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CVS Prometheus III

Since the REF is currently occupying coastal territory and an island in the Pacific, they have seen the need to develop naval vessels for defense. So they ressurected the plans for the old Daedalus & Prometheus and upgraded them. The Prometheus III is mainly meant to be used in conjunction with the SLV Daedalus III, but due to the fact the REF has to guard the seas on two fronts these ships are seperated. Like the Daedalus, the armour & waepons have been upgraded, and a PPB system added. This ship also is fully outfitted with Veritech Alpha & Beta Fighters, Veritech Submarines, Cyclones, and REF Destroids.
Vehicle Type: Submersible Aircraft Carrier
Crew: 300 Officers, 5590 ships crew (including soldiers, medical, mechanics and operations), 214 Veritech Pilots, 724 Destroid Pilots, 632 Cyclone Riders, 138 Aircraft Pilots. Total: 7,558. Plus can accomodate an additional 1,249 crew members on special assignment.
Mecha Complement:
Veritechs: 107 total
30 VAF-6 Alpha Fighters, 5 VAF-7A Shadow Alphas
15 VBF-1 Beta Fighters, 5 VBF-1S Shadow Betas
10 VAF-8 Alpha Fighters
5 VBF-2 Beta Fighters
4 VAF-9 Alpha Fighters
3 VBF-3 Beta Fighters
20 VF Series Veritechs, 3 Super Units, 6 Armour Systems.
20 VS-001X Veritech Submarines
Destroids: 259 total
69 Excalibers
42 Gladiators (plus 26 for internal security)
81 Raider X
33 Spartans
8 M.A.C. III's
Cyclones: 500 total
50 Battler IIs
50 Super Sabers
50 Samsons
100 Fireflies
50 Protectors
200 Dolphins
Aircraft: 69 total
30 Falcon Fighter Jets
3 Cats Eye Recons
25 Commancheros
11 Sea Sergeants
Other Vehicles:
2 Mini-Subs (2 man); M.D.C. 200
2 Six Man Subs; M.D.C. 440
24 Torpedoe Sleds
42 Small Cargo Trucks
18 Large Cargo Trucks
72 Jeeps
8 Fuel Tankers (trucks)
300 Inflatable Life Rafts

M.D.C. by Location

*See Robotech Book 2: RDF Manual, pg. 18
**See Robotech Book 2: RDF Manual, pg. 19
***See Robotech Book 2: RDF Manual, pg. 19
****The pinpoint barrier field continually renews itself; see description.

Speed: 40 knots, above or underwater.
Statisical Data:
Height: 230ft
Width: 298ft
Length: 1,679.8ft
Weight: Displacement tons: 263,000 tons fully loaded and 277,000 tons dived
Maximum Depth: 1.2 miles
Main Engine: Protoculture/Fusion Reactor
Secondary Engine: (8) Geared Turbines

Weapon Systems

1. Forward Torpedoes: Long Range Torpedo Launchers.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
Range: 20 miles
Mega-Damage: 4d6x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Up to 6 torpedoes per launcher can be fired per melee.
Payload: Has a 1,000 onboard torpedo stock pile.

2. Depth Charges Are used against other submarines and underwater assaults. They are high explosive canisters which detonate at a preset depth or upon contact. They are not missiles and do not dart throught the water.
Primary Purpose: Assault/Anti-Submarine
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 2d4x10 each
Maximum Depth: 1.5 miles
Rate of Fire: A total of 4, 8, 12, 16, or 20 per melee
Payload: A total of 40 depth charges are ready for launching at all times. An additional 40 can be readied with one minute (4 melees), and every 4 minutes thereafter. A total of 300 are stockpiled.

3. Wide-angle, rapid fire, double barrel laser cannon turrets: Controlled by an advanced targeting/radar, reflex system. The reflex targeting system can identify and track up to 80 different targets withing a 80 mile range. It will automatically engage any enemy targets which enter its range of fire. Each turret can swivel 180 degrees side to sie, and 90 degrees up and down.
Bonuse: +3 to strike
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Anti-aircraft/anti-assault vessel.
Mega-Damage: 2d4x10 per burst
Range: 8 miles
Rate of Fire: Each turret has 8 bursts per melee
Notes: There are 10 laser turrets rimming both sides of the vessel.
Combining Attacks: See Robotech Book 2: RDF Manual, pg. 20 for details
Payload: Unlimited

4. Falcon Sprint Missile System (20): Missile launchers are mounted above each of the twenty, reflex, laser cannon turrets. Unlike the turrets, these long range missiles can be set to react by reflex or, manually controlled. Each missile launcher is linked to the laser turret radar targeting system, as well as the ship's long range tracking system system. The missle launchers are able to make full, 360 degree rotations, with a 180 degree arc up and down.
Bonuses: Standard fo missiles (Reflex Missiles are most commonly used).
Primary Purpose: Defense/Anti-air
Secondary Purpose: Assault
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type, most commonly used are Plasma (x-heavy), Proton Torpedo (heavy), and on rare occasions small ammounts of Nuclear (heavy and medium). All are used with Reflex Systems (see the REF Missile Table). All are LONG RANGE missiles.
Range: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, or 10.
Payload: Each of the twently, Flacon Sprint Missile Launchers can fire a total of 10 missiles per melee. One melee is required to fully reload. The actual payload is effectively unlimited (technincally, there are 12,000 rounds).
Combining Attacks: See Robotech Book 2: RDF Manual, pg. 20 for details

5. Short Range Falcon Missile System (12) is mounted between each laser/long range missile system. The short range Falcon Missile System is built into a rotating launch canister that can instantly rotate 360 degrees around, and 180 degrees up and down. Like its larger brother, this missile defense system can be placed on independent reflex control, or manual.
Bonuses: +1 to normal missile strike for increased reaction response.
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft defense
Secondary Purpose: Assault
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type, most commonly used are High Explosive (x-heavy), Armour Piercing (heavy), or Plasma (heavy).
Range: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 per melee. Reloading is almost instant taking a mere 5 seconds.
Payload: Each of the twelve missile canisters holds 8 missiles. The payload is effectively unlimited (techincally, 19,200 SRMs are available).
Combining Attacks: See Robotech Book 2: RDF Manual, pg. 20 for details

NOTE: The Floor plans and sensors remain identical, see Robotech Book 2: RDF Manual, pg. 19-23.
