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VR-055R Devastator Cyclone

During the battle of Reflex Point, there was small number of amazingly powered Cyclones, known as the 'Devastators'. These Cyclones were basically a walking Artillery Unit. But during the Battle of Reflex Point, only 1 Devastator was taken to Rifts Earth. This Cyclone was maybe one of the biggest helps during the REF's trek across North America, it had seen near destruction hundreds and hundreds of times, but somehow it always survived. The Devastator has become a life saver on Rifts Earth, but producing it can be a bitch! The thing requires the materials equal to 1/2 an Alpha! The REF currently has a total of 250 Devastator Cyclones in it's entire forces.

Model: VR-055R Devastator
Class: 1st Generation M.O.S.P.E.A.D.A. Heavy Assault Unit
Crew: One

M.D.C. by Location:

Motorcycle Mode
Headlight: 5
Front Tire: 5
Rear Tire: 5
Storage Box (2): 2 each
Thrusters (rear): 75
*Main Body: 300

Battloid Mode
Tires (2, rear): 5
Thrusters (rear): 75
Tri-Barrel Ion Blaster (forearm): 120
Double Barrel Particle Beam (forearm): 120
Double Barrel Laser Cannon (shoulder): 120
Leg Shields (2): 150 each
Head: 90
*Main Body: 300
* Depleting the M.D.C. of the Main Body will shut the Cyclone down completely.

The Devastator Cyclone is compatible with all CVR armours. Usually is used with the CVR-4C.

The Devastator Cyclone is equiped with laser resistant ceramic armour, so lasers weapons only do HALF damage. This does NOT include any other energy attacks such as particle beams or ion blasts, nor does is help against explosives.


Motorcycle Mode:
Maximum Speed: 180mph
Cruising Speed: 80mph
Turbo Boost Fwd: 30ft horizontal
Turbo Boost Up: 15ft vertical

Battloid Mode:
Running: 30mph
Flying: 140mph
Leaping: 10ft
Thruster Leap: 50ft

Battloid:8ft (including Laser Shoulder mount), 7.6 feet without
Motorcycle: 4.1ft (including Laser mount), 3.7 without.

Battloid: 3.8ft
Motorcycle: 2.1ft

Battloid: 3.8ft (not including laser mounts or arm weapons)
Motorcycle: 6.3ft (including hub weapons)
Weight: 300lbs
Cargo: The VR-055R has detachable cargo boxes that are connected to the rear of the bike like saddle bags. The size of each container is 18 inches tall by 20 inches wider by 18 inches deep. A passanger can also ride seated behind the drive. The VR-055R can hold 300lbs in addition to the rider. Reduce maximum speed by 20% for every additional 50lbs over the limit and add -1 to dodge.
Unlike it's predecessors, the storage boxes of this Cyclone do NOT drop off when they convert to battloid mode. Instead, the boxes are shifted to the lower back, just below the thruster packs and covering the butt of the pilot. The passanger, however, isn't so lucky...

Main Engine: FF-600 Fusion/Protoculture Engine
Range: 4 protoculture cells will power the Cyclone for approximately 12 months before needing refueling. The back up system can operate on 2 cells for 6 months at no penelty. Constant flying will drain the protoculture cells twice as quickly for all models. As a final backup, the Cyclone can run on fusion power alone for up to 200 miles on a full tank of fuel, but maximum speed is reduced 15% and constant flying is impossible. The fusion engine runs off hydrogen, so any hydrogen-rich liquid (like water or ammonia) can be used for fuel.

Weapon Systems

1. GR-170 Leg Launchers (2): These missile launchers were basically the predecessor to the GR-187. The VR-055R Devastator comes automatically equipped with a pair of GR-170s. These weapons are built into the lower leg shields in battloid mode, and in the lower back of the Cyclone in Motorcycle mode. The missiles can only be fired in battloid mode.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Mecha
Missile Type: Any type of REF Mini-Missle, including plasma
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: One or two at a time
Range: Varies with missile type; 20ft to 1 mile
Payload: 3 missiles per each launcher for a total capacity of 6.
3. Dual-Laser Cannon: This is just the beginning of the Devastators awesome weapon system. The laser cannon is basically a dual-barrel weapon, which is mounted on the handle bars in Motorcycle, and on the Shoulder in Battloid. This weapon is one that CANNOT be alternated for another. Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armour
Mega-Damage: 1d6x10 per dual blast, or 5d6 per single blast.
Rate of Fire: 3 blasts per melee
Range: 3000ft
Payload: The Laser cannon draws power from the cyclone, so it is effective unlimited as long as it remains attached to the Cyclone.
4. Dual Particle Beam Cannon: This may be one of the deadliest cyclone weapons in the REF. It is an extreamly long (4ft) double barreled weapon. It is mounted on the hub of the Cyclone in motorcycle, and on the forearm in Battloid. Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armour
Mega-Damage: 2d4x10 M.D. per dual blast, or 1d4x10 per single blast
Rate of Fire: 1 blast per melee
Range: 6000ft, but cannot be used against targets closer than 500ft.
Payload: The Particle Beam Cannon draws power from the Cyclone, so it is effectively unlimited as long as it remains attached to the Cyclone.
NOTE: This weapon can be broken down into smaller parts and stored in the Cyclone storage boxes.
3. Tri-Barrel Ion Blaster: This weapon is much like a scaled down version of the Beta's Ion Cannons. It is a rapid fire weapon that can fire fast, and damage mutliple areas of one target. This weapon is mounted on the hub in Motorcycle, and on the forearm in Battloid. Primary Purpose: Anti-Infantry
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armour
Mega-Damage: 2d6 M.D. short burst, 4d6 medium burst, 1d4x10 full melee burst. Roll one extra random hit location for 4d6 M.D., and 2 extra for 1d4x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Up to 8 short bursts, or 4 medium bursts. (Full melee burst uses up the Cannons for the melee, but other weapons can still be used).
Range: 2000ft
Payload: Effectively Unlimited as long as it remains attached to the Cyclone.
NOTE: This weapon can be broken down into smaller parts and stored in the Cyclone storage boxes.
6. Hand to Hand Combat: Punch does 1d6 M.D., Kick does 1d6 M.D. (The VR-055R Devastator has an equivalent strength of P.S. 50), Leap Kick does 2d6 M.D., Body flip or Body Block does 1D4 M.D.

Standard Sensors and Equipment for the VR-055R

VR-055R Basic Bonuses One additional attack per melee
One additional attack at level six
One additional attack at level eleven
Critical strike same as pilot's hand to hand +2 to strike
+1 to parry
+1 to dodge
No bonus to leap dodge
+2 to roll w/ punch

VR-055R Combat Bonuses Two additional attacks per melee
One additional attack at level five
One additional attack at level ten
Critical strike same as pilot's hand to hand
+2 to strike
+2 to parry
+2 to dodge
+2 to leap dodge
+4 to roll w/ punch
