Chapter 32

Hannah quietly closed the door behind her as she stepped into the hall. “Nick you will call once you get there?”

“Of course I’ll call,” he assured noticing her worried face, “Are you going to be alright?” he asked.

“Of course,” she said shoving her hands deep into her pockets, “Why would you ask that?”

“I don’t know, you just seem a little on edge. How did things go with your mother last night? When I came back she was already asleep.”

“Oh, well we talked a little,” she paced around, “I told her that she needed to get help and she agreed. I just hope she listens.”

“I think she will, did you see her eyes when she realized that she was drunk during the accident? That really sunk in, I have faith that she’ll follow through and get the help that she needs. And we’ll be there for her every step of the way.” She was now across the hall staring out a window at a crowded parking lot. Nick walked up behind her and brushed his hand across her shoulder, “Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Yes,” she smiled turning around. “I’m just fine…so stop worrying,” she fixed the collar of his shirt, “You really do worry too much.”

“That,” he took hold of her hands, “is my job.” He glanced at his watch, “Oh, looks like it’s about that time…I better get going.”

“Ok, send my love to everyone,” she rose up to kiss him.

“I will…you have my word. And you have my numbers…so call me, anytime day or night if you need me. I’m just a plane ride away.”

“Stop worrying!” she whined, “I’m going to be fine…honest.”

They said their good byes and parted with a farewell kiss. Hannah stood waiting at the window until she saw Nick drive off in his cab to the airport. She gave a small waive but he didn’t see her. Sighing she returned to her mother’s side. ‘This is going to be fine…my mother and I will be fine,’ she tried to convince herself.

“What’s the matter Hannah?” her mom spoke up, she wasn’t asleep afterall.

“Nothing mom,” she patted her hand, “everything’s fine. Now you get your rest, we’ll have plenty of time to talk later.”

As her mother drifted back off to sleep Hannah thought thinking of how her life had changed so much in such a short time, since she’d met Nick. ‘I’ve lost my father, my mother’s an alcoholic, she was in a car accident…and I’ve fallen in love for the first time,’ she winced at the thought of the last one, ‘wow, things really have changed.’ The thought of being in love, honestly, scared her. She had built her life around her family, around her stubborn nature. She had always told herself that she didn’t need a man, that those couples in the park all goo-goo and gaga over each other were just ridiculous. ‘I’ve turned into my own worse enemy,’ she laughed.

But she couldn’t help but remember all the good Nick had brought to her life. It scared her, but she really did appreciate, and even enjoy, the stability and strength he gave her. She knew that he would be there for her no matter what, and that gave her all the more confidence in herself. ‘If it weren’t for Nick I never would have called UCLA, I would still be stuck in this small town with no hope of getting out.’ He had given her the courage to open up to the world again, and that is something that she would never forget. He helped her find herself…he taught her how to love, and for that she was forever grateful.

The sound of the door opening jolted her out of her long train of though. “Oh, Dr. Meadows, good morning.”

“How is she?” he asked checking her vitals.

“She’s looking better, there’s a lot more color to her face.”

“That there is, I think I’m going to down her medication today, she seems to be doing quite well. She just needs to keep getting her rest and I think we can get her home by Tuesday.”

“Tuesday? But today’s Friday…are you sure that’s enough time?”

“Yes, I think by Tuesday she’ll be in peak condition. I could send her home today but we need to monitor her condition. She’s responding remarkably well. We were lucky.”

“That’s my mom alright, always hanging on,” she smiled. “Do you think she’s ready to get out of bed, I’d like to take her for a little walk around the hospital floor.”

“Oh sure, just don’t push it too much the first time. Actually it’d probably be safest to put her in a wheelchair at first…and work from there. I’ll have the orderly bring one up for you.”

“That would be great, I think she’d enjoy getting out a little bit today.”

“Yes, and it would be good for her. Where did your friend go? I’d like for you to go home for a little while and rest, you’ve been here every minute.”

“Nick…he left this morning for his best friend's wedding. He’ll be back on Sunday.”

“Oh I see,” the doctor nodded his head, “would you feel comfortable leaving your mother? You really do need to think of yourself too.”

“Well I suppose a couple hours wouldn’t hurt, Nick left his car for me here…but I’d feel better knowing someone was with her.”

“I can’t promise that someone could sit with her every minute but I can arrange for a nurse or two to take shifts…of course they’d have to attend to another patient in case of an emergency.”

“OK, I guess I’d feel safe leaving her for a few hours this evening...during her nap or something.”

“Great, and 24 hour room service is your friend. You can order for both yourself and your mother, she’s ok to eat solid food now. Just don’t load her up with burritos, maybe a grilled cheese sandwich and soup to start. Well, I have to finish my rounds now…I’ll be back to check up on her around 2.”

“Ok, and thanks so much Dr. Meadows. You’ve been so wonderful.”

“It’s my pleasure,” he smiled, “and I’ll have the wheelchair sent up to you right away.”

Suddenly Hannah felt naked with the way he was looking at her, “Umm, that’d be nice. Well I won’t keep you any longer, you have other patients to tend to.”

“It’s no problem honest, but I’ll leave you with your mom now.”

Shutting the door behind him Hannah grimaced, ‘What the heck was that all about?’

Chapter 33
Crossing Paths Main