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Army of the Southern Cross
I love the ASC, I really do. The 15 Armies Theme and the cool Samurai-Esque body armour just pulled at a certain heart string...that and bigass Veritech Tanks, woohoo! Then of course there are the Logans and AJACs, nice pieces of work (despite what some people say about the AJACs). Unfortunatly Palladium got ALOT of stuff very very wrong. So horribly wrong. Don't even get me started on the LP Nightstalker deal, almost as bad as their mistake with the Oberth in Macross. This page will hold my own personal revisions, and if you look, there is a link to the WONDERFUL Southern Cross Recruitment Page, great for any Southern Cross enthusiast. Now lets see that material!
Army of the Southern Cross Battloid Revisions
Modular Veritech Weapon Systems
Real Life Weapons applied to Robotech
After the Fall of the UEG

Army of the Southern Cross Recruitment Manual NOTE I HAVE MADE NO CONTRIBUTIONS TO THIS PLACE WHATSOEVER AND HAVE NO CLAIM TO IT...though I may plan on it, hehe.
