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Revised SDF-3 "Pioneer"

Revised SDF-3 "Pioneer"

In 105 P.A., the REF began refitting the SDF-3 with new weapon systems, armour, and mecha. In 107 P.A. the refit was completed and the SDF-3 was once again ready for anything. For original statistics on the SDF-3, check Sentinals pg. 150-160


Vehicle Type: Space; space fold command carrier.
Crew: Remains the same.
Troops: Remains the same.


Veritech Fighters: 1211 total 5000 Cyclones (various models, mostely the new VR-1XX series)
Destroids: (All are upgraded) Special Complement of Full Size Zentraedi Mecha Vehicles of Note: Remains the same.

M.D.C. by Location:

* See Sentinals pg. 150
** See Sentinals pg. 150

Speed: Remains the same for everything.
Maximum Range: Still the same.
Length: 5322ft (about 1 mile)
Height: 1190ft
Width: 924ft
Main Engine: Reflex Protoculture Furance.
Gravity Control System: Internal and External.


1. DS-2 Full Barrier System: Remains the same, only the maximum M.D.C. is 120'000, and regenerates 20,000 M.D.C. per hour.

2. DS-1 Pinpoint Barrier Defense System: See Sentinals pg. 100-101

3. Forty-Eight (48) Dual-Barrel Heavy Laser Turrets now line the top, bottom, and sides of the SDF-3. Two can be found on each of the dome hangars, 10 on the nose of each main gun (forward section) and the rest distributed around the ship. Each turret can rotate 360 degrees with an 180 degree arc of fire.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Warship
Secondary Purpose: Heavy Assault
Range: 100,000 miles in an atmosphere, 200,000 miles in space
Mega-Damage: 1d6x100 M.D. per shot, 2d6x100 M.D. per dual blast
Rate of Fire: Each laser can fire twice per melee round
Payload: Unlimited

4. Twenty-Four (24) Missile Bays: Are the same. See Sentinals pg. 152

5. LA-5 Laser Cannons (Laser Arms): The LA-4 laser antenna have been replaced with the more powerful LA-5 lasers.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Spacecraft
Range: 150,000 miles in atmosphere, 300,000 miles in space.
Mega-Damage: 2d6x1000 each
Rate of Fire: Each of the four LA-5 lasers can fire once per melee.
Payload: Unlimited.

6. Retractable Laser Turrets (72): During her redesign retractable laser turrets were added to the SDF-3 to provide better protection against attacks from Rifts mecha. These lasers were placed at strategic positions along the hull and were primarily intended for anti-mecha defense, but can do moderate damage against any enemy spacecraft that get too close. When not in use the gun turrets are concealed within the hull underneath a sliding hatch. At most 24 lasers can be brought to bear on a single target.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
Range: 30 miles (48.3 km) in an atmosphere, 60 miles (96.6 km) in space
Damage: 1D6x20 M.D. each. Several lasers can be directed to fire in volleys of 3 or more. A volley of 3 beams does 3D6x20 M.D., a volley of 6 beams does 6D6x20 M.D., and so on. A full volley of 24 beams aimed at a single target does 4D6x120 M.D. (!) if it hits.
Rate of Fire: Each laser can fire once per melee, and can be combined in any volley combination of 3 or more lasers, up to 24 lasers. Volleys can be directed at different targets.
Payload: Unlimited.
NOTE: The lasers can be set on automatic during combat, during which time they have a +2 to strike due to their advanced tracking systems. The lasers tracking systems will target incoming missiles first and attacking mecha/aircraft second.

7. Main Guns/Reflex Cannons: Remain the same. See Sentinals pg. 152
Note: All SDF-3 Notes and Floor plans remain the see, See Sentinals pg. 152-60
