Chapter 27

After a full two weeks the large group gathered in the airport lobby to bid their farewells. Hannah, who had become so close with the other guys and their girlfriends, hugged and kissed each one separately. “Aww girl, I’m gonna miss you!” Leighanne squealed leaning in for her hug.

“What are you two fussing about?” Kevin laughed, “You’ll be back together in just a few days for my wedding.”

“I know I know,” Leighanne sighed, “But Hannah’s so much better company then Brain.”

“Oh thanks for the vote of confidence hon,” Brian gasped. They all laughed, gave their final good-byes, and departed to their separate gates.

Settling in their seats Hannah looked over at Nick, “I can’t believe it’s all over.”

“Oh don’t look so grim puppy face. There’ll always be more vacations, and like Kevin said there is a wedding coming up. Which means…you’ll get to shop for a new dress, your most favorite past time.”

“Ahhh what I have to go through for you,” Hannah moaned leaning on his shoulder.

Once through the terminal they took the shuttle to long-term parking to retrieve Nick’s car. In the crowded van Hannah sat on Nick’s lap as he tickled her sides. “I love tickling you, you’re such an easy victim,” Nick cackled.

It was a quiet and peaceful car ride. Nick hummed the new tracks he and the guys had written as Hannah fumbled with the radio. Content with each other they exited off the highway, Hannah oblivious as to which direction they were going.

“Wha…why’d you come here?” Hannah asked as Nick parked the car before her house.

“You said you’d settle things with your mother. No time like the present, come on sweets,” Nick unbuckled his seatbelt and hopped out of the car.

“But what about my car…it’s still at your house…”

“Stop stalling…we can take care of that later. Come on, git!” Hannah stuck her tongue out at him but hopped out of the car.

Once inside Hannah called out, “Mom?” Room by room they searched the whole house, “Well guess she’s not here. Too bad…” Hannah started towards the door only to be stopped by Nick.

“Now hold it there speedy, we can wait. We’ve got all the time in the world.” Hannah rolled her eyes and led him to the den. Flipping on the TV the two sat watching game and talk shows for one…two…three hours. Just as Hannah was about to nod off to sleep the phone rang.

Groggily she walked into the kitchen, “Hello?” she yawned into the receiver. “Oh my god…she…when…what…where?? OK I’ll be right there!” she slammed down the phone. Having overheard the conversation Nick made his way into the kitchen and worriedly stood in the doorway. “We have to go!” Hannah yelped grabbing her purse and starting to the door.

“OK but first calm down and tell me what’s going on.”

She pulled at her hair, “My mom…she…she’s…she was in an accident.” Nick took her arm and led the way out to the car. The car squealed as Nick sped down the residential street.

“What hospital?” he asked firmly gripping the wheel as Hannah shook in her seat.


Nick stopped directly before the Emergency entrance and cut the engine. The car doors slammed shut as the made their way through the sliding doors. “Sir! Get back here sir! You can’t just leave you’re car parked here!” an officer called after them.

“I’ll move it in a sec!” Nick yelled over his shoulder.

“Where’s my mother?! I need to see my mother” Hannah demanded at the front desk.

“Wow, calm down miss. What’s your mother’s name?” the nurse kindly asked. Hannah retorted her name and what brief information she had as the nurse quickly keyed away at her computer. “Alright, your mother’s in surgery right now. You can wait over there, a doctor will be out to talk to you as soon as possible,” the nurse directed.

“Is that it? Is that all you can tell me?” Hannah yelled. “I get a call saying my mother’s been in a head-on collision and all you can tell me is wait over there?”

“Look miss, I’m sorry. I wish I had more information for you. I’ll call to notify the surgeons that you’re here. In the meantime is there anything I can get you? You’re pretty shaken up.”

“Damn straight I’m shaken up! But no, just forget it…I’ll wait over there.” Hannah sat down coldly in the chair beside the magazine shelf. Nick made an apologetic look to the nurse and sat down beside her.

Rubbing her thigh he tried to calm her. “Everything’s going to be alright Hannah. I know it.” He wrapped his arm around her but she brushed it away. Rocking back and forth she stared directly ahead at the empty room.

“This is all my fault,” she breathed.

Nick winced, “No, don’t say that. You know that isn’t true.”

“Yes, Nick, it is” she replied with a clenched jaw. “If it weren’t for me my mother would have never been alone. She would have never gotten in that car drunk. Would have never lied on that operating table. And if she…if she dies in there it lies on me.”

“Don’t put the blame on yourself Hannah. You never meant for this to happen. You can’t control everything your mother does. You’re nineteen! This isn’t your fault. Besides stop writing off your mother as dead, she's gonna make it because she's strong. Gosh, you have to get your strength from someone!”

Hannah stood up and walked across the room to the window. Turning back, “You said it yourself Nick. I should have never left my mother! I knew she was drinking but still walked out! I wanted to go to college; I wanted to go to the Bahamas. Nevermind her! I was nothing but a selfish bitch. And who has to pay for it? Her!”

“You were just looking out for yourself. She did hit you remember? No one would blame you for leaving after that.”

“Maybe not, but for weeks? I haven’t spoken to her in over 3 weeks! She’s my family! You aren’t supposed to walk out on family. You’re to be at their side no matter what happens. This is all my fault. I should of been there for her…gotten the help she needed. But instead I was selfish.”

“Please stop beating yourself up over this. It’s only going to make you feel worse.”

“Sir are you going to move your car or not?” the police officer interrupted.

“Can’t you see we’re in the middle of an emergency here?”

“Yes, but so is everyone else. That doesn’t excuse you—“

“FINE! Then tow the damn thing see if I care. Right now my car is the last thing on my mind.”

The police officer shrugged his shoulders and turned to leave. “Nick just move the car. It won’t take more than 20 seconds,” Hannah pointed out.

“No I’m not leaving you here alone like—“

“I’ll be fine, just go.” Reluctantly Nick kissed her and left with the police officer to move the car. Watching the emergency doors slide shut Hannah slunk down in a chair. On the television the anchorman was reading off the top stories of the day but she didn’t really hear any of them. Instead she sat staring ahead at the doors that led to the operating rooms, praying for her mother’s life.

Chapter 28
Crossing Paths Main