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LRV-700 Land Reconnaissance Veritech Car

The LRV serves the same purpose as always, a recon veritech able to run on both protoculture and gasoline, but now the mecha has been upgraded for Rifts Earth, including the Ion Cannon has been upped in terms of damage. The LRV has become a favorite of among Cyclone Riders that are seperated from the base and city for long term recon.
Vehicle Typer: Transformable Veritech Car
Crew: One, with three passengers in the back and one in the shotgun seat.
M.D.C. by Location: *See Robotech Book Eight: Strike Force, pg. 12
**See Robotech Book Eight: Strike Force, pg. 12
***See Robotech Book Eight: Strike Force, pg. 12

Running: 70mph
Leaping: 100ft, 400ft w/ a thruster leap.
Flying: Not possible.
Transport Mode: 300mph, but can only be maintained for 20 minutes, after which the car must slow down to atleast a crusing speed of 220mph for a minimum of 30 minutes.
Height: 5.8ft in Car mode, 16ft in Battloid Mode.
Width: 6.6ft in Car mode, 8.6ft in Battloid Mode.
Length: 18ft in Car Mode, 7ft in Battloid.
Weight: 6 tons
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. of 50
Cargo: The LRV-700 can carry two Cyclones in the trunk now, and these Cyclones are not ejected when it transforms to Battloid.
Power System: Standard Protoculture/Fusion engine.
Market Cost: Not available! The REF does not sell any of these mecha in order to keep the secrets of Robotechnology to themselves. But would cost around 80 million credits if available.


1. MEDIUM-RANGE MISSILES: The MRM system is left unchanged.

2. RAPID FIRE ION CANNON: Mounted on the right arm of the battloid is an upgraded ion cannon that draws power from the engine of the veritech. The weapon cannot fire in Car Mode.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Mega-Damage: 2d4x10+8 per burst.
Range: 4,000ft
Rate of Fire: Bursts equal to the number of attacks of the pilot.
Payload: Unlimited.
3. HAND TO HAND COMBAT: Identical to Vindicator COmbat, except is +3 to dodge in car mode and cannot fly.
