Chapter 21

Nick traced the outline of Hannah’s face as she lay sleeping in her bed. “Good morning Hannah,” he whispered softly in her ear causing her to begin to shuffle in the sheets.

She opened her eyes to see Nick before her. “Aren’t you supposed to be in your own room...down the hall?” Hannah asked as she put her arms around his neck.

“I know, but no one’s up yet and I couldn’t resist taking a peak at this beautiful face,” Nick cupped his two hands around her chin. Hannah pulled him on top her and rolled over, pinning him down. She began to tickle him. “Stop...stop!” Nick uttered between laughs, “You’ll wake everyone up.”

“Oh all right, I’ll stop. But serves you right for getting me up at...” she turned to the clock, “7:30 in the morning.” Nick wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down to his side. They lay facing each other lacing their hands together.

“We’ve certainly come a long way,” Nick said. Hannah smiled and nodded her head and gave him a series of small kisses.

“It’s a miracle you put up with me like you did. I was just horrible to you.”

“True, but boy are you worth it. That night on the beach when I found you crying, I knew under all that attitude was the most remarkable person I’ve ever met..." his eyes met her’s, “you bring new meaning to the word perfect.” Speechless Hannah gathered Nick’s hands and kissed them. Nick laid flat and pulled her onto his chest. There they laid listening to the seagulls out the window. “I know this probably a little late to ask, but you don’t have a boyfriend do you?”

The two laughed but Hannah looked at him seriously, “I don’t know, do I?” Nick squeezed her tightly and kissed her. “Yes Nick, I think I do have a boyfriend.” The two continued to kiss each other and whisper sweet nothings until 9 when they heard voices downstairs. Smiling at each other they stood up and walked down to see everyone.

In the kitchen Aaron was pleading with his mother, “Mom pleease, we haven’t been in so long.” Jane shook her head and explained that she had far too many things to do. “Then just drop me and Angel off...we’ll be fine on our own. We’ll even call one of those bulky bodyguards if you want...even though they give me the creeps!”

“Where do you wanna go AC?” Nick asked his brother while standing behind Hannah with both hands wrapped around her waist. He kissed the top her head. Jane eyed him and he gave her a wink, and she returned to her cooking with a smile on her face.

“Disney Land, but wait...the two of you hooked up? Since when?” Aaron now directed his attention to his brother.

“Since last night. I’m up for Disney Land, are you Hannah?” he asked leaning around her to look in her eyes, she nodded. “So why don’t you let Hannah and I take them mom? Hannah’s never been there before.” Jane contemplated Nick’s suggestion for a moment and decided that it would be alright, on one condition, they take a bodyguard along with them.

“Sounds fine to me!” Aaron boasted, “How soon can you two be ready?” he asked Nick.

“Oh I don’t know, 30 mintues maybe.”

Aaron ran off, “Angel...we’re going!”

Nick and Hannah sat town at the kitchen table and Jane placed their breakfast, of strawberry pancakes, before them. “You’re such a wonderful cook,” Hannah cheered, “I can’t remember the last time I’ve had so much homemade food.” Finishing their breakfast, Nick played footsie with Hannah under the table. After they cleared their dishes and dressed, Aaron, Leslie, Nick, Hannah, and the bodyguard all piled into Jane’s car...for a funfilled day at Disney Land.

“I can’t believe that after I get back from this vacation I have only four days before I fly off to the Bahamas. I haven’t left town this much since, well..never!” Hannah grabbed hold of Nick’s arm as they walked through the crowds. Nick was asked for a large number of autographs during the day, the bodyguard drew more attention to them. Just as they were about to step in line for one of the rides Nick told the bodyguard to watch after Aaron and Angel while he spent some alone time with Hannah. They’d meet them at closing time by the entrance to the park. Reluctantly the bodyguard listened to him, and Nick took Hannah by the waist and directed her towards a more quiet part of the park.

Nick rowed the boat as Hannah laid down taking pleasure in her surroundings. “You know I never thought a man-made lake could be so beautiful,” she said.

“I never thought a girl could ever be as beautiful as you. And I definitely thought I’d never love one as much.” Nick’s eyes twinkled as he saw her skin start to flush.

“Suck up!” she retorted back at him. “It’s so’re always coming up with these enchanting ways to flatter me and I, the future journalist, am left speechless...completely unable of delivering a response.

“Well that’s the beauty of it all, you don’t have to say anything. All you have to do is sit there. I on the other hand...” he trailed off as she leaned forward to kiss him. Nick slid his hand behind her neck and pushed her face against his. His hands ran up and down her body. They were so wrapped up in one another, the whole world drifted away and there was nothing but Nick and Hannah. In a state of oblivian the two trailed their tongues along the other’s mouth. As their bodies moved together the boat careened into a pile of brush shaking them apart. “See what you do to me?” Nick asked, but was answered by Hannah yanking him back down on her. “Just leave it,” she whispered.

Chapter 22
Crossing Paths Main