
I don't know just how to feel
Wondering if this is even real
You told me to give it a try
You promised me you wouldn't say good-bye
But how do I trust when all I know is lies
I want to believe but that pain is all I see
There's so much at stake when my heart is lost in the wake
If there's no need to worry than why am I so weary
An opportunity to forget, live life with no regrets
I want to know that this is it
Questioning the hidden words behind your lips
Smothered with your soft kiss
Could there be something beyond this
But I'll have faith and break this vicious cycle
If only what you tell me is truly a miracle
Heavenly molding my heart folds into yours
Searching for the words to describe all the feelings I've suppressed inside
Forced to ignore, they've lost their way
Hidden where the anger's usually stored
Spinning in your arms I cling to something familiar
Your touch so forgotten to me since that long ago December
All those promises we made
Swearing this was not a mistake
It's be a while, things reversed but now they're returning
I lie here beside you, my lingering touch yearning

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