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Twinkles sez: "Lookit da purrty sunset! (gasp!) How luffley to see! I can't wait till da stars come out. Dey will shine like diamonds out here on da ocean!"
Yogi sez: "Now aren't mew glad mew decided to come even though mew didn't haf a date?"
Twinkles sez: "Yes, thank mew fur being my escort. I wouldn't haf missed dis pawtee fur anyfing!"
SnowPuff sez: "See how da water sparkles from da sun on da waves!"
Sissy sez: "It's furry bootifur. Dis was a luffley place to haf a new year's eve party."
SnowPuff sez: "Yes, and mew know what happens at midnight, don't mew?"
Keedie sez: "No, what happens?"
Jackie sez: "We all turn back into pumpkins maybe? mol! (snicker)"
SnowPuff sez: "No silly kitties, at midnight when da clock strikes twelve, all da couplez whisker kiss to welcome in da mew year."
Sissy sez: "Oh, how romantic! (sigh!)"
Jackie sez: "How furry charming!"
Left to right: Sissy, SnowPuff, Keedie, Jackie, Yogi, Twinkles.

Clarisse sez: "Oh, Boo Boo! What a surprise! I didn't know mew owned a yacht! Iz mew a rich kitty?"
Boo Boo sez: "Yes, I own dis boat, but don't go mewin around dat I iz a rich kitty. I don't want no bad kitties comin and bonkin me on da head to steal my fings. mol. Keep dis a secret between us, okay?"
Clarisse sez: "I understand. I won't tell no kitty dat mew iz a rich kitty. But I luff dis pawtee. Da water and da stars make dis a purrfect night. Tank mew fur invitin me."
Boo Boo sez: "My pleasure, Clarisse. Kitties, are mew all hafing a gud time?"
Peaches sez: "Yes, tank mew, dis iz a wonderpurr pawtee!"
Snowey sez: "Yes, and dis be a furry fine boat. I wood luff to haf a boat like dis."
Misty sez: "Mew don't need a boat fur us to haf fun together, Snowey. I always enjoy mewr company, no matter where we go together."
Snowey sez: "Mew are so sweet, Misty! Purrrrrrrr...."
Patches sez: "Dere must be a zillion starz out tonight. It's furry luffley."
Pepe sez: "I can't believe dis is da last night of dis year already!"
Puffer sez: "Da time sure flies, doesn't it..."
Nic sez: "Has anyone seen Keedie?"
Sheik Ollie Babble sez: "I fink I saw her wif Jackie awhile ago watching da sunset."
Bitsy sez: "When do we eat? I iz getting so furry hungry!"
Boo Boo sez: "Dinner will be served in a few minutes, mewr highness. Purrlease be patient. Dere's plenty fur every kitty."
Bitsy sez: "Okay, but hurry. I can't live all night on fresh air and fish scents from da ocean."
Boo Boo sez: "(grumble grumble) Yes, mewr highness.....(grumble grumble)"
Left to right rear standing: Peaches, Patches, Clarisse, Boo Boo, Snowey, Misty, Queen Bitsy, Sheik Ollie Babble.
Left to right front seated: Nicolas Cage, Puffer, Pepe.

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