around. Hey! Can I be a bridesmaid?” she asked.

“Gee Les, give her a moment to breath already,” Nick laughed. “We only announced the engagement ten seconds ago.”

“I know but these things are important,” she smiled encouragingly. “Let me know when you decide,” she told Hannah before taking a bite of her whipped potatoes.

“Psst Leslie,” Hannah nudged her, “I’ve decided and you, BJ, and Angel are all bridesmaids at my wedding. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

The chatter was so loud that no one even noticed the quiet knock at the door. Everyone was talking dates and ceremonial details. Jane and Bob were fondly remembering their wedding day. Angel, Leslie, and BJ all gushed about what it will be like to some day walk down the isle. Aaron rolled his eyes and teased his brother for turning into a hopeless romantic. Howie wondered if he’d ever get married himself. The glasses clanked. The holiday music played. And there was a knock at the door.

Fall on your knees. Oh hear the angel voices. Oh night devine. Oh holy night when Christ was born. Oh night devine. Oh night devine.

“Someone’s at the door,” Nick whispered to Hannah and started to get up from the table but she stopped him.

“No,” she shook her head. “I’ll get it you. You stay here and talk with everyone,” standing up she kissed him on the cheek and stretched her back slightly before making her way towards the door. Floating across the floor the visitor knocked again and she chuckled as she passed under the hung mistletoe. Her hand reached out and the knob turned. Pulling the door forward it creased open and her mouth gaped open at the woman in the hall, her smile dropping. “Pardon me but this is a private party.”

“Of course it is,” the woman sneered. “But unfortunately I’m not here to crash your party. In fact, this has nothing to do with your silly party. This is urgent.”

“What’s urgent?” Hannah asked looking at her with a interrogative glare. “Right,” she nodded when the woman didn’t answer, “Just as I suspected. Now leave.” She motioned to shut the door but was stopped by the woman’s arm pressing against it.

“I’m serious. I didn’t come all the way out here for no reason. It took me a great deal of energy to find out where he is and now that I’m here I need to speak with him.”

“With Nick? What could you possibly have to say to Nick right now? Oh!” she held up her finger in understanding. “I get it, you’re sad that he did dump you like I warned. Well, sorry…can’t say I didn’t give you a heads up on that one.”

“Yea and since when are you his keeper anyway? Last time I saw you he could barely stand to look at you he was so disgusted,” she snickered under her breath.

“And things certainly change don’t they,” she smirked holding up her hand before the woman’s face. Her hand with the large sparkling diamond. “That’s right whatever your name was. Cry your eyes out because turns out he was more interested in the disgusting reporter than the vampy stripper.”

“We’ll see about that,” she shrugged her shoulders self-assured and Hannah wondered what it is that this girl thinks is so urgent.

“Look, Nick’s in there with his family right now and last thing he needs is you showing your face so why don’t you do us all a favor and leave us alone. I’ll pretend this never happened and we can live our happy lives…separately.”

“You’d love that wouldn’t you?” she snipped. “Well hun, fat chance. I traveled quite some distance to get here and I’m not about to leave because some overly protective and cheaply engaged hussy it’s getting territorial.”

“He’s my fiancé in case you didn’t notice, and that means I have the right to protect him from creeps like you. By the way, this…this place where you’re standing, is my apartment so maybe you should leave before I make this ugly and call the police.”

“Go ahead and call the police! But I think it would save you a lot of trouble if you’d just stop playing guard bitch and let me speak to Nick. I assure you, what I have to say will interest him…and probably you…a great deal.”

“What is it that you have to say Bethany?” Nick asked walking into the foyer of the apartment. “And what are you doing here anyway?” Biting her lip Hannah started to hate how Nick was forming the habit of sneaking up on her.

“It’s Brittney,” she corrected him, obviously agitated. “And I’m here because I have some very fortunate news.”

“Yea,” Hannah rolled her eyes. “I bet.”

“For your information Missy!” she croaked. “This is something that will effect your life too so maybe you should open you ears and shut your mouth.”

“Brittney,” Nick cut in, “This really isn’t a good time for whatever you’re trying to pull so maybe you should just go. We’re sort of having a family party right now and I’d appreciate it if you left and let it stay that way.”

“Oh we’re family alright,” she smirked patting her stomach as both Hannah and Nick glared at her confused. “That’s right Nick, I happen to be carrying your child. I’m pregnant.”

Unsure what to say or do Nick just stared at her as Hannah nearly crumbled on the floor. ‘No! No!’ she screamed to herself. ‘This isn’t happening!’

Led by the light of Faith serenely beaming with glowing hearts by his cradle we stand

“That’s…that’s impossible!” Nick stated shaking his head.

“Oh wait, so you’re going to deny it now because your fiancé’s in the room? Look this comes as a huge surprise to me too but at least I’m not denying the fact that this baby is real.”

“You’re pregnant?” Hannah whispered with glazed eyes.

“Yes genius! Gosh, did you just turn your hearing aid on?!” Brittney snapped and Hannah’s face crumbled.

“Hannah, no! Don’t listen to her,” Nick ordered. “She’s lying. She’s just a crazed girl trying to get a buck. This will all blow over.”

“Look Nick! I’m not here to do myself any favors. I thought as the father you may be interested to know that you have a child coming into the world. Apparently I was wrong, but I’m not going to just walk away. I didn’t make this child alone you know.”

“Of course you didn’t because you didn’t make this child at all!” he yelled and his face turned red with anger. Looking over at Hannah he saw her staring ahead with wide eyes. The color from her face was draining.

“Are you denying that I’m pregnant?” she asked. “Here! She pointed to her stomach. Go ahead and feel; there’s a baby in there. No question of that.”

“Ok fine, but that doesn’t mean it’s mine. Come on, you know we didn’t sleep together. You know one simple DNA test will prove this is all just one big lie. Why even bother doing this?”

“Exactly,” Hannah added. “Why would she bother doing this if it’s not true? If she could so easily be proven wrong? That’s why…that’s why…”

“Hannah…no,” Nick shook his head at her. “Don’t believe her.”

“You! Nick! I can’t believe this. You who made me feel like slime for just kissing another Zach. But you…YOU went off fucking her!”

“HANNAH SHE IS LYING!” he screamed hoping to shake some sense into her head but she refused to listen.

“No, I can’t believe this,” she held her head in her hands. “Why do these things always have to happen to me?”

“Nothing is happening here. You have to believe that. You have to believe me. I didn’t sleep with her. Gosh, look at her! I’d have to be completely desperate to sleep with her! You know me, and you know that I love you and would never lie to you. Hannah, I swear to you…I did not sleep with her. She is not pregnant with my child.”

She wanted to believe he was lying but it made so much more sense to believe Brittney. “I’m sorry Nick,” she shook her head apologetically before racing into the living room. “Everyone please leave!” she called out. The table of guests stared at her and her running black mascara unsure what to do. “GO!!!!!!!!!” she screamed pointing towards the exit and they immediately packed out, glancing back at her in confusion.

“How can you do this to us?” Nick asked her walking into the living room, leaving Brittney behind in the foyer. “How can you even try to throw away what we have right now…just because you have doubts?”

“Doubts! It was your fucking doubts that broke us up to begin with! So why?! Why am I not entitled to have my own? Why don’t MY doubts matter?! You’ve gone and knocked up some stripper and you go and criticize me for having doubts!”

“I didn’t get her pregnant! Gosh, you have to know that!”

“You know it doesn’t even matter,” she shook her head at him and started to clear the table. “It doesn’t matter anymore because obviously I can’t trust you. No matter what I can’t seem to trust you can I because something like this will always happen.”

Following her into the kitchen he struggled to come up with an argument that would persuade her to believe him. “Hannah please don’t do this. Please don’t throw away everything we have.”

“Oh and why not? When you do it it’s all perfectly fine but me on the other hand…I’m supposed to stand by your side when some girl claims you are the father of her child. I’m not going to put myself through this. I’m not going to try to be understanding when all I want to do is punch that bastard face of yours!”

So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming. Here came the wise men from far distant land.

“You don’t have to be understanding Hannah but you can’t call a quits because of this!”

“WHY?! Jesus Christ Nick…don’t like getting your own medicine do you? How’s it feel huh? How’s it really feel!!”

“Because there is so much more invested in us right now that’s why!”

“Oh because of this?” she said pointing to her ring. “Because we’re engaged?”

“Exactly,” he nodded softly.

“Well,” she said biting her lip and bitterly wrenching the ring from her finger. “There we go! Fixed that fucking problem!!!!!!!!” She threw the ring strongly against his chest and didn’t even stop to watch it roll across the floor.

“Alright fine, I understand that you’re angry right now. But you have to believe that I’m angry too Hannah. I had no idea about this and I’m being pinned as the father of this girl’s child. Think about me for a second, think about how I feel.”

“I don’t give a rat’s ass how you feel! And if you want someone who does maybe the tramp the hall can help you out. As far as I’m concerned you have absolutely no more business here. So get your fatherly face out of my apartment!”

“No! I am not leaving you! Absolutely not! I’m not walking away from us the way I did before. I don’t care if I have to hand-cuff you to me, you’re not getting away.”

“Oh handcuffs, HA!” she laughed. “I’m sure we can borrow a pair from Miss Sexual Uninhibited in the other room.”

“I’m serious Han, I’m not leaving,” he shook his head in refusal trying to figure out a way to make things work between them. This was bad, real bad.

“Fine,” she threw her hands in the air. “Go right ahead, take over my apartment. Shove me out of my home…I don’t care. If that’s what you want to do FINE!” she screamed and stormed into the bedroom. Pulling out clothes from the closet she threw them in a spare Kate Spade bag lying on the floor.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m giving you and the mother of your child all the privacy you need and vacating the premises. Maybe the two of you would like to get reacquainted in my bed. Hmm, wouldn’t that be nice,” she grinded her teeth and forcibly zipped the bag shut, tossing it over her shoulder.

In the foyer Brittney was examining her stomach in the mirror with a gloating expression on her face. “Han…” Nick chased after her. “I’m not letting you leave. You’re not putting us through this again.”

She grabbed her purse of the table and reached for the door, “If ever you need to get a hold of me…DON’T!” she yelled and the door slammed tightly behind her.

The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manager. In all our trials born to be our friend.

Chappeau de Roquemaure's O Holy Night
Chapter 23
Lost in the Rain Main