Chapter 4

There was nothing Chelsea enjoyed more then the drive home from work. She was able to completely unwind. Lighting herself a cigarette she turned up the radio. As her favorite song came to an end next was the sound of Nick’s voice. Tampa’s golden boy. “God, can he ever go away?” she groaned switching the station.

Pulling into her driveway she stopped behind her mother’s car. Yes. Her mother. Cautiously she went inside to hear Nick and her laughing. “Hi,” she said setting down her purse and keys.

“Oh darling! You’re home!” her mother squealed and embraced her into a hug. Chelsea’s eyes wandered to Nick who was sipping a beer. “We’re waiting for the cookies. I made Nick’s favorite.”

“But why mom?” it never seized to annoy her the way her mother loved Nick. She absolutely adored him.

“Why? Well just look at him. Look like you haven’t fed him in ages…”

“I assure you, Nick’s capable of feeding himself.” He just sat there smiling as Glynda, Chelsea’s mom, pinched his cheek. Now, this was nauseating.

“Nick, do you mind helping me in the other room with something?” she asked trying to be polite enough to hide the anger behind her words.

“Sure,” he nodded and stood up finishing his cookie. “Be right back Glynda,” he told her before leaving the room behind Chelsea.

“What in the world are you doing?” Chelsea asked infuriated.

“Spending time with your mother,” Nick answered. “Is that a problem?”

“Yes it’s a problem. She is my mother! Not yours. You have no business inviting her over.”

“Well, I got lonely and she’s always great company. Besides, I’ve been craving those cookies of hers for so long now.”

“Oh you are so childish!” Chelsea hollered.

“I’m childish? Funny,” Nick faked a laugh. He just stood there rocking back and forth on his feet to agitate her as best as he could. God, she looked sexy right then. “Maybe you should go in there and talk to your mom instead of standing here yelling at me. Don’t be rude.”

“Don’t you dare try to lecture me on my manners,” she snapped and walked back into the kitchen.

“I can’t believe you forgot to tell me that you and Nick are back together!” Glynda squealed and Chelsea just shook her head.

“We’re not together. Nick’s decided that he wants to invest my house. Trust me, this is by no means a reconciliation.”

“Oh darling, don’t be so harsh on him. Nick’s absolutely adorable and so sweet. You know he bought me this fabulous necklace I have on in Italy! He gave it to me as a surprise gift.” Oh great, Chelsea thought. He’s trying to bribe her mother with gifts. Nick was all too good at bribing people with gifts. She knew, she’d been there many times.

“I think I’m gonna run to the store and grab some salmon for dinner,” Chelsea interrupted and grabbed her purse. “You don’t mind if I take your truck do you Nick?” she asked picking up his keys.

“Of course not,” he assured her. “Go right ahead. We’ll just be here catching up more,” he smiled. “Take as much time as you need.”

“Great,” she smiled and left the two of them in the kitchen. Outside she started his truck and put it into reverse. Checking the rearview mirror she looked for something to ram it up against…hard. Perfect, a tree. Pressing her foot hard on the accelerator there was a huge crash as the truck collided into the tree. Oh pity for crushed metal.

Seconds later Nick and her mother came flying out of the house. “What in the hell?!” Nick yelled as Chelsea stepped out of the car. Turning to shrug at the damage.

“Oops,” she smiled faintly.

“Oops?” he asked. “You just rammed my truck into a tree! Are you blind?”

“I’m sorry,” she gave a short apology. Walking up to him she handed him the keys. “I think I’ll be taking my car after all but thanks...”

“Chelsea?” Glynda stopped her. “Are you ok?”

“Yea,” she answered. “Thanks for asking. Glad to know someone finds me more important then a hunk of metal,” she sneered, directing her eyes to Nick.

“Oh you know damn well that I care about you more then my truck,” Nick retorted. “You hit that tree on purpose,” he told her matter of factly. “Don’t think I’m stupid.”

“I can’t believe you’d accuse me of something like that!”

“Yea Nick,” Glynda interceded. “That was uncalled for. Accidents happen.”

Fuming Nick just shook his head and closely examined his truck. He knew she was good at playing games but he didn’t think she’d do something so absurd as purposely crashing his car. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “Forgive me. Do you want some company at the store?” he asked trying to forget the whole thing happened and pretend that he wasn’t upset about his truck.

“No,” she shook her head. “You two stay here. I won’t be long.”

Hopping into her car she left the two standing in the driveway without looking back. Nick watched her car drive down the street and he turned to face Glynda. “I’m sorry for acting like that.”

“It’s alright,” she accepted his apology. “Everyone has ways of handling situations. I know that you are more concerned about Chelsea then you’re truck. But honestly Nick, if the two of you aren’t back together why would you antagonize her by moving in?”

“Because I’m tired of living my life like there’s no tomorrow. Chelsea matters to me more than anything and I can’t stop forgetting that there’s a future. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. When she left me she was totally right to do what she did, but I have to prove to her that she’s wrong to give up on me. I love her and I’m not gonna let it end at that.”

“Well,” she sighed. “I suppose I can’t insult your determination. Although, I do think there are better ways to win back her affections then moving into her home. Instead of coming off as caring you’re gonna come off as pushy.”

“Oh, I’m not pushing her.” He stopped, “I’m just trying to let her know that one way or another I’m never letting go.”

There were too many mistakes he’d made in the past. Too many other girls he’d invited to his bed when he only had one on his mind. He had been wrong to do all that he’d done to her, he knew that better then anyone, and he needed to prove to himself and to her that he was a different and better person.

The two had split up after Chelsea confronted him about all his side affairs. Though, he had always thought there was something else to it. She honestly didn’t seem that upset about the other girls but he could never figure out exactly what it was that caused her to change so much. To turn away from him the way that she had. He’d always suspected that she knew about the other girls and just didn’t care but then she up and left him and it seemed like no matter what explanation she gave it didn’t fit.

Not that it mattered what tore them apart anyway because all that mattered now was what was going to bring them back together.

Chapter 5
Cardboard Boxes Main